>nintendo has topped two of the best games of all time in ONE year. With SEQUELS.



One last hurrah

>best games of all time

Jesus Christ, do Nintenbros actually believe this?

They actually decided to develop a concept for once rather than doing the exact same thing in a new suit. Obviously moreso with Zelda.

Just think about what this means for Prime 4. Just think about it for a moment.

Odyssey isn't out yet, it could be shit

BotW is good but not as good as OoT, that game is timeless. SMO looks cool as fuck though.

Nintendo sucks though

go ahead and find me one (1) game on the psx better than either of these games. seriously, try

>still playing neokikeshitendrumpf games
are you 12

>MFW trying to keep expectations low

OoT is still the best Zelda game though. It's severely overrated, like the franchise as a whole, but it's still the best. The series doesn't need a change to the formula, it needs a change to the setting, story, characters, and maybe even gameplay mechanics. The standard dungeon and key item routine is fine.

Mario Odyssey, on the other hand is a different story. It MIGHT top 64 if we're lucky, but it really cones down to how tight the controls feel, and that's something you might not be able to judge without playing firsthand.

ff7, ff8, ff9, syphon filter, mgs, etc

just go and google "games that came out in 98" and you'll see how wrong you really droid.


This is bait, right?

etc was a shit game

>Just think about what this means for Prime 4.
Think about what that means if they ever do a new F-Zero game

Stop being such a fucking hipster

>nintentoddlers are so retarded they wear their controllers on their feet while talking about how everyone else is wrong and these are the best games ever made.


>if they ever do a new F-Zero game


Damn. OP here, I can't refute this.

>The series doesn't need a change to the formula, it needs a change to the setting, story, characters, and maybe even gameplay mechanics. The standard dungeon and key item routine is fine.

Agreed. I think the worst parts of BotW was the lack of dungeon variety, tedious shrine and resource hunting making the game feel like work, and the removal of metroidvania elements.

well you tried user
I have no allegiance to any company user

>It MIGHT top 64
I think it will. The new trailer is just crazy.

I'm impressed with the level of detail they've gone into with everything.

>not inventing shit for the last 20 years is "level of detail" for ndorids.

I think my biggest grief stemmed from the lack of a sense of progression. Yeah, you get better items and junk, but your abilities are the same and there's no area you can suddenly access that you couldn't before.
The new trailer didn't show dick in terms of actual platforming though. It was mostly just showing off the games gimmick, which also seems anti imply that there won't be power-ups this time around because of the hat ability.

>The series doesn't need a change to the formula, it needs a change to the setting, story, characters, and maybe even gameplay mechanics. The standard dungeon and key item routine is fine.
Completely disagree, the series was already doing what you're describing and still stagnated because of it. They absolutely made the right choice to try something new with BotW, even if it may not be for everyone.

>The new trailer didn't show dick in terms of actual platforming
They're showing gameplay during treehouse. Still, not sure about powerups. Haven't seen any so far? I don't think they would throw it out but Nintendo likes to keep shit secret. We basically didn't know anything at all about Zelda so I think they're doing it again with SMO.

vectrex super OG

They saved up all their good ideas by not releasing any games for the past 3 years.

>the series was already doing what you're describing and still stagnated because of it
But they didn't. It's almost always been:
>Red-haired antagonist (mostly Ganon)
>Typical Link
>Usually some significant female character, usually either Tetra or Zelda
>Same old enemies we've been fighting for decades (bokoblins, moblins, oktoroks, keese, deku babas, etc.)
>Sword, bow, shield, bombs, and boomerang
>Muh triforce
Holy hell, try something different for a change.

Did Nintendo hire this many shills or is nu-Sup Forums just filled with tons of NintoddIers?

user if you can't see how each game had a different story, mechanics, characters, and even world then I simply don't know what to tell you.

why is the left a screenshot from star road

I just like how Nintendo is making their staple series try new things that actually work out for the best. BOTW changed up the formula and was amazing. S/M changed up the formula a little and they were good. Odyssey changes a lot and it also looks amazing.

6 shits on it

OP has no idea what is saying.

There are more sales because there are more people in this world + more marketing.

SM64 and Ocarina of Time are examples of amazing programming.

Open your eyes.

>mario culturally appropriating british, mexican, american and chef culture

Can't wait to be Amarican.

BOTW doesn't hold a candle to Ocarina of Time in terms of inventiveness. Yeah, sure, you can climb everything (which I'll even admit here is a damn fantastic bonus) but it's an incredibly lackluster game with a pitiful story and copy and pasted content.

Literally only three bosses (Yiga clan boss, Thunderblight, and the first form of Calamity Ganon) were even remotely interesting and each dungeon and shrine had the same assets and music.

Don't get me wrong, I still adore BOTW, but it doesn't come close to Ocarina of Time.

>Red-haired antagonist (mostly Ganon)
>Typical Link
>Usually some significant female character, usually either Tetra or Zelda
>>Same old enemies we've been fighting for decades (bokoblins, moblins, oktoroks, keese, deku babas, etc.)
>Sword, bow, shield, bombs, and boomerang
>Muh triforce

None of these things were ever problems. Holy shit never make a game please.

its cutscenes and hand holding, somehow they made pokemon

Nintendo Magic.

top kek

>The series doesn't need a change to the formula, it needs a change to the setting, story, characters, and maybe even gameplay mechanics. The standard dungeon and key item routine is fine.
That's why Majora's Mask is better than OoT tho

Which outfits would you guys wanna see? Crossing fingers for Dr. Mario.

>Which outfits would you guys wanna see? Crossing fingers for Dr. Mario.
Don't worry user, that will be in a future DLC(Only 5 bucks!). Please look forward to it

Odyssey looks good but isn't out yet so we can't make that call.
Your picture is a Mario 64 rom hack, not Mario 64.
OoT is better than BotW.

>tfw Nintendo actually fucking delivered with the Switch and is sending the 3DS out with a bang

Or locked behind the Dr. Mario amiibo.

user, if you can't see how miniscule those changes were to the overall lecture, then I can't help you either. There's a reason why games like Darksiders and Okami are so loved. They take Zelda and change everything except that core formula. You could argue, that they aren't quite as high quality as the Zelda franchise, but they've been ranked above many a Zelda game because the Zelda franchise has stagnated, and the formula isn't the problem. For what it's worth, I thought that Guardians were great and the shrines had a nice aesthetic, but they didn't go far enough with it. A regular Zelda game where you get spells to use on a Sheikah artifact while you explore magitek dungeons? That would definitely mix things up, especially if they drop some of the typical conventions of the series that I listed in the last post.

Well it almost took em 20 years to do it.

Majora's mask is great, but when it comes to content, it doesn't really stand up to OoT.

mario might be good, but BOTW is easily one of the worst in the series.

>Syphon Filter
End yourself.

their developers are passionate about what they do while western debs care only about virtue singaling and use their video games for it

New Prime and a remake of Metroid 2 make me feel optimistic. If nothing else they'll just remake one.

You're trying too hard.

Okami and Darksiders don't really use the dungeon formula though

Odyssey isn't even out yet.
BotW isn't as good/revolutionary as OoT.

Pepsiman 2 when?

What direction do you think they'll take it in user?

I'm thinking a large focus on multiplayer like in the DS versions - and that'll reflect in the campaign like every modern FPS, but the unique power ups is what'll be the new take. Changing how we move around in a 3D environment, like the morph ball was in prime 1. Or the grapple beam.

I don't know but you better believe Odyssey is day 1.

>Literally Mario: Banjo Edition
I've died and gone to heaven

>OoT is still the best Zelda game though
"Oh my god! Look at this massive landscape! It's so big! You can ride on Epona for hours! I mean, there's nothing to do but slash at a few infinitely spawning zombies and catch a few ghosts here and there, BUT IT'S SO BIG!"

That game was so fucking boring big and empty. Don't get me wrong, the dungeons were fantastic. I fucking loved them, but it wasn't enough to fill the open empty void of an overworld OoT was.

Majora's mask did a much better job. Every single location had something to do at some point. No wasted or empty space.

'Nam Mario from the Game & Watch game is a personal favorite of mine

They absolutely do