This was that last good Wolfenstein.
The new hollywood future wolfenstein series is pure shit. Don't ever trust swedes to make your games.
This was that last good Wolfenstein.
The new hollywood future wolfenstein series is pure shit. Don't ever trust swedes to make your games.
The New Order was good
yeah because the obssession with saying "natzees" isn't annoying as fuck...
>includes a free game
that game would be 5 dlcs each costing 20$ these days
ET is a better OW without the recycled map layouts
It's grindhouse/b-movie schlock, my dude.
Fuck off with your bad opinion.
I could get goosebumps just thinking about a [current year] RtCW:ET. Capped skills, unlockable we weapons and classes, shitty skins and "totally not P2W" cashshop shit everywhere.
You don't need to convince me, ET is, by far, my favorite team based FPS. It only lacked more official maps. Tried OW during the open beta and got bored of it as soon I've checked all the characters, that game is pure shit.
I agree with you 100%.
But alas, this is the shit modern ""gamers"" enjoy: watching stuff.
Wolfenstein 2009 > New Order
new order is a really good and fun game, old blood was even better than new order tbqh. back to Sup Forums.
I should've guessed
>nu-wolfenstein is bad muh nazis dindu nuffin wrong
No, not at all.
The only Wolfenstein ranking acceptable ranking:
RTWCW>TNO>TOB>09>WOLF3D>SOD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SOD Mission packs
gotta agree with this
I miss the wacky elements of old wolfenstein
get out of here nufag
You mean The Old Blood?
would you like a game where arabs of the 9/11 invasion war took over america and you played as a rebel group of who wouldn't shut the fuck about saying "" every 5 seconds in a conversation?
is Wolf: ET still populated?
ITT. nazi apologists pretend they've played any of the Wolfenstein games and say how shit New Order is
I would pretty much not give a shit about it, just like I did for TNO.
>pretend they've played any of the Wolfenstein games
you described yourself
ok well some people don't like that type of nagging. If you could stand, good for you.
>I hate how SJWs and FEMINAZIS get OFFENDED by EVERYTHING! Like go back to your safe spaces lol
I fucking hate right wingers so much.
All idealists are garbage.
People who claim to have beliefs, but who do nothing about them, just complain on the internet.
Extremes are always bad.
literally nobody mentioned any of that garbage before you
kill yourself you worthless piece of shit
youre in the wrong thread, copy pasta numale
was he gay?
Luckily they're generally rejects of society unless you live in the gimmegimme welfare states who continue to vote Republican. They're all just really stupid.
An effeminate fuccboi, but not gay.
>swedish "wolfenstein"
not wolfenstein
>An effeminate fuccboi,
so a closet homo?
I like the Starbreeze Design for shooters since Escape from Butcher Bay, and the The New Order creators are mostly ex Starbreeze designers and programmers. The only complain I have with TNO is that the gameplay doesn't really fit the way they tell their story, they did that similar dark and gritty tone with The Darkness a lot better, I can't take talk about the cruelty of war and killing serious in a world with mecha nazi robodogs and with glorious killing moves, but besides from that I liked it.
There has literally never been a bad Wolfenstein game.
is this worth destroying?
why does BJ want to ruin a completly functional society?
remember all the civilians who's lifes will be ruined
High chance, I just now remembered he picks you out in the Nazi camp. More likely bisexual since the Nazi lady has fucked him and did after all did a pretty good job of almost killing you.
Why there isn't an PSN Port of RTCW, even the original Wolfenstein has one, which is completely unnecessary because you can actually play it for free in your Browser.
and he also compliments you the first time he sees you
he says that he likes your eyes
doesent sound very straight to me
>and look at the way he sits
Nothing queer about being attracted to this.
Confirmed for definitely not playing New Order
>bulky manly man
>not qt feminine boi
shit taste my dude
Chrom is not the local femboi though.
a Wolfenstein where you dont kill nazis? fuck off Sup Forums seriously
>ywn play this at your HS LAN club ever again
>tfw no qt nazi twink bf to expand your lebensraum
>to expand your lebensraum
are you actually retarded or are you posting in the wrong thread?
I think they're equal. TNO has better gunplay and story but 2009 has a better world and weapons.
>swedish wolfenstein
>first wolfenstein to have a gay guy in it
>N-no BJ! You wouldn't merge your crystal with mine to destroy them both!
>merge your crystal with mine
Guten tag~
That was actually a pretty tough bossfight.
Your obsession with it is annoying as fuck, I agree.
>was so sick of the repetitive gunplay that I turned down the difficulty to easy
>still got destroyed several times trying to beat this fight
I beat it on hardest difficulty without upgrading my magic powers (spent all gold on guns). That was a close one.
cut the dialogue from the new games and this is correct
ToB was great
Wolf 09 got way too much shit, it did some really cool stuff.
>I don't want game characters to have any personality
>plebbitors shitting on Wolf 09
You never played it. Fucking gas yourselves
RtCW>ToB=TnO>Wolf3D>09>SoD>SoDmission packs
I did, one of the earliest cases of forcing the open world meme for no reason, and the medallion gimmick got old pretty fast.
>Sawn off
Hub world =/= open world
what's bad about a sawed off DB shotgun?
It makes it uglier
When are they going to add this shotgun skin to Quake?
>small scale hub areas that change over the course of the game's events leading to linear maps
>open world
Wew plebbit
>He didn't notice that the barrel was bent
It was fucking fun. But yea.. NO and OB are way better.
notice how i said "the new games" implying the dialogue in the new games is bad
Well fuck me upside down senpai
What? How is it a slur? They ARE nazis. Thats literally what they're called.
All Wolfenstein games are fucking great. It's a miracle this franchise still exists.
>haha, look at these redditors, they don't like this generic shooter that stood out in no way whatsoever
You may only pick one
Funny because Wolfenstein in the game is just the name of a nazi occupied castle in Germany.
Nazi is a slur for white people, especially those not ashamed of being white. Words change, blame the liberals honestly
Thankyou for ignoring why you're wrong and focus on the insult I added to dictate that you're a fucktard and you bitching about it only cemented it further. Stop posting, it's embarrassing.
No it's not.
>there will never be a game where BJ beats the shit out of nazis AND commies
why even live
I'm not ashamed of being white, but I don't want to be associated with a group that got destroyed.
The failed.
>he hasn't played Return to Castle Wolfenstein
literally this
I thought BJ was super american, that would mean he would kick nazi AND commie ass
Have you been living under a rock? Anyone who remotely supports conservative ideas is called a Nazi "white boi" days. The devs certainly are aware if this
Nazis killed all the commies.
back to tumblr with you
we use real words here.
Kill yourself, shitposter.
>Man who single handedly stormed a castle full of nazis and killed mecha-hitler needs the help of some yellowbellied communist fuckwads for some reason
what have they done to BJ?
take your meds
>At the end of once you help the commie resistance take back America they start to implement gulags and other commie shit so there's a final level where BJ kills all the resistance members too
>Nazis killed all the commies.
but in The New Collosus trailer there is a ragtag group of american commies (does that exist)