Why were Nazis so stylish?
Why were Nazis so stylish?
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I don't find that outfit stylish but the Nazi uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss
Is this "Man in the High Castle" the game?
Came to post that. FPBP, good job.
Very polite aswell, desu.
Sometimes wish the Nazis had won.
Germans under the third reich lived in a constant state of emergency and had basically no personal liberties or rights.
You can't be fully polite without limitng your freedom, which is why we have SJW's
They were not designed by him/his company. He simply produced them.
>By the third quarter of 1932, the all-black SS uniform was designed by SS members Karl Diebitsch (artist) and Walter Heck (graphic designer). The Hugo Boss company was also one of the companies that produced these black uniforms for the SS.
look at the chaos!
It's sad how most poltards think the nazi way was this great thing when clearly it wasn't and that most of them probably would have been through hell under it.
I hate Sup Forums. I'm meming about how pleasant the commandant in the video is, and how it would be nice if everyone were like this nazi.
everytime I see retards perpetuating this fucking myth that hugo boss designed the nazi uniforms
So, like the USA but without negroes?
this is deep
>Why were Nazis so stylish?
because the good guys are stylish
European clothes. Modern clothes are designed by homosexuals and browns.
He acts like a Canadian desu. Americans of today are always angry becayse they secret-fully hate their lives.
>clearly it wasn't
you know who writes history?
Even worse, you know who re-writes history, right?
Germans have, or had, a martial culture. They've always had excellent-looking military uniforms.
Because their uniforms were Hugo Boss.
Swear to God.
>I'm meming
Seriously kill yourself, for the sake of humanity.
The fact that so many people on this board actually believe nazi germany was some sort of utopia is disgusting. How weak minded do you have to be to fall for propaganda from a failed regime?
fashy aesthetic is the best aesthetic
Why are they sitting on a sherman
They wouldn't even have the freedom to post whatever they want on the internet if the Nazis won, hell, they probably wouldn't have been born because their impure grandparents and parents would've been murdered.
i don't know what the fuck you expect during wartime, however before the war everything was pretty fine if you were white and had a job
gee I wonder
Because they're German.
>the nazis sent political execution squads to kill anyone who opposed them
>everything was fine
You're fucking retarded.
not OP but yeah had one of my grandpa's fight the nazis , was one of the few that actually had a camera too because 40s not everyone easily had a camera.
>the nazis sent political execution squads to kill anyone who opposed them
sounds like sjws these days
Most of these people are pulling your chain and you're playing right into it. You're trying to have an actual argument with an 8 year old kid who responds to everything you say with "I know you are but what am I?"
>dude the nazis were so cool and redpilled, I wish they had won ww2 xD
Kill yourselves subhumans.
The company founded by Hugo Boss produced their uniforms, but he did not design them.
> Bombs food supply lines
Your grandpa was a hero
The only subhumans I see are in that grave. If only they won desu.
lol i specifically said "if you were white and had a job" you fucking mongoloid can you read
Every time I see people spouting this, I'm going to correct it, and hopefully in my life time people stop repeating this. No offense to you of course, it SEEMS like it would make sense, but it's not true.
Hugo Boss did not design the uniforms, they were contracted to produce pre-existing designs, along with dozens of other textile and clothing companies. The designers of the black SS uniforms were SS members Karl Diebitsch (artist) and Walter Heck (graphic designer). The field-gray uniforms were a natural progression of WWI era uniforms, and Boss had no hand in any of it.
For further reference: Hugo Boss, as a company, did not design their first men's suit until the 1950's. Hugo Boss himself dying in 1948.
when season 3
You think the Nazis would tolerate degenerate weeaboos like you?
Yep died years ago had the flag and everything done.
>ywn live in the utopia that hitler was trying to create
feels fucking bad man
Wish I knew
Relax Hugo, we actually like the uniforms
Because it's fan art.
Artists have talent and have good intentions but poor at execution; in this came, historical accuracy.
Why does this sound like it's such a big deal to you. Sure it's misinformation but you speak as though you have a personal stake in it.
> tfw check documents
> tfw you country was deemed to polluted and 85% of population would have been purged the other half resettled probably in Russian fields
Idk man after reading that I wasn't so hot on Uncle Adolf
Fun fact: Goebbels descendants have $24 billion dollars.
then why do you still live?
i thought they all an heroed
considering the fact that the japs were honorary aryans, yes.
Red Army outfits were better, tbqh.
Relax, senpai.
I too am at Wheraboo.
Just as the MP-40's were incorrectly refereed to as 'Schmeissers' by German and American troops; this may also be the case of the Hugo Boss making their uniforms.
Like many beliefs in life, they're typically wrong but it's not worth the time or effort to correct and educate them.
For knowledge is power and I use that power to defeat mein enemies.