Now that the dust has settled can we admit this game is a piece of shit

Now that the dust has settled can we admit this game is a piece of shit

>goes full retard with the boring cinematic parts of half life 1
>takes away all the fun guns in the first game
>takes away all the cool enemies of the first game replacing aliens with big insects (FUCKING BORING)

They took all the worst parts of half life one and ran with it, nobody talks about how great sitting in the fucking train was at the start of half life one yet this goes full retard on the cutscenes and the story isn't even good, it's a bunch of autistic valve shit. Good thing it came with counter strike source or else it would have been the worst waste of money Ive ever made on vidya.

leaked version of HL2 was a shit experience

Couldn't agree more, I'd play original HL a million times before playing this shit again.

IS a piece of shit? Maybe.

WAS a piece of shit? Absolutely not.

I don't get why they give you this fucking huge arsenal of weapons in the first game and cool technology then in HL2 you get the generic fps loadout of shotgun, smg, rocketlauncher. If I wanted that I would go play a good game like quake or doom both of which still had unique weapons in them. The combine rifle is a generic assault rifle and the physics gun is a tech demo toy.

It's okay to be mad
In this day and age, game companies will gladly provide for those such as you with mobile games like clash of titans

I was 15 and impressed. But yeah, Riddick came out the same year and shat on both HL2 and Doom 3

>Riddick came out the same year
Holy shit

even when it was new it was still a huge letdown, where are the houndeyes, the grunts with the hornet gun, the vortiguants (they were made friendly for no reason) the physics were the only thing it had going for it. The whole thing was a railroaded amusement park ride that didn't let you freely explore like the first game, this just took you from set piece to set piece and tried to string it together with a boring story.

>Thinking Gabecock is your friend.

HL2 was an overhyped peice of shit that does nothing but rip off 1982 and War of the Worlds. And shitty fucking ladders. The rest is okay. It's an Okay fps, but anybody thinking it's one of the best needs to be castrated.

It's a pretty nice game, even though my opinion is not objective at all.

Am I the only one who see the similarities with the Israel-Palestine conflict? The Combine (jews) invade and conquer the palestinians (humans) during the Seven Hour War (Six-Day War). Now the humans (palestinians) are locked up and abused.

sounds like every war ever then

Everybody in this thread is a giant contrarian faggot who wants their cake and to eat it too

Half life 2 fucking rules and so does the first

>The Houndeyes
Annoying and retarded enemy that serves no purpose in the game other than to blow out your eardrum with that awful noise and waste ammo. Nobody ever gets killed by them, so it's not like they present any kind of unique challenge, they're just a trash enemy.
>The Hornet Gun
This one is unfortunate, they were a fun enemy to fight, although they would have been out of place in most of the levels.
>the vortiguants (they were made friendly for no reason)
There was a reason, if you cared about the lore even slightly. The Vortiguants =/= Combine, they were enslaved by the combine and forced to manufacture/clone war goods for them, recall the Xen factory level near the end of 1. The Vortiguants see humanity going down the same path in HL2, and, when they realize Humans are actually capable of holding their own against the Combine, join the resistance cause.

When did hating HL2 come into vogue? It's a good game, I don't know where this hatefest came from.

Sup Forums are just contrarians who hate anything popular

Never liked it

The first one does rule, but the second one is a piece of fucking garbage faggot. The first one took the realistic locations and interactivity of duke nukem 3d and built on that but did its own thing. Half life 2 on the other hand forgets everything about classic fps design and takes you on this railroaded path with stupid little things that have no meaning or depth as far as gameplay is concerned to look at on your way. Its like the small world ride as disneyland you sit in your cart and look at this shit half life 2 is a boring ride

>the vortiguants (they were made friendly for no reason)
You don't remember the Xen levels in the first game where you come across an area with a bunch of vats and the voriguants are completely passive unless you start attacking them? This idea was around in the first game. Just saying.

I dont give a shit what stupid storyline justification they gave the vortiguants I want to shoot them you fag

There appears to be an anti Valve circlejerk being pushed in by the more mainstream game journals. If I were to go full Alex Jones, I'd say it's probably an attempt to destroy PC gaming in favor of consoles, partly in response to PC gaming culture being associated with the right.

I unironically suspect this...

I also mildly suspect that we'll start to see attempts to discredit game developers that aren't actively progressive.(Namely some of the older contributors to gaming, like John Carmack)

Last time I played it was in 2007 when The Orange Box came out

I was very impressed with it back then, but I guess ten years is a long time.

All other complaints aside the level design was fucking trash. Maybe it would be impressive if your first console was PS2 but if you even played one decent fps as a kid you would have been let down by half life 2 and its complete lack of secrets and exploration.

Lmao what?
The first one had a better setting, I will give you that. But interactivity? The player was only allowed to affect certain parts of the map at very specific times, and it just so happens that those times are the least enjoyable parts of the entire game. Pit Worm was a garbage level, yet allowed for "Interaction" in the form of the control panels and the power/oxygen supply. Please don't even try to defend On A Rail, which was easily the most tedious, boring garbage """"mission"""" in the entire game.
2's interactivity was actually fun, Ravenholm and the traps, the gravity gun for pretty much the entire second half of the game, and the boat/car sequences were all extremely responsive and engaging. Highway 17 gives the world scale, and it's actually fun to mow down combine outposts in little rural towns.

ravenholm was sweet but 1 level doesnt fix an entire game, Also half life 1 had its issues too the fucking unskippable cutscenes were annoying as fuck and on a rail was bad too. Go back and play duke nukem 3d and remind yourself what a good fps game is like though

>ten years
Holy fuck, what have I done with my life...

Yeah thats why I have been saying how much better duke nukem 3d is this whole time, totally a left wing conspiracy. jesus christ kid fuck off, I dont hate gabe or steam I just hate half life 2.

Not accusing you of anything, I think your view is genuine. I'm just saying that a lot of anti-HL2 sentiment started appearing around the same time game journalists started running hitpieces on Valve. It gets my joggin' noggin'.

Now that the dust has settled can we agree that OP is a fucking faggot?

>goes full retard with the boring cinematic parts of half life 1
There's literally four big scripted sequence scenes in the game:
>Kleiner's Lab
>Black Mesa East
>The end of Nova Prospekt
>The Citadel

Oh I dont come on here too often im more of a /vr/ fag I just wanted to rip on half life 2 to blow off some steam. I started playing bioshock recently the first one and its great I havent actually ever played it before I just ignored it because of half life 2 actually I thought single player fps had died in the 90s. Bioshock is what half life 2 should have played like though

>3 cents have been deposited to your steam account