How do you go from this

How do you go from this... fucking this??!

to this

Are you a fucking shitlord or something??

Who cares the original sucked donkey dick anyways

to THIS?!?!

More like Bestiality Good and Evil

years of technological improvements.
crazy how much graphics have changed since back then.

As a general rule, the more attractive and unbearable the racial group, the more "diverse" it is and the harder they will push you to accept it.

Hence no attractive Asians, Latinas, etc.


to this?

comparing a 14 y/o game to a cinematic trailer.


Forgive the absurd typo, phone posting sucks.

Who's that new character on the left?

taking bait

Is that supposed to be Jade?

so its a story about two apes?



i quite like the monkey though. reminds me of murdoch from the gorillaz.

I don't think it'd look bad at all if it were a new IP.

But the first game was definitely a bit more colorful and cartoony, which I thought added to its charm.

no, it's a prequel not starring Jade even though the first bge had a blatant sequel bait ending

beyond good and evil 2, even in it's earliest stages of conception, looked more gritty. it's a bit late to be complaining about that i think.

Hey fuck off OP, BGE 2 will be great. I put my entire trust in Michel Ancel. He loved making BGE and he loves BGE. I trust him to bring us something that won't disappoint the fans that have been waiting this since 14 fucking years.
He's very aware of the high expectations on BGE 2 and he repeatedly said that he would only make it if there were enough people from the original team.
That means we've got the original A team from Ubisoft Montpellier on this. You know, from the pre 2004 Ubisoft, the golden age one.

Like the monkey, not the realistic negro

That's called being blatantly offensive and racist, can't Ancel go to french jail for this? Can meme magic make it happen?

she looks cute to me

Where was she hiding that disc

Why didn't they just make it a sequel? Set it 15 years after the 1st game and make Jade an npc if you want to push the monkey.

I can't fucking stand prequels jesus christ

Was she the original "STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN" protagonist?

No, because he showed an African woman with an Afro at E3 this year. They're in vogue.

>who is lara croft

Because then you have the negress following in Jade's steps, that'd be wrongthink. Jade obviously followed in the proud, independent, fearless niggers path. That is the true history you will be forced to regurgitate.

I've never played BG&E, is this supposed to be the same person?

Cute, but not cartoonish

most games looked cartoonish back then though

It looks fine as a trailer. Gameplay would have been nice.

But that HR cunt at the end with the weird choker saying, "Multi-ethnic, multi-cultural" at the end, kind of a big red flag. I don't doubt that it will be at least decent on the gameplay front, but I'm concerned about some obnoxious politics being shoehorned into it.

spot a difference




The original BG&E was a very nice Zelda-like 3D adventure game, but I'm afraid they are going to turn it into a generic open world game with towers

Neither of those is Jade though.

>"Multi-ethnic, multi-cultural" at the end, kind of a big red flag.
oh please

They gave Shaq an afro for the new Shaqfu?

>Where was she hiding that dick

rayman origins/legends plays quite differently from the early rayman games so i'm excited to see what they do. rayman legends showed ancel understand what makes co-op play so good, i hope he can translate some of that into the multiplayer for this.

>tfw new ape escape

Niggers are now more popular than the brief time asians had as being the cool kids for all the leftists.

who dis

Well at least chinks haven't been forgotten.

Now we just need the kitters n' critters.

Fair enough.

I'll still nitpick about them yelling "Fuck" for emphasis instead of "Carlson and Peeters" though.

Ranma with long hair


k thx

So I've been tryin to play the PC version of BG&E, can't seem to get a controller to work.

you have to install an additional program like xpadder. The days before xinput were fucking rough

I have ds4windows, is that good enough or does xpadder work with a ds4?

It's a warning as if to say "if you don't like what we're doing with this game we're going to call you racist."

can you map keyboard keys to your gamepad with ds4windows? If yes then you won't need xpadder

Ubisoft has probably mandated that they do everything possible to deter furries. Have as few female anthropomorphic characters as possible, make sure the males are all ugly and unappealing, and do not have popular carnivorous animal races like felines and canines and only showcase less popular ones like pigs and apes. There will be no sexy catgirls and foxgirls in this game, I can guarantee you that.

Maybe. I'll dick around with it.

they're French, you're asking a bit much of them

The only animals that the French want to fuck are goats, as their holy book permits it.

>t. 56%

>her tits bounces off his arm
good rendering.

I really do think that the aesthetic is spot on here. And I dont mind the cursing, I just wish they had toned it down just a tiny bit.

Visually though? It is spot on with the urban areas in the first one.