>Why did you forget about me Sup Forums?
Why did you forget about me Sup Forums?
You ripped of a cooler character, who know replaced you.
halo is kill
Is that Master Chief? I thought he was taller.
>You ripped of a cooler character
Yeah, he did.
henlo cheef
go eat a jackal ugly
Even Doom is more badass
>Play MCC
>Big Team Slayer on Valhalla
>Team is full of brain dead retards, but so is enemy team
>Go 53-6
>About to bring my team back in the lead by my self
>Laser a Warthog
>Accidentally laser two teammates behind them
>Get kicked
I hope those dick heads lost that match because they threw away the only player that was worth a damn on their team. Everybody was going negative by such a fuck huge margin and they go and kick the person going positive by over forty kills, it's fucking unbelievable.
Who knows, Sup Forums won't admit that this is the best competitive FPS on the market right now.
But you will be back next year
Halo 6 and beyond are
>Master Chief focused
>split screen
>have all mp features and modes at launch
>H2A and HW2 art style
>black undersuits
>Flood Juggernaut
>War Sphinx
>simple stories
>4K 60fps on Xbox One X
Because your storyline after your third game went to shit.
Because 5 didn't have couch co-op. Sorry, I don't want to buy two Xbones and a two copies of the game just to go through the campaign with a friend.
>split screen
Any source on that, or just wishful thinking?
343 thinking for a second that it was fine to have a Halo game without splitscreen showed a fundamental misunderstanding of the franchise. I could deal with the stupid unlocks, the abilities being worse than equipment, and the story going to shit... but only if I can experience how shit it all got with a buddy. What's the point of driving around in a warthog with a buddy who isn't sitting right next to you in real life?
Bonnie announced it way back in February at the Dice Summit, where have you been?
>War Sphinx
Not paying attention to Halo since Halo 5, obviously.
>this person is STILL here on Sup Forums, posting this comment
i genuinely pity you
>ripped "of" a character that has no character
He's right though
5 has to cheat to run at 60fps as it is, and the second anything happens the resolution takes a dive.
I do not for a second believe 343 can get splitscreen working in 6, or if they do it will be XXX exclusive.
If they already have lan working on Halo 6 what the hell makes you think they don't already have split screen working on the damn thing?
It's just a game, bro.
I didn't forget. I just can't watch him suffer at the hands of the people that were supposed to take care of him.
Not him, but don't worry that's all about to change. See
What asshole did you pull this out of?
From different news outlets where 343 announced them.
Because LAN is somehow more difficult to implement then rendering the same scene twice.
5 has to cut corners left and right just to pretend to run at 60fps and can't even hit 1080p consistently. With how every console game is expected to look better than the one that came before it despite the hardware not changing, do you honestly expect 343 to fit split screen in there? Either overall fidelity is going to take a hit, split screen is going to look like total ass to ease up on the hardware, or it's going to be exclusive to xbox one x.
halo 1 multiplayer in a f2p
>play almost 30,000 hours of Halo 1,2,3
>play almost 100 hours of Halo ODST, Reach, 4, 5
The series is fucking dead and 343i killed it
>i did well in social against 5 year olds and AFKs
>i cant believe someone killed me in an unranked playlist
what are you on about?
Oh shit is that Halo? Yo I fucking love this guy
Eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything
Look if they said it's going to be in every FPS Halo game going forward then guess what it is.
There was a Halo Wars 2 expansion announced and it didn't even make it into the press conference
A HALO game didn't get a spot in the Microsoft E3 press conference
How did 343 manage to fuck up the franchise this bad
because 343 destroyed halo and your character.
I wish you were on PC master chief.
Halo 6 wasn't ready to show and no one care about Halo Wars.
>Only halo related new doesn't make it into the main show
>Oh by the way the expansion isn't included intheseasonpassbye
Both of them ripped off Samus.
Do you really want to play the game in 4:3 at sub-30 fps though?
Before the creation of Halo 5, was Master Chief just straight up one of the most cool and badass vidya characters ever?
I don't know a single character cooler than him.
343 turned him into a pussy as bitch faggot.
Don't worry Osiris is getting sideline in Halo 6 and beyond. Chief will reclaim his title as the ultimate badass.
I hope they die in a book.
They turned you into an emotional character which chief shouldn't be
Me too