>Nomura on XB2
>Inafune on MP4
Jesus fucking christ, way to kill all the hype.
>Nomura on XB2
>Inafune on MP4
Jesus fucking christ, way to kill all the hype.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shimomura worked on Xenoblade 1, not a huge stretch for Nomura to do a bit of design work on the side for them.
It's not like a few hours of work is much compared to the 30 projects Squeenix have him working on right now.
He only designed one character
Why is the gameplay so slow?
Why does the world look like a lego set?
Why is the voice acting so awful?
Why does the art style look like a fucking Tales game?
The combat is very dumbed down from Xenoblade X (only 4 arts, wtf?)
Sprinting and long jumping are removed.
No giant robots.
This game is Xeno in name only.
>Why does the art style look like a fucking Tales game?
I'll take a mediocre art style over shitty character designs.
Is that why the MC has giant feet?
How is the game in comparison to XbC?
>inb4 people will blame Nomura for every fault
He ist just a guest character desginer. He's always a character desginer or guest character designer for like 10 games at the same time.
Well XCX was an improvement on XC in every way so I dunno what you're asking
>in every way
Except for the reasons people liked the original
Faces are fucked, but at least the game and world were both great.
It's like we'll never get it all like with the first game. It looks like we're getting great music at the expense of everything else
>worse music
>worse voice acting
>worse character models and art direction
The robots were cool at least
30 minutes gameplay, looks kinda weird
>m-muh shonenshit story
You started the series with Blade, didn't you?
>>worse character models and art direction
>You started the series with Blade, didn't you?
The game is called Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It's a spiritutal successor to the first one because X was a bomb
Xenoblade is the one we're talking about here, dumbo. Why would we compare this to Saga?
Literally just says he's a guest designer
>implying Sup Forums reads more than just the link
X had better sales than the first one actually
Thanks for confirming you're a cancerous "le really feeling it xD" memer
Smash Bros ruined Xeno
That trailer for X2 killed any interest I had left in it.
I'm asking because I haven't played XbX and want to know how XbC2 looks in comparison to the game I did play.
It's because a Kingdom Hearts character makes a Cameo.
This is to tie in with Kingdom Hearts: Travel for waken, a new KH title only on the Nintendo Switch that contains plot elements vital for understanding KH3.
I think its clear which character, I instantly thought of KH when I saw him
>X had better sales than the first one actually
And I'm sure the lack of an international release outside of Gamestop had nothing to do with it.
>Thanks for confirming you're a cancerous "le really feeling it xD" memer
Shulk only got in Smash because the first game was so well-liked. X mainly sold on name recognition from XBC
You're spouting contrarianism for the sake of it.
>I think its clear which character, I instantly thought of KH when I saw him
Which character?
The guest character already has a name
Do you guys even open the links, oh who am i kidding
How did Smash ruin Xenoblade? They made XBC right after, and it was nothing like that one. Wouldn't they cater that game to memers since they loved Shulk so much? Or are you just spouting bullshit because you're a clueless nigger?
There are at least two charcaters that fit the Nomura bill: black haired evil guy and masked man.
Fucking this, Xenoblade Chronicles was a luck shot we'll never see something alike again
Only cancerous plebs would prefer this generic fantasy garbage over sci-fi. I bet your first JRPG was Final fantasy X.
>How did Smash ruin Xenoblade?
Because now Takahashi will have to pander to Smash autists and bladebabies for the rest of his career.
>Only cancerous plebs would prefer this generic fantasy garbage over sci-fi. I bet your first JRPG was Final fantasy X.
Never even played the game, but Sci-fi is overdone
XC is Takahashi's only finished game tho
Generic fantasy is overdone
Xenosaga 3 was finished too. He knew he had to wrap up the series, which is why it's the best in the trilogy.
>Generic fantasy is overdone
Which is why I like games like XC1 that mix the two together
Skip this game. Reason for this character design is that they want to boost the sales in Japan. Those people actually prefer this garbage. Well Monolith will lose their audience and won't make another game. Your fucking fault.
Can someone summarize why people are bitching about Xenoblade 2?
It's E3
People pretend to like X now to make their opinions cool and unique
XC barely uses it. Its generic shonenshit.
People who have been with the series since the beginning greatly prefer X over the first one
Can make a single post without buzzwords?
>People pretend to like X
What if all the -blade games are good?
Before 2 was announced I saw nothing but people shitting on it for everything but the open world design
Ah yes, Sup Forums the place were you're only allowed to like one thing
Because they have shit taste, you have to admit Xenosaga is very flawed
>Character designs, specifically the style used for them and protag's costumes
>Similarities to the first
>Dropping QoL features from X like sprinting and jumping
The combat looks pretty bad, to be honest.
Is he attacking "automatically" or just button mashing the entire time?
People only shit on it because Sawano made 2 bad songs, so apparently that means the whole game is shit and not worth playing.
Did you play any other Xenoblade game?
Auto and you can mix it up arts tht fill up while you auto attack
Nomura did some work for TWEWY too. He's fine in moderation
No, Nomura literally designed the GOAT Nopon tank party member.
This. Nomura is great when there's someone to limit him
He only designed one character
Probably the guy with the mask and the white hair
Nomura has his problems, but he's a good artistand cahracter designer for an artstyle like that.
He even designed and drew every single heartless in KH1 and 2 by himself
In the video the auto seems to be a sequence of multiple hits with varied damage which can be canceled with movement.
That looks kind of interesting. Was this the same in ther older games?