"Heroes" are anarchist special snowflakes who don't know how to dress themselves, have poor hygiene...

>"Heroes" are anarchist special snowflakes who don't know how to dress themselves, have poor hygiene, and use rusted over technology held together with duct tape and graffiti; have an uncultured and uncouth manner of speech that suggests poor education
>Villains are cultured, dress nicely, use technology and gear that is clean and well cared for, are well spoken and want to maintain public order

Why is this meme so common in so many video games? Isn't it kind of hypocritical to have counter-culture protagonists when video games wouldn't exist without capitalism and technology?

And notice I didn't name any particular game but you probably were thinking of one before you finished reading the first paragraph.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why is this meme so common in so many video games
Name them

Same reason the rebels are the good guys in Star Wars. Americans need a muh freedums cause.

People like to root for the underdog

Storywise it's more satisfying for ragtag heroes to defeat the big organized baddies than vice versa

Yeah, it's better to support some cartoonishly evil Evil Empire of Evil, rather than obviously sympathetic ragtag resistance.

People generally enjoy stories where the protagonist is the underdog more
Most people would rather be a plucky rugged hero fighting against the oppressive elite than some admiral pushing a button to nuke savages from orbit

The Europeans who told stories about the Goths and the Huns rooted for the Romans, because the collapse of the Roman Empire caused the dark ages.

>but you probably were thinking of one

Actually I was thinking of 40k because you posted that picture and how it has nothing to do with the garbage you're saying


Actually it does fit. Before Rowboat's return most tech in the Imperium is basically held together with duct tape because the Mechanicus has no fucking clue how half of it works these days.

Meanwhile the Eldar and Tau are clean and understand everything about their tech.

eldar and tau are also the closest thing the imperium has to "xenos we might not purge immediately"

when you think villains you think chaos orkz or nids, which are far less cultured, clean and have even shittier tech

40k is one of the rare exceptions. Granted the Imperium is kind of evil but there aren't really any good guys in Warhammer anyway, and the Imperium has its reasons for being the way it is.

>all these Xeno sympathizers

We could get along with the Eldar if they didn't look at us like we look at monkeys.

Don't they also want to summon some god and destroy the universe? Or is that the darkies?

To be fair, they'd have been humanity's allies pre-heresy if only Fulgrim didn't fuck it all up.
Though Eldrad isn't blameless. Might have tried to tell a dude that the whispering sword plucked from the high alter of an orgy of snake bodied daemonically possessed and depraved xenos might maybe be tainted beyond repair.

>Korgoth edits

Link to sauce?

>everybody ignores spoopy space skellingtons yet again

chaos and orkz will always be more popular, just deal with it

at least you're not squats

The Eldar just want their race to return to its former glory and remove Slaanesh from existence, the Dark Eldar want to keep murderfucking in hopes of keeping the Chaos away by somewhat appeasing it, but they also want the empire back. They don't get along but they don't hate each other, they're all Eldar in the end. I believe the chart of most liked to least for Craftworld Eldar is

Other Craftworld Eldar > Non-Craftworld Eldar > Dark Eldar > Xenos > Chaos

It's just a reference to all the fanfiction that Macha wants to fuck the Emperor (which DoW3 more or less made canon alongside how the fans always thought her face looked)

Dark ages never existed.

Don't you mean Kahardron Overlo

> Isn't it kind of hypocritical to have revolutionary founding fathers when the colonies wouldn't exist without britain and the royal family?

It's not that it didn't exist, it's that it's a very eurocentric term that implies that only what was happening in Europe mattered, meanwhile China was doing great at the time and was far more advanced than the Romans in some aspects.


I concur, tech that doesn't revolve around melee is no tech at all



It's just a reference to all the fanfiction that Macha wants to fuck the Emperor (which DoW3 more or less made canon alongside how the fans always thought her face looked)
Wot? At most this time Gabriel listened to her and their alliance did not end in disaster like in DoW 1.
Speaking of 3...Did anyone read that comic? I want to know what happened to Tarkus, Cyrus and Martellus.

My Lord...the Farsight Enclaves does fight in melee.

This thread is filled with stupid humies


Because that's how it is in real life.
Public order is not necessarily good for the public.

Tell that to the Europeans during the dark ages. It didn't take long for them to start missing the Romans, and they spent the next few centuries trying to restore what was left of Roman civilization.

>It didn't take long for them to start missing the Romans

Actually the concept of the dark ages came from an Italian writer in the Renaissance who had a major hardon for the Roman Empire and thought it falling literally was the worst thing to happen to humanity.

Source? I am interesed.

Look up Caesar Baronius

>Romans had sewers and flushing toilets
>post-Romans threw shit out the window or dumped it into their drinking water supply
That's all I need to know.

>because things were shitty in europe, that means humanity was in the shithole
>only europe exists
Yeah because China totally wasn't in a golden age at the time


Redy Boyz!


>Yeah because China totally wasn't in a golden age at the time
By the time of Rome's fall China was also on their way to starting their series of self buttfucking that would hold them back several times.

They thought the Jian could handle the Mongols themselves.


You really think the "don't tread on me" ancaps are any different?

AnCap =/= Libertarian
The difference between an AnCap and a Libertarian is like the difference between a tumblrtard leftist and a moderate liberal.

Why do the Wraithknights look like Evangelions?

>Why is this meme so common in so many video games?

the ancient trope of "underdog freedom fighters resisting the evil oppresive empire" is textbook leftist wish fullfillment. bombarding people with this kind of story shapes their way of thinking and teaches them to instinctively support the leftist cause.
a fuckton of modern popular media follows this model - harry potter and star wars are some of the biggest and most well known examples of this.

Only Europe might as well exist, everywhere else is irrelevant.

Asians don't have this weird obsession with counter-culture. They're highly conformist for the most part.


Because they are basically Evangelions except made by elves who actually know how to control them.


Because underdog stories are the basis of literature in every culture. Nobody wants to read about the privileged guy easily beating ill equiped peasants or easily going trough any challenge..
Be it against a evil empire, a dragon, a natural catastrophe, a God, a demon, a institution, a society, humans as a whoel write and like to read about people facing and overcoming(or maybe failing) odds that are against them.

Using your example as basis, how would you create a interesting and engaging story about the well cultured, well dressed, technologically advance and well armed heroes taking on the Anarchist, special snowflakes, uneducated, poorly dressed and equipped villains?

Your heroes can be as well educated and dressed and equipped as they want, as long as they face odds that are against the. A story with no conflict or challenges to overcome is no story at all.

In fairness though that's both our greatest weakness and our greatest strength, when you look at Asian peoples they're usually quite happy to just do the same thing over and over again rather than pushing in different directions to see if something else works, they're just not usually as creative as Europeans (mind you though lacking creativity doesn't mean a lack of artistry, Asians tend to be very artistic but they're also very logical in their artistry often lacking quite the same creative spark as Europeans).
This is what lead European nations to become the greatest on the planet through the likes of pushing against tradition and into industrialisation etc. However as goes without saying just because something is different doesn't mean it's better than what came before which is what we're seeing at the moment with our suicidal drive for "progress" above all else.

Can Humans fuck Eldars?
Asking for a friend. I'm 100% loyal to our God-Emperor.

Quite easily, you make the anarchists the despicable terrorist scum that they are. It's not nearly so great a challenge to write an engaging story about the superior peoples defeating the inferior ones as you think.

you really think goths, and huns and all other "barbarians" were just a bunch of hobos with clubs? The roman empire was the underdog in that situation, facing overwhelming corruption in their government, dismemberment of their territory with the division of the empire and a endless tide of several warrior cultures that were in most part well equipped, trained and led by some of the world's greatest warriors and statesmen like Atilla and Gaiseric.

They can. We just don't want to

Yes, but they can't have children. (Except in Rogue Trader with the Ultramarine Chief Librarian Spook)

>Using your example as basis, how would you create a interesting and engaging story about the well cultured, well dressed, technologically advance and well armed heroes taking on the Anarchist, special snowflakes, uneducated, poorly dressed and equipped villains?

Barbarians at the gates; being the last line of defense between civilization and anarchy; wanting to save one's culture instead of letting it be trampled and destroyed by people who would rather burn and pillage than make beautiful things of their own.

It's all a matter of perception. People still love Link even though the Hyrule royal family is the status quote and Ganon is the force of change. And then you've got games like Age of Empires, Total War and Civilization where you have to build up your civilization from lowly beginnings and fend off the people who want to tear it down. If you look at it from the perspective that the civilized world is outnumbered by uncivilized, and constantly having to fight to prevent itself from being thrown into chaos, then civilization is the underdog.

Barbarians at the gates; being the last line of defense between civilization and anarchy

well ain't that a underdog story all the same?
My point wasn't that it cannot be done, because it can, as you posted. my point was that all compelling stories are about the ones with less chance of achieving their goal fighting for it.

The reverse is actually a relatively recent invention. Colonialist stories used to always portray colonials as the good guys bringing civilization to untamed lands, but now you have stuff like Avatar where the colonists are the villains who need to be put back in their place by the noble savage.


In those colonial stories the colonists are still the underdog, as they are facing the odds of colonizing a untamed land full of danger, hostile natives, diseases, lack of equipment, different climate, long travel times, etc etc

So do we have compatible genitals or what?
I thought Eldar biology was very diferent from Humans.

True, but the key difference is that such a narrative is about building and creating order out of chaos, whereas modern writers prefer stories about tearing down the establishment and creating disorder. This is particularly emphasized by the try-hard protagonists we see these days with their "alternative fashion sense," heavy use of profanity and slurred speech, lack of weapon discipline, impulsive and disrespectful personality type, etc. A cop is more likely to be the villain and a robber the hero.

Could you direct me to this friend of yours?

It's a complicated answer, it's best to explain it in person

Eldar and humans intermingle on some planets. Things aren't quite bad enough between humans and Eldar that there is no trade or cultural exchange between them at all.

>True, but the key difference is that such a narrative is about building and creating order out of chaos, whereas modern writers prefer stories about tearing down the establishment and creating disorder.
Actually no. Both of them are about washing out the bad and replacing it with good. The only reason why you see their side as disorder and chaos is because you disagree with their views (which is fine I'm not targeting this but it's important to note).

Everyone loves to believe that they are working towards the greater good (whatever that be). Therefore, trying to imply that one side is order and the other is disorder misses out the entirety of humanity and how it actually behaves. Very few are actually like "yeah I love disorder".

using Civilization as an example, is it more fun or engaging stepping on the far behind weaker AIs or going toe to toe with an opponent at your level or better?

I don't see it as much of "creating disorder" as a revolution to establish a new order. of some kind. I can't think of a game right now where the heroes are actively just tearing up the society just for the sake or "anarchy" or "fighting the establishment", there is always a plan for rebuilding after the evil overlord is thrown down or bringing back the previous government type or something like that. Unless its stuff like DMC or stuff like that where you have a single rebelious character that knows what they're doing as much as a dog chasing a car.

For example: Somebody on the thread cited the rebels in star wars, but they clearly have their own leadership and a plan for returning order.

But can both species fuck or what?

He's on the other side of the Cicatrix Maledictum... And trapped on the Eldar Webay or some stuff like that... You don't need to travel all the way to the other side, commisar, it's pretty dangerous. Just tell me.

>So do we have compatible genitals or what?
To the dismay of both races, yes.
>I thought Eldar biology was very diferent from Humans.
It is. Eldar went full pysker, unlike humans who are in the process to becoming psykers too and they have more base pairs in their DNA that humies.
This piece that I found in a (oddly enough) decent fanfic explains it well:
>If the whole of a human's genetic code could be contained in those shelves there, then an adequate comparison to an Eldar's code would be a library the size of this ship. They are a race that is, quite simply, genetically better. And it mixes with human genetics as well as a hornet mixes with a fleet of balloons.
t.Pissed off Inquisitor who found out that one of his acolytes banged an Eldar.

>But can both species fuck or what?
Yes, but for humans is heresy and for eldar is beastlity.

So it's forbidden x2? Fuuuuuuck that's hot.

Excuse me?

>every game is Star Wars

unless by dark ages you mean nothing but the migration period, Europe was doing great as well

it's just that a bunch of fedora tippers from the
era liked thought that the Italian renaissance was everything good in the world and they had to invent a counter-point to it that Renaissance supposedly defeated
it was mainly because they thought they were doing the same thing and they were uplifting humanity from a current sorry state
basically, 'dark ages' is a meme

What's the punishment for being caught?

>Why is this meme so common in so many video games?
Relatively speaking, it isn't. The number of games that present the villanous forces as mindless, less cultivated than the hero's side is still considerably greater than those where less cultivated heroes conquer more cultivated enemies. Think of all the trolls, bandits, aliens, scourges, headcrabs, zombies, barbarians, robot hordes? Yeah.

Cultivated villains are a popular trope (it makes sense, the threat that chaos poses to culture and the threat that culture poses to itself are, technically speaking, always roughly equal), but they are still not anywhere near a fucking majority.

you won't last long enough to get caught


So is that a bet, and what is my reward?

Dodged it.


For Eldars it would be like fucking an animal.
It's quite contradictory, because they do realiza we are a pretty powerful sentinent race with amazing untapped potential. I mean they are not uber gods, they are just a little better than us in the mental stuff.

The real question is. Could I get myself a 3,14159 qt Eldar gf, maybe from the new Eldar faction?

please enlighten me on this tidbit of Eldar lore

Most wolfenstein games
Far Cry 2 to an extent
Final Fantasy games, you rarely have the same kind of sweet shit the enemy can field.
The Myth series, well mostly I and II, in 3 you had some fuckawesome artifacts.
At this point i'm mostly drawing a blank in terms of games and going into (mecha) anime territory but what little i know comes from watching translated LPs of SRW games so i don't know how much that applies

the bet is you're dead for even thinking of such a thing

I was under the impression that the FC2 villains were the niggers.

In Total Warhammer I felt quite pleased with myself when I wiped the Orcs off the map even though by that point they were my least formidable enemies.

>thought policing
not on my watch!

>tfw Rowboat will be proud of Titus for not being a pants on head retard compared to Leandros

yeah but penor goes in bagina right?


>Two factions being funded by a Heart of Darkness villain
>You are some guy with no money, few resources, Malaria, and the sole objective of fucking everything up to kill the Jackal
No, user. You are the nigger

One exist and the other doesn't?

Too bad Titus is probably being analy raped by the Ordo Malleus at the moment.

No, it's the American government perpetuating the war.