It's been 5 years since NL

>it's been 5 years since NL
>STILL no new AC

Maybe next year...

I want to rape Isabelle!

That puppy needs bully rubs.

why is she crying

The Mayor left.

You monster.

Impossible. She would enjoy too much.

she's been in heat for hours

The pupper wants it just as much as you though.

Don't worry user! I'm sure there will be a mobile game released this year!

i dont get it is that a cock ring?

At least there's a mobile app coming out and it seems like Nintendo is hinting at a Switch game to go along with it.

>The report also noted that the application would be designed to "be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems", suggesting that the application will offer some sort of cross-title connectivity with existing or yet to be released Animal Crossing titles.

Maybe later this year there will be an Animal Crossing direct. I guess they know that AC is big enough and they didn't want it to be overshadowed by all the things that they showed in this E3.

not even an amiibo festival switch version

Dog collar. Embarrassed emotion due to the implications.

It's a collar to signify that she is his bitch.

Why does everyone keep on forgetting that the AC team is the same one that does Splatoon, of course they won't be a AC when the team is finishing up Spla2n unless they handed off the series to a new team.
Good news though is that they seem to getting Splatoon done early on so they can work on AC soon afterward so maybe late 2018 if there's B-team that is building up the framework and assets?

Real talk. If we get another Animal Crossing game, and we're the mayor again, is Isabelle going to fulfill that role again, or are we going to get someone else and have Isabelle just cameo.

>they didn't want it to be overshadowed by all the things that they showed in this E3
I know one game that's going to be overshadowed. But yeah, Animal Crossing wouldn't be good for this year close to SMO, honestly. SMO is such a huge system seller Animal Crossing isn't even needed. Zelda alone is selling out the console with Mario Kart. And there's Splatoon 2 which is going to sell like crazy.

Most likely she'll fulfill that role again. She's way too popular to drop for someone else.

I think she'll be canon but a prevalent one. Like owning a shop or visiting town every few days.
We all love Isabelle but I think it would be a bit tiring to have her fulfill the same role again and again.

>AC team is the same one that does Splatoon
I know what we need for the next AC, water fights

Wait a minute that pool...

Isabelle needs my cum in her womb and all over her face

I have 800 hours played on New Leaf across 3 different towns and I wanted a new AC more than anything today.

However this direct will suffice for now, they'll announce AC Switch later this fall with the mobile game. Count on it

Aside from the team having been busy with Splatoon 2, it's not a good idea to fire all your big hitters together. It's fine for Animal Crossing and Pokémon to be the big releases for 2018, for instance. 2017 is already packed.

I want to doggy pound her

>800 hours
i bought it recently, and i'm curious: does everyone use time travel? i'm scared it will fuck with things ingame (besides turnips, so i've read). I want to literally play it as much as possible, but by the time i get home from work there isn't much daylight left so progress is slow atm.

you play the game 30 mins a day everyday. Its not meant to be played continuous like a regular game. Progres is supposed to be slow

Is that the porn pool?