This guy is delusional if he thinks Ubisoft won

This guy is delusional if he thinks Ubisoft won.

ProJaredvor Y-YouTu-uubeCrea-aator 2 hours ago
I know Nintendo showed off TONS more during their Treehouse Presentations (i.e. Fire Emblem Warriors, Metroid 2 Remake, etc.) but this is JUST about their main presser!


>those dislikes
they're fucking asshurt

>B-but d-didn't n-nintendo win?

Wow, needing a random guy on YouTube to shitpost? Nintendo really must have won.

That's not just some random guy, that's ProJared
from normal boots.

>the biggest nintendo fanboy on earth says the presentation sucked
>random guy

ooooooooooh wooooooooooooow

fuck that shouldn't have got me

>says in his description he dont count the hour long tree house even tho it showed off more stuff

whats with everyone thinking they need a conference to show off things

>literally can't make any points so he needs somebody to feed his opinions to him

>ProFaggot always called a nintendo shill
>I don't think Nintendo's press conference was that great
Really though, who fucking cares? Arguing about which conference won is more pointless than the standard console war stuff.

>no love for 3ds
>let me completly ignore tree house because reasons

He's right.

They get a 0/10 for not even having placeholder title Animal Crossing Switch, yet they have awful looking Kirby and Yoshi prototypes.

I literally don't get what he means by "not quite make it".

Fucking Ubisoft's biggest reveal is Switch's exclusive.

The point was to grade the press conferences. He didn't talk about any of the pre/post show stuf for every other conference so it makes sense to do it with Nintendo too.

Who is this guy and why should I care what he says?

t. Nintenbro

Because the treehouse isn't part of the press conference. If you were going to include that, you'd have to include all of the various livestreams that occurred before and after every conference.

He says upfront he's only reviewing the conference, not Treehouse. Therefore his complaints are 100% meaningless because every single one relies on "there was no gameplay" which Treehouse showed hours of for everything but the incredibly early in development Metroid Prime 4 and mainline Switch Pokemon.

Not to mention the Metroid II remake wasn't announced at the conference but at Treehouse (with gameplay).

This review of his is pointless without including Treehouse (which is what everyone is basing their Nintendo won claims on). Can't review it the same as other conferences when they deliberately do it differently.

>youtube content creator has opinions

>but the incredibly early in development Metroid Prime 4 and mainline Switch Pokemon.
So they showed some title screens for games that are probably years away and a hol lot of garbage? Real winner you got there

He hasn't been thinking very clearly ever since the Headless Horseman chased him down.

Don't forget dislike guys

I love Nintendo, but whoever that is, he is right. The only 2 interesting games were Mario and Xenoblade. Metroid is probably still in the concept phase. And the 2d Metroid looks like hot garbage. The fan remake trashes it.


Treehouse IS the main event for nintendo in e3 for atleast 3 years now

Since Sup Forums is one person, this is the guy that talked bad about SA2 and Sup Forums likes him.

>Makes legit criticisms without any bias
>People shitpost about it/get butthurt fanboy

Basing things on the conference alone he is 100% right. Sony as with how meh it was technically did more with their time.

>this is the guy that talked bad about SA2 and Sup Forums likes him.
His critisms were actually spot on as I replayed SA2 myself having a huge nostalgia boner for it and remember realizing how shit it was outside the sonic/shadow stages.

why do tgey call it treehouse?

>Where the fuck is the gameplay
>what is a Treehouse?
Taking him seriously

>What is judging based on conferences alone?

He is going to E3 to see the games himself and play them so why would he take the Treehouse into consideration?

>The video is monetized
Fucking kill yourself Jared, stop shilling your shit here. You're irrelevant, no one cares about you anymore.

He stopped being the biggest, and most well known long ago. Now he desperately tries staying relevant.

Because he complained about the lack of gameplay when they are literally showing it after the showcase

>they don't count because I said so


>Judge everything based on conferences alone, nothing afterwards

Sure does sound like I am saying because I said so.

>*I know new things were announced during the nintendo treehouse. But I'm only grading main presentation!
But that's not a fair comparison

You seem pretty assmad that Kirby and Yoshi games were shown instead of your favorite franchise. But I believe Animal Crossing will come to Switch in due time, just give it time. I'm still excited for that new Kirby game.

I got permabanned from GameFAQs because I replied to a topic claiming gaming wouldn't be as good as it is now without Iwata and listed a bunch of bullshit things that Iwata had no part in and I said "He didn't do half of that shit"

ProJared is a shill for any company willing to give him attention. Like most YouTubers.

There's something so..autistic about Nintendo fans.

Yes it is. If they can't be graded off of than the main conference then you retards can't complain about CGI trailers because we'll eventually see gameplay of all of them in a few months.

Why isn't that a fair comparison? Should he grade all the E3 show floor footage for everyone else, too? It's supposed to be just grading the conferences.


That guy has some really shitty opinions.

At least the first hour of treehouse should be considered part of the conference, since that makes it the same amount of time as the other conferences.

It's not a fair comparison because the video was only one part of Nintendo's main presentation. The first hour of treehouse should count too.


So this is how low you faggots have stooped, this is just pathetic.

Sony: 50 minutes
Microsoft: 90 minutes.
EA: 45 minutes (not counting Battlefront gameplay)
Ubisoft: 65 minutes
Bethesda: 40 minutes
Nintendo: 25 minutes.

They all had radically different times so your point is moot.

He's mad that shitty Reggie ad he did didn't get more views. Irrelevant faggot.

But it's not the conference. He's grading the initial presentations.

>Make a fair comparison between everyone based on Conferences alone

There is no winning is there with some people.
Treehouse is important to watch but it is not a similar format to a normal conference and people would be bitching the opposite saying this was unfair for everyone else.

But it is the conference because they were announcing stuff.

You know there's stuff that gets announced at E3 that isn't in ANY presentation, right?

Again, he's grading the fucking presentation.

Wow, I openly talked about gay furshit and I only get minor bans.

This guy conflicts me so much. On the one hand I love his game reviews and I think he knows alot about game design, but I could not agree with him about the new Zelda.

He's not a hypocrite or anything, but we definitely differ on these things.

Why didn't they just make the conference longer to show them there also? This is on Nintendo, they could have shown them in the conference and had them at the treehouse but only opted for half of it.

That is the problem with the conference.

I know it's shocking, but not everyone knows every video game-playing YouTube e-celeb. This guy doesn't even have a million subscribers like a lot of them.

There's definitely some stuff that I don't agree with Jared on, but I think he's a pretty cool dude overall.

He looks like he's a D&D dungeon master.

>He's not a hypocrite or anything, but we definitely differ on these things.

I don't agree with him on a lot of things but he looks at shit objectively. Even things he may not like he acknowledges that some people do so good for them.

Nobody who had a conference announced anything major outside their stage presentation.

You should actually watch the video you're defending because jared spends two minutes bitching about WHY NINTENDO WHY WON'T YOU SHOW US FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS GAMEPLAY when they showed it half an hour later.

Yes, but not in the presentation.

I don't give a damn about the technicalities. He's whining about Nintendo not showing gameplay, when they literally just did exactly that. He's a retard.

>Bioshock Infinite is one of the most gripping games I have ever played

If you defend this guy, you are defending the destruction of the industry

but that was the presentation. Part of the presentation was pre-recorded and part of it was done live.

He's whining about Nintendo not showing gameplay in the PRESENTATION. He acknowledges that they show it during Treehouse, but that's not what he's grading on.

Didnt he also say Metal Gear Rising was shit cause lol

Presentation=/= Treehouse

Why are people so up in arms about this?
I only watched the Presentation this morning and found it lackluster, good for the treehouse as I am enjoying it but the presentation didn't give much.

>posting this retard after his MGR "review"

Why is treehouse not part of the presentation?
>the developers are there
>new games are announced by them
>new trailers and gameplay demos shown

Who fucking cares about the presentation? What's the point of only grading the presentation and ignoring everything else they showed? It's a fucking retarded video that serves no purpose except to clickbait. I can't believe people are defending this.

>"That is the end of the presentation."
That is why.

They said treehouse started afterwards but the signified it as the end of the presentation.

>Who fucking cares about the presentation?
Every other company that had one which also included gameplay in theirs?

>I dunno about this book guys, it doesn't seem to come to any real conclusion and just leaves way too much unanswered
>Did you read the ending?

So you wanted them to waste time during the 25 minute presentation on slow gameplay demos instead of revealing more titles for the Switch that everyone keeps saying doesn't have enough games?

That would've made the presentation worse. The format they used didn't have enough time to detail the gameplay, so they put that in the treehouse stream instead. You can't have done it better in that format.

That is a shit analogy and you know it.

>"That is the end of the presentation."
just went back to check the video and they didn't say that.

Deliberately reviewing part of a presentation to make it look bad is fucking retarded and you know it.

All reviews for Breath of the Wild must be retracted because DLC Packs 1 and 2 have not been released.

Link is there.

There are sword.

It's called Legend of Zelda.

It's got gameplay.

Therefore you can not accurately review Breath of the Wild without playing them.

Because if we count the Sony preshow Sony won by a mile

Has this elephant man kike even been relevant in the last few years?

then maybe they should have made it longer than 25 minutes you fucking mongoloid.

Jesus Christ these fucking summer kids and Sup Forumsfags have somehow dropped the collective IQ of this place to the fucking negatives.

>Sonyboys suddenly relying on ProJared's wisdom to prove that Nintendo didn't blast their assholes off of their bodies.

because then, all this shit would have been shown during the conference and it would have been a fucking hour instead of 25 mins

i would have been more hype for all the shit that wasn't on the direct, rather than show it later live

>there's nothing to get excited about over Prime 4 since there's no gameplay

I bet he shit his pants over FF7 Remake, Shenmue 3, Death Stranding, etc.

>People are legit getting angry because he just looked at the presentation like every other studio

This is really sad.

at least we know the REAL REASON why they gave them a CD

why does Sup Forums such Projared's dick so much?

he's just like any other youtuber

At least those games have more than just a title shown when they were revealed.

They did.

>I bet he shit his pants over FF7 Remake, Shenmue 3, Death Stranding, etc.
Not really
His reviews of the those conferences are still up and he said they look/sound great but not going fanboy screaming over them

I fucking knew I wasn't the only one who saw it

>excited over a .jpg image
you are the biggest retard in Sup Forums bruh, and that is saying something

>complains that no gameplay was shown although treehouse will show gameplay for 2 fuckin days
>complained about a compact, 25 minute presentation with many consecutive reveals in quick succession

literally a bait review

Ubisoft had like what, Two decent games announce in there conference.

you can't fucking grade it on that then
its unfair because nintendo switched (heh) what they normally do.

they used to do conferences like EVERYONE ELSE, but now, why bother when you can spend time showing shit live?

I didn't watch the video but I wasn't super impressed either. Half the things announced weren't even close to being ready this year. They blew their load like Sony did last year. Why even announce Pokemon for Switch when they have 3DS games being released soon? Do they actively want people to not buy the game? Metroid Prime 4 didn't even have a trailer. It was literally just a logo. And I really needed time wasted on shit like Rocket League.

what's the appeal of ProJared?


Autists were sperging out because they thought there would be no Pokémon game on the Switch. The announcement should sedate their bloodthirst.

>Literally who web-celeb fishes for clicks

Who cares?