FFXIV Patch notes soon


Who is best girl?

1 hour until live letter?


Lyse is my gf.

Pls remember that, guys.

But how soon is the question?

61 minutes

Not for long.

Also i am betting that other slut Lyse is fighting against in the trailers is her Yda who is actually not dead, just defected to garleans because reasons. Screencap this.

We already know who the other girl is. Her name is Fordola. She was born under Garlean occupation, meaning she's 20 years old or less. Yda would be nearing her 40s by now. We also already know that the real Yda has the same Midlander body and blonde hair that Lyse has.

We reddit now?

We've always been reddit luv

>commend the lala
>get 1 commendation
I wonder who it was~

my theory on fordola is that she's the girl that the real Yda died trying to save.

Well fuck me, it was too perfect setup for siblings hate i guess.

You're probably right. I'm also expecting Yda to show up with a hypnocrown on.

>community is getting so fed up with healer bullshit that everyone is giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Legion > Shillblood

>fucking over everybody else
>clueless healer don't even understand what's going on
>the game is being made worse to cater to idiots on both sides
Fucking hell this "community" sucks.


Lyse because she's pure.
Himecut has a harem of people she steps on, and Yugiri did some ninja "technique sharing and comparison" with Thancred if you know what I mean.

Since they're ruining our not-warlocks, I'm seriously considering going back to WoW.

Does affliction still have 3 DOTs?

>Lyse because she's pure
She's been tainted by papalymo

That healer wats wrong was cute though so I'm pretty sure he didn't even have any idea that he did something wrong


>implying Thancred hasn't also fucked Lyse

>Heavensward was full of husbandos
>Stormblood will be full of waifus

I like villains so Hime.

>Who is best girl?

i actually played WoW right when Legion came out and moving to FF14 was a godsend.


FF14 isn't even hard but good christ Odin is harder than any content that's currently available in WoW. The fights are just so boring and repetitive.

>All those heavensward locations used only once or not even at all.

Feels unfinished...

Door is over there. feel free to leave.

I love Black Mage holy shit

t. LFR hero

With pleasure, OFtard.

Stormblood release is going to be the tipping point, people are going to have their excitement for running new content ruined by having to carry a lazy shit head through dungeons
Theoretically though a pld, rdm, and 2 other dps can handle the dungeons but with smaller pulls

Someone make an ast and whm version of this

Worst twin. Alphinaud is a better girl than her.

Plebs not welcome

that red dress better be dyeable

YoshiP was on Adamantoise earlier leaking some information.

is this a joke or

i raided up until nighthold released. it is all very, very boring. in FF14 you at least have to manage aggro and keep your tanks healed, in WoW you can flat out fuck up your rotation over and over and still hang in there. the difference in leeway given to your group is immense.

>you'll never go back in time and tie the twins up and throw them to the Amalj'aa during the intro cutscene
Feels bad man.

Pic unrelated.

>Preorder SB on Amazon
>Still haven't received my Early Access code

>ywn go back in time, kill Alisaie and get inside Alphie's pants
Feels bad man.

Thancred has probably fucked all the female Scions except his daughteru Minfillia.
I bet he fucked Hilda too in HW after they went off with each other that time.

SE new formula seems to be "do the opposite of what blizzard does" and it seems to be working great.

at first I thought the amount of info for stormblood was way too little but it adds to the experience when you actually play. If you every played WoW you know they pretty give out all the info and let you experience for yourself, which kinda ruins it.

also blizzard is stuck in the "one or two new classes + new race" format, even if the ideas lack creativity. Im glad SE doesnt do a new race every expansion.


>watching the intro cutscene for the first time
>think "those girls are cute"

>using a PotD weapon
pleb weapon for a pleb girl

it takes 3 days, u just gotta believe in the benefit

>mfw i'm not even through HW

>Around 20 quests left before being done with MSQ
>Only 3 evenings to do them all
>Don't have the required ilvl for MSQ dungeons
>Have to grind dungeons and get good gear while doing the MSQ and only have about 3-4 hours per evening

HELP! I won't make it in time ;_;

Still remains the best, most faithful girl.

>he hasn't even finished 3.4

Do as much PvP as you can and obtain the Garo gear. It's i235 and it's viable for getting through the rest of the story.

If you can pull together three suckers then queue as a Light Party, you should be able to bypass the ilvl requirement

Otherwise, beg your FC or friends to craft some i250 gear

Or, you can run PvP and get full i235 gear after like an hour

I heard that they ran out of EA keys.
But at least you can look at SAMs and RDMs fucking around in Quarrymill.

Wonder if shes pissed about her job getting fucked.

>alphinaud gets his boipussy filled with amalj'aa spunk

tfw going to miss the live letter because I won't be home

does stormblood come with a month? $40 is too much for how much i'll play this.

she's a CNJ


>there are people who actually believe that she's dead

I think you can get SAM and RDM classes even without Stormblood since they are unlockable in ARR areas.

>fucking anything
good one, he's too busy cutting himself to do that

>doesn't even have a job stone
>can somehow use collective unconscious
what a shit character

people still play this ?

Tell me what's your job, I'll tell you if you got fucked when you come back.

The scions don't have specific jobs. They just have random abilities.

>Vivifying Lance
>Burst Holy
>Spiritual Ray
>Aetherial Pulse

She is pretty much her own class by now.

>>Only 3 evenings to do them all

Game goes down for 24 hours in like 30 hours.

PVP seems like a good idea, though it seems to be dead on my server, I'll still give it a try.

>Ask a FC or friend

Yeah...I have my own FC with friends and I'm the only one almost done with the MSQ, though luck.

DRK. Unless things have changed very recently, I'm pretty sure I'm okay.

Except for the WoL. Who is the strongest of the bunch but is bound to jobs.

>I think you can get SAM and RDM classes even without Stormblood since they are unlockable in ARR areas.
They are but you can't get them without owning SB license.

Never doubt a tripfag to be stupid

>square's waifus are almost universally shit

Because the Scions learned their abilities through years of training. The WoL cheats training by using job stones, so they can only use one set of abilities at a time.

YSH when???

Frontline Roulette + Freelancer, you will get in in like less than 5 minutes.
As a Freelancer theres a 80% chance your team will lose, but you get a lot of Wolf Seals either way.

no it doesn't,no mmo expansion does this

Yeah, nice magic trick with that padjali blade. I bet she is proud of herself for doing all those PotD runs.

The NPC will be there, but non-SB players will just get a message saying "please buy Stormblood to unlock this job", just like the message you get from the ishgardian guard in Gates of Judgement if you don't have Heavensward.

Nah man the game has been dead for years, they just release two expansions for fun


Important question, are we going to see Best Final Fantasy Boy this expansion, or will he still be left only in references?

>WoL cant use more than 1 stone at a time
What a bitch.


I hope Stormblood has more of those instanced battles where you fight alongside the Scions like HW had with Halatali, Azyz Lla and the Warring Triad quest. Those are weirdly fun.

>Isle of Val mysteriously disappeared after some massive spell went off
>going to the Interdimensional Rift now
It got X-Zoned and Galuf will be the new Alisaie/Mide in there.

Hi, is this worth playing on a PS4 if you have a really bad PC ?

The Scions are just min/maxing shitters who don't fully commit to the job
There's a reason they suck the WoL's dick so much

The few good ones are super cute, though.

I hope you can get to choose your Scion sidekick buddy like in 1.x. That was pretty neat.

Cats are pretty.

I still don't get this expression.

Your adventuring fellow died during Livia's raid on the Waking Sands.

Dumb animuposter

Yugiri. Loyal NIN who cares for her people. I do look forward to more Jap Gentiana

PS4 runs the game at the pc versions high setting

When is it starting?

>Qiqirn tokens in the MB since launch
>still no Qiqirn beast tribe