>friendly officer waves at a child, supports his local business and requests your documentation in his peaceful crime-free neighborhood
>saw his head off
Friendly officer waves at a child...
Other urls found in this thread:
>waves at a child
clearly a pedophile
why don't you piss-smelling nazis make video games where your hero adolf hitler is a good guy if you're so butthurt about this?
Moon Man Doom exists, ja.
>video games where your hero adolf hitler is a good guy
You don't need a video game for that. Just open an unbiased history book.
>It's biased if it's something I don't like
I really love how much this E3 has triggered Sup Forums babbies
You forgot two things
>you're playing as BJ
>he's a god-damned nazi asshole
I know right? Hitler and the nazis were soo cool and redpilled, man I wish they had won xD
>German "officer"
>In the USA
Serves him right, who the fuck he thinks he is?
>depict a perfect world
>call it a dystopia because da ebil nadzhees
When will this meme end, if you aren't a nigger or a kike then there's literally nothing to worry about unless you happen to enjoy living around niggers and kikes (and nobody does).
We don't need to create fantasies for Hitler to be the good guy desu.
Why does every horrible writer in the world use nazis as an excuse to portray the most trite, brutal, animalistic, violent, unpleasant bullshit humanly possible? Do you really think people will excuse these reprehensible sociopathic actions just because the victim is a kraut?
As far as I can tell every opposing force that comes at you from that point on throughout the game is your own fucking fault. You walked into a peaceful town, saw a cop politely doing his business and ripped his head off in front of a crowd of innocent people, at least one of whom is a literal child. Could you imagine this being excused if the cop in question was anything but a nazi? This isn't a fucking ISIS member or an alien, it's a human being who works for an opposing government. And he's not even a soldier, he's just some fucking beat cop trying to keep his friends and family safe.
It's retarded.
Yeah I'm sure neckbeards that spend their free time on anime imageboards wouldn't get put on the trains too.
uhhh he's a nazi though
>the year of our lord 2000+17
>posting fake pictures still
>law-abiding white citizens who engage in Japanese media (Japan is our ally)
Yeah, they would surely be put in camps
People like you are the reason there's doubt in the events of WWII
Nice outfit milkshake man
>I really love how much this E3 has triggered Sup Forums babbies
This is what I don't get. The Man in the High Castle also tries to depict the """dystopia""" of a nazi controlled America and its clean, orderly, and maintained better than anything I have ever seen from real America. I'm no neo nazi. Its just how can everyone be so blind to not at least see that Hitler did do some things right instead of condemning his entire ideology
lmao nigger these nazis literally committed mass genocide and crazy as fuck human experimentation on people.
They literally had a giant murder robot patrolling around london.
Butt hurt neo-nazi edgelords are a trip. Keep getting triggered.
give it up, kiddo.
I can't believe I've been on Sup Forums to see Sup Forums (while they still make great content) turn into crying sjw people
Like, where the fuck were you guys during 2014 out break with Wolfenstein the New Order, oh that's right underaged faggots
nice outfit milkshake man.
Because killing nazis is totally based and shows true american spirit.
>lmao nigger these nazis literally committed mass genocide
No they didn't.
>They literally had a giant murder robot patrolling around london.
Oh, you're talking about the world of fiction. Even that isn't unheard of considering London was hostile territory, this is like complaining about all the soldiers patrolling Paris.
>dude! We must kill all the niggers, spics, and kikes and establish the white ethnostate! Cmon dont you want to be a cool redpilled white faggot like me?! Praise kek!
I wish internet anonymity wasnt a thing so we can publicly lynch your kind with full public support.
>Amewican da gud guy
>nazi badbad
You know theres literally no difference between a nazi and an american who raided middle-eastern territories for oil interests
Not same fagging but okay.
Haha. Hitler lost WW2 and now all that's left is the trash of the trash to represent them as the cogs of time crush them into irrelevancy.
>Implying the alliance was at all on good terms
>Implying krauts actually liked Japs and thought of them as anything other than savages.
Holy kek, the delusion is real. An ultra-nationalistic collectivist society that obsesses over eugenics and cultural hegemony is not going to tolerate you beating your dick to 2D mongolian fingerpaintings.
Nazis were still bad though
To be honest Neo-Nazism is abject degeneracy anyway and I can't imagine National Socialists of the past would want to be associated with those that claim to adhere to said "movement". I certainly don't want to be.