>"Of course it's coming stateside you fucking retard" >"Only a complete idiot would think we're not getting it"
Your move, Nintenbros. I told you not to get hyped for things that weren't confirmed but did you listen? Nope, and now I'm drowning in your tears.
Brody Thompson
>implying I want a shitty 3DS port Time to get a PS4 unironically
Bentley Wood
you mean a PC
Carson Scott
I already have one of those
Samuel Turner
I have a PC and a Switch, so technically I'm covered, but I really wanted a Monster Hunter to play this fall in english.
Guess it's time to rune.
Ayden Russell
I don't even play monster hunter... I have a job and I'm an adult I can't play MMOs much anymore if at all
Carter Parker
Then why are you getting a PS4? Thinking of getting Bloodborne or something?
Nicholas Taylor
I mean, even if they do something as dumb as not localizing the sequel of a game that was, I win anyway with Monster Hunter World.
David Richardson
Then why would you buy a ps4 to play moster hunter? So you can pay for online at a lower resolution and framerate?
Benjamin Rodriguez
I'm genuinely upset traditional MH is dead and XX was the last one.
John Watson
if they were gonna leave us they shouldve ended with 4U
but instead we get XX and its not even getting localized
Jordan Moore
they'll probably announce it sometime after it gets the Switch release in nipland and we'll get both the Switch and 3DS game like 6 months after the Japs
in the meantime, the fan patch is good for the 3ds version and you won't even need to import with Switch version because of easy region-free e-shop
Benjamin Garcia
I'll probably just get the japanese e-shop version and play that until World comes out.
Adam Williams
>he thinks it is a sequel
Spot the person new to the series
Either way, the west has had every other complete version. This time was unusual in which we had the first version of the game, since that doesn't happen to often, so I think it is very, very unlikely that we wont be getting it.
Joseph Richardson
We're going to get it at the same time as MHW because Capcom wants to sabotage the western sales of XX.
Camden Howard
No MHXX localization kinda pisses me off. But I have a PC, Xbone, and PS4 besides the Switch, so I'm not that upset... as long as World is fun.
William Diaz
did Sony really pay them that much to both not have them release MHW on Switch and also that?
Jaxon Cruz
They got hyped for a numer 4, so dont expect too much from those nintytards