Are we allowed to like this game now?

are we allowed to like this game now?

no its fucking awful

t. person who never played it

It's sacrifice to bring us 2 new metroid games shall not be in vain

Metroid cycle?

Naw its too late to bring it back

No, it's mediocre even as a 4 player co op shooter

I bought it on release and thought it was decent

Not metroid at all, but it was kind of fun

>It's a casual coop shooter
>It's a casual coop shooter
>It's a casual coop shooter

>implying people didn't hate on sight the moment it was first revealed

Its bad regardless of being a Metroid game

But they're both gonna turn out to be shit.

It's barely better than Other M

I haven't played it but from what I saw it looked boring as fuck. Weak aesthetics, weak level design, bad bosses, simplistic gameplay. I'm someone who mostly enjoyed Triforce Heroes, Federation Force seemed like a much shittier and shootier version of that. Maybe I'm wrong and the game is actually a masterpiece, but I doubt it.

I imagine it will get a lot less hate now because there are actual Metroid games coming out now, but I don't expect it to become a cult classic or anything.

>people hated this game not for its contents, but for the implications its existence had on the state of Metroid
>the game was heavily critisized for being inappropiate during a time of hiatus for Metroid
>turns out this was just the beginning of a new wave of Metroid games

It's unfortunate to have this new Metroid era started with a Spin-Off, but can't we just accept Fed Force to be the Spin-Off, while Samus Returns is the handheld 2D game while Prime 4 is the console 3D game?
Just like back then, Hunters was the Spin-Off, Zero Mission the handheld 2D game while Prime Trilogy was the console 3D game?

personally I don't think Sup Forums likes video games in general.

>but can't we just accept Fed Force to be the Spin-Off,
Sure. But that doesnt make it a good game.

I played it all the way through. It was okay. I really liked the gyro precision controls.

But was the content actually good though? I have never actually seen anyone legitimately talk about the game on its own merits, I only people say variations of
>it wasn't that bad you guys
>it's just a spin-off
>I liked it

sure it wasn't very good, and it wasn't really a true metroid game, but it's fun with friends :)

I'm more amazed Nintendo was even going to give this franchise another chance after the fanbase went full derp on itself.

>>it wasn't that bad you guys
That's pretty much the best thing that can be said about it. Its not a good game, and people only pretend to like it to poke at Metroidfags