>that E3 conference
That E3 conference
die degenerate ape escape fags
I liked spidey, Dad of War looks really cool and I got the remake of one of my favorite games from the ps2 era
I know that feel Sonybro, I feel gutted right now. Remember me? I was claiming that PC + PS4 is the true master race combo, but this E3 proved me wrong. I feel really bad, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on my PS4 Pro. What a disaster. They said nothing about Death Stranding and Deep Down. Bloodborne 2 didn't get announced, Studio Japan was working on a fucking Shadow of the Colossus remaster/remake that people already played on PS2 and PS3, so they couldn't have been working on Bloodborne 2 which means that Bloodborne 2 is not happening. Days Gone turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit with horrible enemy AI. Spider-Man turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events and no real physics/momentum based webslinging. God of War looked decent, but isn't coming until 2018. This E3 was an absolute disaster for Sony and PS4! Metro Exodus, Code Vein and Monster Hunter World will all be available on the PC. What is the point of owning a PS4 then? Here is the updated list of good games:
PC exclusives:
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Mordhau
- Star Citizen
- Camelot Unchained
- Ashes of Creation
- Wild West Online
- Project Wight
- La-Mulana 2
- Ghost Song
Multi-platform games definitive version on the PC:
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Armored Core 6
- Ace Combat 7
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter World
- Metro Exodus
- LawBreakers
- GreedFall
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blasphemous
PS4 exclusives:
- Death Stranding (when?)
- Deep Down (when?)
- God of War
Multi-platform games not on PC, but on the PS4:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
What should I do? Is there any hope for Sony? Will From Software save PlayStation with a Sony exclusive again?
are you fucking stupid
Wait until Sept and Dec
??? What happens ??? Will From Software and Miyazaki senpai save PlayStation with another Sony exclusive? Please user!!! LET IT HAPPEN!
good or even great games, but no surprise, in this day and age press conf are hype machine, you dont need that to promoted nothing, with the dgital 24 hours news cycle there no need of life event of tread show. E3 should about expectetion, without huge annoucement or surprise even showing great game is not enough, what happen in the last two years was so suprising to be a great show. Yesterday they try to reproduce the feeling with the same format but without the same type of anoucement everything was feeeling flat, to bad. M$ conference was less impressive in quality and games (those timed esclusivity are trash, those game are coming on PS4 after a very short period from the publishing on M$ platforms) but at the end the new stuff (Xboxxxx, lul) made that event more relevant. And Nintendo with the annoucement of Metroid Prime 4 and Mario Odysse win the heart of the fans a and gamers.
Sony still win but still this E3 feel flat without any edge.
You going to post this in every thread, bro?
>user lists things he enjoyed
>Must be stupid
Explain your reasoning.
OK, Sonybros, let's be real: our conference was really weak. We need to do something about this! We need to make a petition and send to Sony to show that us, the true fans, are really, really upset.
I need help Sonybro, I worked and saved money for 5 months so I could afford my PS4 PRO and now all the exclusives I was looking forward to turned out to either not be real (rip Bloodborne 2) or absolute garbage (Spider-Man, Days Gone).
Then I saw that Nintendo is getting exclusives that are actually good left and right, not one, but TWO metroid games... SMT HD might be a Switch exclusive... From Software working on something for the Switch, what if it is an exclusive???!??! I can't take that. I am writing this with tears in my eyes, what should I do Sonybro? Can I trade in my PS4 Pro for a Switch?
How could this happen, please help me bro!
YES! YES! YES! Fellow Sonybro's, we need to make a petition and let Sony know that they should throw money again at From Software and suck Miyazakis dick so he can save us with another PlayStation 4 exclusive!
We need Bloodborne 2, make it happen bro's!! Only From Software can save Sony now!
I don't know what's sadder, that someone took time to post this, or that you actually think it's funny.
I like Shadow of Colossus just not enough to buy it a 3rd time
>let's just show them a bunch of shit they already knew about
>we want the nintendo 2015 event audience
The best thing in this whole e3 wasnt even a videogame anons...
Would a 4th remake change your mind user?
I bet you're still going to buy it when the release date rolls around.
The best thing from this E3 event was that pre-pre show on the Twitch stream, Kaiju Big Battel and Wolfcop are pure kino.
Who the fuck is this thicc qt and how did i miss her??