Why don't Western game companies make hot female characters anymore?
Why don't Western game companies make hot female characters anymore?
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As flawed it was I really enjoyed the first game the 2D one was okay but not my kind of thing.
They dropped the ball on the second one tho
Anita and Zoe.
You know why.
They are a bunch of cowards.
Women and faggots.
I don't know.
I know a lesbian feminist who's pissed about it too. She complains like "why the fuck are we going back to hating sex" and "why are OTHER FEMINISTS going after my fucking hobby" and other shit like that.
Video games got big enough for the media conglomerates to take over, and their "product" is social engineering.
Sad, but true.
Because videogames became mainstream and western devs became insecure faggots. Also alot of female devs and sjw now have more influence I'm character designs than ever before.
because hot female characters don't sell games to western audiences, at least not anymore.
*in character designing and storytelling
Western video game programmers are a bunch of beta numales who are afraid of "internet trouble." Japan doesn't care about that shit, though.
Check BGE2 and you will see.
Yeah, but she's the exception, not the rule.
There are still some left
Because western devs are cucked numales who pander to feminists
Ha ha ha stupid genie.
Those water drops on here look very white.
Are any of the Bloodrayne games any good? I remember playing the one that came with the movie (that I fapped to everyday) and it being shit.
Okay, I'll take that back, but still.
What are you on about
Why is Blizzard the only company that's allowed to make attractive women?
Anyone got pic related in a higher res? I forgot how hot Rayne is holy fuck.
Them and CD Projekt, if you want to count Poles.
She's a lot cuter than the rest of the black chicks shown this E3.
I still prefer Lara
Where was quite a few people losing their shit about Witcher 3 for it's lack of brown people and objectifying women. It didn't stick because normies haven't infected the fan-base enough yet.
Because you niggers turned a spark into a flame by being a bunch of faggots about one scam artist and now it's politically unpopular to make women look attractive because then all the ugly fat landwhales feel bad about themselves otherwise known as "not being realistic/sexist" to the liberals.
I've never been in to choking, why now?!
It didn't stick because the game was a matter of national pride and they weren't about to fuck a cultural accomplishment for their nation because a few dumb whores across the sea wanted forced diversity when it didn't make sense.
Because parents are fags.
It's not that they need to pander to sjw. It's that they have to pander to parents who don't like sex and nudity. If they make them as ugly as possible, no one would try to undress and fap to them.
>Why is Blizzard the only company that's allowed to make attractive women?
Because Blizzard panders to tumblrinas and SJWs so hard that they become blinded to all the wonderful TnA. One side of the spectrum they use ugly women to pander to ugly women and on the other attractive women to pander to muh dick.
It's genius. They get money from both sides.
>Why don't Western game companies make hot female characters anymore?
Attractive women exist in the real world fatty.
as defined buy the patriarchy
Can you please delete this image of an attractive woman, it's triggering me.
hot girls are immoral
>muh anime faces
>thicikckcik fat whale bodies
Fuck off weeb
You insecure little virgin
That pic just makes me sad. Any hope this series had of being remembered fondly died when Uwe Boll touched it.
Can it be revived, though?
desu considering most female characters' roles realism would mean making them male
what are you talking about, goy? are you some kind of racist or something?
I still haven't see the movie and don't plan on watching it. BloodRayne was fucking amazing.
no hot females left in the west anymore
You should watch it for a good laugh or fap.
wat did my desu just get changed to desu or am I going crazy
why the fuck is this board changing t-b-h to desu
They do, they are just black now.
Nah, BloodRayne was one of my favorite games back when I was a kid and I've heard nothing but universal disdain about the movie, I'll keep my memories of the game. Plenty of shit to jerk it to out there besides a crap BloodRayne movie too.
What's the point
I'm 90% convinced if they released Tomb Raider today with original huge tits booty shorts Lara people on Sup Forums would still unironically rage at it and call it SJW pandering for starring a woman
you're wrong and you fucking know it
Is Sup Forums so young that they honestly think video games were ever not mainstream? Video games make more money than every before, but they were always popular.
looks like you've got a whole new world to explore, bud
Ryona is one of the most patrician of fetishes
I dunno, didn't seem to happen last time a game with a hot female protagonist got released.
to stem shitposting
the wordfilters have been in place for months. how new r u?
They will when the industry crash again.
I don't think that's gonna happen again. The video game industry is too big nowadays for that to happen.
It's been there since 2015. It started as a Halloween joke where black twitter words were turned to baka desu senpai and sjw was turned to spooky scary skeletons.
I almost forgot cuck turned to kek
This thread is about western games.
>It's been there since 2015
Dear sweet fuck, has it been that long?
>around for when they were put in
>still feel like the filters are fairly new
>they were put in two years ago
>6th gen was a decade ago
Weeb developers always get a pass
I saw faggots complaining in the comments for that Skull and Bones pirate game because the trailer featured a woman pirate captain
The same on that got blown the fuck out in the second half of the trailer and died
Its not like there's a centralized decrepit jew cult pulling strings suiciding game dev or anything yet
Yeah, but still.
“less pretty and more realistic.”
>Weeb developers always get a pass
Not sure it's about that, I don't even remember the last Western game which had a hot female protag and didn't try to push their shitty politics on you. It's not like you can compare since the Western equivalent doesn't even exist anymore. It's all "realism" though apparently beautiful women aren't a part of reality.
it really is longer than it seems. I wonder how elderfags feel. mindbroken I imagine.
Seconding /r/
and other western companies arent business savvy enough to do this, why?
Women hate women. That's why all video game women have to look like apes.
feminism and political correctness
you should have fighted for gamergate
T. 16 year old
But even now they made Shantae more cute than hot.
You couldn't be more full of shit even if i dumped a whole truck of shit in you.
That's hot.
Because they own and publish their own shit so they don't have to deal with publishers ransoming the product because their stupid social media managers are SJWs.
Man, it still feels like this shit started a month ago and like the new fad will blow over in another 2 weeks tops.
Shantae was always meant to be cute, you faggot. She's not some slut for you to beat your tiny peenus over.
To be fair, without the audio, it's kinda hard to tell whether she's choking to death or having a mind blowing orgasm
It didn't stick because slavs already suffered through communism and socialism, they're not gonna let that shit infect their countries again.
Most of their attempts look terrible.
Seriously, did you look at that shit you posted? What a fucking joke.
Based Ancel bringing cute girls back.
They do, if you just remember that 2D>3D.
It had a very strong cult following, and ironically was extremelly popular with female gamers (as in real females who played videogames before the pop culture push, not twitch sluts).
But I don't think it could be made right now, Rayne is unapologetically vengeful, cruel and provocative. And we're living in a world where women having any flaws is literally mysoginy. Not to mention she's physically the 1% of white beauty.
Hell she's pretty much the anti SJW character.
Because your trendy urban lingo is not welcome here.
Bloodrayne 3 by Team Ninja, make it happen