>post yfw this e3
Post yfw this e3
This e3 was terrible. So disappointed
I seriously fell asleep during that Sony's Detroit footage of what the fuck that was. All I remember was some sort of riots then closing my eyes and woke up to post-show.
Who gives a shit about these western devs? Just wait for TGS.
"metroid prime 4"
>monster hunter world
I never care about E3 and it never has anything I'm interested in so basically nothing
>Prime 4
>2.5D Metroid on 3DS
>CoD WW2 might not be shit
>Beyond 2
>Wolfenstein 2
was pretty gud this time
>Microsoft showed the most games
Thank you for blessing me with this AJ reaction image
>Monster Hunter World
It supplied Sup Forums with a shit ton of shitposting material.
overall underwhelming. Nintendo won I guess but I wouldn't grad anybody's presentation higher than a B
it always does that
have another
but detroit and spider man were actually LIT guys
>mircrosoft wins e3
>new Bubsy
>Mario X Rabbids
the timeline split it's the only explanation for this shit.
>Sup Forums says E3 was horrible
>yet it will have in depth discussion about the new Metro when it comes out anyway
Stop being tsun tho
Yeah that logo sure was fantastic.
This. I'll never understand how people can get hyped for a bunch of cgi trailers. E3 is a joke.
I tried to enjoy it, but that became impossible very quickly
צען / צען
Literally 4 good new games shown. What the hell.
They took out the cringe (except for EA, bless them for it) but forgot to add some hype
>It's ok when Sony did it in the past decade though.
>Wolfenstein 2
>mh for pc
>there might actually be a reason to buy a switch
it wasnt the worst thing ever
I will never understand why Stiglitz didn't just shoot him in the head and then the three of them open up on the soldiers sitting there.
>literally a logo was shown
>am2r but shittier
>world at war but gayer
>just waiting for them to fuck this up
>just waiting for them to fuck this up
Honorable mention:
>Batman Arkham asylum 4 aka spiderman looks weak as fuck
>some new IP thats a titanfall/destiny copy and looks like shit (no gameplay)
>dudebro games w muh epic rock song commercials
>xbox one x is trash
shadow of colosus for ps4 probably being the best thing announced (sad!)
Probably the worst e3 i can remember. Not even being biased.
yeah i get kind of frustrated when i watch that scene, so many ways that could have ended just fine
Terentino gonna Terentino, I'm mostly in it for the violance and style anyway a sensible plot is just a nice extra
Please point out in my post where I said that faggot
waiting diligently for something to happen
e3 was pretty good imo, very little weebshit and all the normie garbage like cowaduty, zombies, fightan, and capeshit was relegated to the normie system rather than infecting everything else
I had literally no expectations whatsoever. I wasn't anticipating anything. Yet it still managed to piss me the fuck off by shitting all over old games to pander to a retarded modern audience.
Pretty meh but glad Nintendo pulled through in the end and barely salvaged it
video games are over
>all the companies knew the others wouldn't have much so they all decided to bring nothing
But only Kirby and Dragonball Fighter Z were shown?
I had to abandon my drinking game on the second night.
I'd need kidneys of obsidian to survive.
On the plus side, plenty of time to get working on that backlog.
>>some new IP thats a titanfall/destiny copy and looks like shit (no gameplay)
they showed 6 solid minutes of gameplay you literal autist, how are you this dense?