This game wasn't even good

This game wasn't even good.

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Neither was 2, but drones gonna drone

hey that dosent mean prime 4 could be bad, odds are that it will be pretty good. they got prime 2 wrong, try again and go wrong again, changing directions maybe they got it right this time

This game was stunning my first playthrough

1st metroid prime was the only good one. I hope 4 doesnt have all the hand holding of 2 and 3

But it was. And I'm saying this as someone who played Prime 1 and the 2D Metroids.

you're right it was great

Hunters was objectively the best Metroid game.

It's not Retro this time, which is good, because no one wants to admit that 2 & 3 were not very good

prime 3 is fine

prime 2 is the shit one, who thought of ammo in a metroid game.

1 was excellent, 2 was good, 3 was dude we have motion controls now!
It was alright.

Implying this place didn't have one of the best atmosphere in gaming history

>hand holding


Yes it was, a bit worse than the first two but not much


No, but Metroid fags are so perpetually thirsty that they'll spend their dying breath arguing otherwise.

how to spot a pleb instantly, disliking Prime 2

Well then I guess it's a good thing 4 isn't being made by the same people

and i counter your subjective opinion by saying it was good

I personally felt it was more of a "This game wasn't as good previous entries, but overall it's still quite solid."

It was good, but not brilliant. There's little replay value.

>who thought of ammo in a metroid game.
the very first metroid did you fucking moron

hehe cuz it's in the sky

>the game that gave us Nova Beam in conjunction with the X-Ray visor to pierce Metroid and Space Pirate brains with high frequency shots
>not good

Sure it wasn't as good as 1 and 2, but 3 is still a solid entry

metroid 1 did not have an ammo system, what on earth are you talking about

i'm not talking about missiles

>It doesn't count because I say so

*moves goalposts*
whatever you say sonyj@brony

Metroid was never meant for 3D.


are you a fucking moron?


shut up fag

Says the fag who's too dumb to read a single sentence tutorial

Who did 1 again?

Went back and played it years later without nostalgia goggles... still blows a lot of modern games out of the water

I liked what it did and did differently from other Metroid games. But I can see how someone could not enjoy it.

That was Retro too

>have primary and secondary weapon
>primary is weak but unlimited
>secondary is strong but limited
>mp2 has third time that is not as limited as secondary but stronger than primary

what exactly is the difference in how the weapons in mp2 work compared to missles?

It was good, though. Just not as good as the others.

Ultimately I find myself liking it a bit more when I notice the increased pace and stuff like all beams combining into one, which makes me think it was trying to be slightly more like the 2D games.

Although I admit that it could have been better. The ship visor was woefully underutilized and I feel like it wasn't clear enough what it could do and why I kept getting ship missile restores and expansions... they were because you can Air-to-surface missile a few open areas they don't tell you you can, most notably bigger enemies.

Beam stacking sucks.

I liked 3 more than 2.

The whole trilogy was excellent, though, OP is a faggot.

I found the beam ammo funny because it was pretty much a pointless system.

Shoot boxes and/or enemies with the beam opposite the one you want ammo for.

Also Dark Beam and Light Beam were LITERALLY just the plasma and ice beams, right down to freezing and immolating shit.

It wasn't even that bad, enemies crates exploded into ammo.

It was fun, but it wasn't nearly as good as the first two

It wasn't an issue when you were exploring, but when you were locked in a room and forced to fight a bunch of enemies it became important.

Most enemies were ammo pinatas

Bosses were not.

Also literally the only game I've ever seen with an escort mission where the escortee(s) managed to not be completely fucking helpless.

Metroid Prime 3 is mediocre. By far the worst Prime.

It was the Game that showed how motion controls should be used though. No bullshit that doesnt work like skyward sword

what? The federation escorts did nothing

I enjoyed Other M more than Prime 3.

you're basically a faggot

I didn't see what the appeal of Prime was either. It was just a particularly shitty FPS with puzzles.

>Neither was 2
It was better than 1 though.

Power Beam and missiles exist.

>had very nearly zero issues with Skyward Sword's controls aside from that one harp section at the pumpkin shack
>everyone bitches about the controls

It's nearly impossible for them to die, and last time I played they took out one of the commandos and a couple other mooks.

2 > 1 >> 3

Still great game

Lmao no it wasn't

And if you want to do any amount of damage to bosses, you'll have to use either missiles or element beams. And during boss fights, both of those are in fairly limited supply.

I found Skyward Swords' controls completely unworkable. Metroid Prime 3 was smooth as butter.

Yeah. Just because it's the 3rd weakest of the Prime games doesn't mean it was bad.

Rundas seemed like a cool character shame he got axed so quickly

every boss area contained some form of sub-enemy or crate you could use to regain ammo


If you are lucky you have some enemies to pick off, which at least makes the action more exciting.

>Better bosses
>more interesting world
>keys aren't as annoying as chozo artifacts
But yeah beam ammo so I guess it's bad.

>It's not being made by Retro
We're all fucked

Haha good job, you blew the guy the fuck out

I'm tired of metroid 'posters' not playing the damn games and using meme critiques.

Wasn't it the case that most of the original team left after the first one anyhow though?

honestly one of the biggest flaws of several bosses was that they dropped to much refills
pic related would have been so much better without the constant 100 health drops and it was a pure endurance battle between you and a huge fucking mech

I remember loving Prime 2 more than Prime 1

I also remember not having any issues at all with Ammo

I also remember dropping the game for a whole fucking week because of how bullshit Boost Guardian was

It's being made by a brand new team, same as Retro when they started working on Prime.

>>keys aren't as annoying as chozo artifacts
objectively incorrect
>11 artifacts scattered across the world, the majority of which you run into naturally on your regular path through the game
>3 keys per area + 9 keys to unlock the endgame, the majority of which you're blocked from accessing until the moment you need them.

Prime 2's backtracking was pretty abhorrent.

How hard did they nerf Boost Guardian in Trilogy? Because I don't remember having that much trouble with it.

I agree. We haven't gotten a good 3D Metroid since fucking 2004.

I've fought Quadraxis a few times without the Dark Suit and every time it was excellent. The health refills mean your health drains fast enough to keep you on your toes, while still making it reasonably possible to win if you continuously deal damage.

But I didnt critique anything brosef.

>wow man this backtracking in a metroid game is really bad
>why dont they do it like fusion or other m and make it linear?

>without the dark suit
The madman!

I'm still kinda bummed that even though we got a yin-yang beam, we never got a yin-yang suit.

Get fucked pleb

yeh but if you're going in with the dark suit and you've actually been collecting energy tanks you can just tank all it's hits and still win
sure it has that bigass laser that deals 2 energy tanks worth of damage if it hits but if you can actually refill them quickly it lessens the impact

Emperor Ing was much better in that regard, aside from his second phase being essentially a pinata, when that sucker hit you, it hurt

I was referring to which you btfo, that point was garbage and ammo obviously balances against overuse, but beam ammo is easier to get than missile ammo if you actually took the time to blow up some crates or fodder enemies.

prime 1's layout is faithful to the 2d games in that areas overlap but there's minimal repetition with mandatory backtracking. echoes' is tedious.

I'd love a hybrid system where you can dynamically stack beams but still have to switch between what beams you want to stack at what moment

I'm not criticizing backtracking, I'm criticizing Prime 2's weak-ass world design and how poorly it meshes with backtracking.

My bad then, I though you tried to be sarcasticly to the tripple max extreme from another dimension or some shit.

basically this In Prime 1 if you need to backtrack, you either have the opportunity to take a new route there or have some new powerup that completely changes the way you traverse those old areas. In Prime 2 it's a simple retread with very little changed, and you always have to take the long way there.

eh it's not as bad as it seems given it's very frontloaded in it's bad world design
temple grounds are an obvious tutorial area, agon wastes suck aside from the space pirate parts but after that it starts to pick up

Prime 1 - linear but hid it well
Prime 2 - linear and wasn't afraid to admit it

Me too, user.

git gud unless you're a palcuck

Prime 3 was at most "Good" because of a few simple reasons:

1. Samus isn't alone, there are multiple protags and Federation presence
2. There is fucking voice acting in a Metroid game.
3. Planet hopping was a gimmick.
4. Felt like a completely different studio tried to emulate Prime and Echoes.


>look up
>rain droplets on your visor
>lightning flashes
>see your eyes reflected in the visor from the inside

Inadequate opinion. Printed out, and shredded.

It was worth a play through and a hard mode 100% run.

it's not that bad given
1. they are on your side for 5 minutes, after that they become pretty cool boss battles
2. said voice acting is only present for a few setpiece action parts, when you're out exploring and puzzling it's absent
3. only bad thing about planet hopping is it takes longer to go from area to area

The level of TECHNOLOGY I experienced as a kid in Prime 1 was ridiculous

>first three worlds are two wastelands and a bog
Prime 2 did a lot right, but this dragged it down so hard.

Prime 2 wasn't a bad game by any means, but it was vastly inferior to the first in just about every way. The ammo system, lack of weapon diversity and tacked-on multiplayer just didn't meet the expectations set by the original.

The bog wasn't bad, it was an obviously ruined area but it was still filled with life and interesting scenery and actually had plenty of variation

it was a good execution of a mediocre concept, same with the phenandra drifts (which at it's core is still a fucking ice world)