PS2 Thread.
What's your favroite game? Recommendations? Stories? Banter? Post it here!
PS2 Thread
First game was Jak and Daxter
Man, that set the bar almost too high for a long time
The only good game on this system is Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks.
The ATV offroad fury games are my personal favorites.
first game i got, i think it was packaged with the console. i dont know if its nostalgia goggles but i still remember the game being extremely fun except for the submarine part.
It's still a very fun game. No nostalgia goggles there.
There's a few spots that are shit but the good outweighs it.
>First Game
>Most Played Game
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
>Didn't Age Well, But Good Back Then
Kingdom Hearts
>Favorite Game
>Notable Mentions
Jak series, FFXII, Devil May Cry, NBA Street Vol. 2
My meager collection. All great games. I love my ps2.
How is this game actually?
>No Dark Cloud.
I fucked up, Dark Cloud 1 and 2 are absolute gems for the PS2.
Kessen 2 and Katamari Damacy
I had a modified Ps2 so it could run cheap copies since I was too poor to buy games
That must've fucked the console in the long run somehow, since while I played Guitar Hero the notes would get unsynced with the audio. It was like lag, but offline. The weirdest shit.
I wonder if there is any explanation to that.
Might be a bad copy, bad disc, bad laser etc.
The only thing that could possibly be damaged by mods is the laser having to work overtime because CD-Rs are harder to read
What is the recommended way to play PS2 games currently? PS3 or fat PS2?
How good are the ace combat games? I am considering buying them
Buy a cheapo PS2, the prices are at all time low, unless you really want HDMI in which case shell out for a fattie
Onimusha 2
Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arse will always hold a special place in my heart. Holding out for a PSN rerelease on PS4.
They're pretty good. The ones on ps2 are great.
Actually I think a more interesting topic would be what my backlog for the PS2 is like. I have like 20 games I have to get through.
Blood Will Tell was legit amazing. It was fun hunting around for your body parts, and the combat upgrades were satisfying. Even the stealth missions (which I usually hate) were entertaining.
I'm still hunting on ps2 games on a daily basis.