Looks neat.
I bet there'll be tons of porn of her.
Looks neat.
I bet there'll be tons of porn of her.
I didn't know rice farmers had such rough lives
Wish it was coming to Vita or Switch, but looks good.
>announcing Comiket doujin games at E3
It's pretty fun btw.
Just call it a indie game
it does look cute as heck
can't wait
>literally a Chinese not-Rune Factory
>XSeed ends up putting this one out, too
Ironic. I really didn't them to be the one to do that.
She's so adorable.
Best game in general. This looks cute and charming as fuck. Barely even looks like a doujin game.
bestiality porn of her when?
They say that about every new game starring waifus
But truth is, unless your game has a ton of waifus or is stupidly popular, like Splatoon or Kancolle, it's not going to get any sizable amount of porn aside from a few vanilla doujins and some twitter scribbles.
Good thing this game isn't starring a waifu you retarded fuck.
>PS4 only
Cool, shame I won't be able to play, too poor for a PS4. But whatever.
>cute girl
It's a waifu
>b-but she's not sexualized-
That doesn't fucking matter. It's a little girl in an anime game, it's a waifu you dumbshit.
Where can I get a full list of new games announced?
All I ever see is the AAA shit.
I need a full comprehensive list preferably with video. Shit like Blade Strangers got announced and just flies under the radar.
XSEED Games has announced that it will localize Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin, developed by Astebreed studio Edelweiss and first revealed at Comic Market 90 in Japan last year, for PlayStation 4 and PC in North America in 2018.
Confirmed retarded underage newfag. Holy fuck user, please end yourself. You're the type that refers to literally any anime girl as a waifu. I'm done here, abandon thread. Never again.
Getting a nice Muramasa vibe from this. I hope it does well.
it's coming to PC too
He's 100% right though. The newfriend here is clearly you.
>fucking drags a rabbit through a wall of spikes
Well, now I'm hype.
>that music
Reminds me of Goemon and Grandia.
where's the fucking PC patch for the PS4 additions you fucks
The rice must pay for its sin.
Except he's not in the slightest. You guys are beyond saving if you think waifu refers to literally any anime girl. You can be a faggot and say "this girl is my waifu" but that's it. They're not by default "waifus" you dumbfucks. Especially a game like this. If this had a self-insert dude and was clearly breaking the 4rth wall to pander to otaku-kun then your argument may hold slightly more ground. This is a nice cute, charming game with a cute loli protagonists. That's it. You guys are brainwashed by the stupid fucking faggot waifu meme. Only newfags here are you.
>is she cute
If the answer is yes then she's a waifu to someone, newfriend.
Edelweiss is now one of the Four Heavenley Kings of doujin games (one of the others is ZUN) after Astebreed and Freesia. This looks like another great outing.
It's really funky and ethnic at the same time.
He still makes games?