What's Sup Forums's verdict?
What's Sup Forums's verdict?
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Great gameplay, great level design, very good setting, bland story, poor performance
GOTY 2016 tbqh
Ask someone else I didn't fucking play it. FUCK YOU
Story is just as shit as the one in the first game. Setting is not as cool. Overall: Great game, even better than the first one. Works on my machine :^)
>GOTY 2016 tbqh
Almost, but Hitman™ beats it
An easy second place, though
>game is cracked
>suddenly Sup Forums has multiple genuine threads, even during e3
Why do companies insist on choosing Denuvo? Time and time again it is shown that non Denuvo games outsell others.
>episodic online disease ridden game with two botched launches is goty
go the fuck to bed superbunnyhop, buy some rogaine while you're at it.
I get your point, but you also realize DLC was announced at E3?
Just finished playing as Elizabeth, this game isnt really fun if you take the stealth approach to get a good end cause its so limited
and almost all the abilities are high chaos related gonna do Corvo next even thou his story probably isnt that different
Yes, but the renewed interest and the reason this thread was made was likely because less than a week ago it was finally cracked. Along with Prey
The people posting about the DLC either played all the games or are shitposters LARPing as Sup Forums
>almost all abilities high chaos
No they aren't. Every single one of Emily's abilities can be used non-lethally and in stealth. Same with Corvo, excluding the rat swarm.
Shit bait
Prey is boring af though, a tolerable appetizer while waiting for the next deus ex though. Also it's kind of funny Tekken instead chose to apply another version of Denuvo when cracked instead of ditching it like other devs.
>the next deus ex
In your dreams, Square Enix hates Eidos and forced Mankind Divided to be separated into parts, then when it didn't sell well and lifelong fans were pissed at the ridiculous DLC and being shorted, Squeenix decided this meant they shouldn't make Deus Ex anymore and assigned Eidos to work on some kind of Marvel capeshit trilogy for the next decade. No new Deus Ex in sight.
Without the patched in difficulty slider it's about as good as the first one. The improvement otherwise but I wouldn't call it better than good
most of the new abilities trivialize stealth even more than blink did. the story is so recycled its insulting. one of the most interesting levels feels like a backdoor demo for another game. outsider changed for no reason. utterly wasted karnaca as a setting.
If you're talking about crack in a slab it's eye straining holy shit. It's one of the two times a video game has given me vertigo and the level design was only decent
my phone auto corrected Emily for some reason, also I remember most of the abilities seeming like they were mostly good for killing so I never used them
and that fucking time piece was only in one level which was a huge waste
Every single one of her powers has a non-lethal option. Shadow form, mesmerize, domino, doppelganger etc
Which is why difficulty sliders and the option to refuse powers exists, to satiate people like you.
Of course magic would make stuff easier.
The best two levels are literally demos for other other games. Both the Jin Dosh mansion and the time travel one would make great puzzle games and felt extremely out of place.
Difficulty slider weren't added in until later and there's more wrong with this game than superpowers trivializing the game
>there's more wrong
Like what? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to know what detracted from your enjoyment.
When enemies spot you, they all know at once and what specific location you're at. Timepiece was really disorienting, I don't know how anyone can stand it without getting a headache, and the mission in general was a pain in the ass, wasn't very difficult as I could kill anything coming towards me with my sword and gun in the present. It's very buggy, I accidentally went into the flashback room and got stuck because I went in too early and i keep getting stuck while trying to leave the top of the elevator door,boring enemy variety, not fun to fight, dumb as rocks, uninteresting world, meh artstyle and characters, some of the blandest I've seen in a while. at least whalepunk was used for some missions in the first one, levels tend to be gimmicky but I haven finished it yet. Game seems to be built around questmarker, for example, when you're supposed to find the code for crack in a slab and need to find the guy who has the code. Subpar cover stealth that never rises above average
I feel like the reason they put so many markers was pic related.
They should have made it to where you can turn the markers off, like Witcher 3. Or have them on if you're casual.
One more thing, dogs seem to be omnipotent whenever your around them and sword combat is meh
They did, and I turned them off. I had to turn them on and off to know where I was going because there's often no other way to know where to go.
I wish I could shove my foot up the ass of the play testers of games I like
Also forgot regeneration health, that and quest markers were the most disgusting things in the game to me
>dogs seem omnipotent
Get the bone charm where they can't smell you, and where the white ones fight on your side.
The hound thing is actually kinda realistic because smell. Dogs who have your scent can find you behind any cover, which is why they are used for work to track people.
I'll give you the sword combat, but it seems like many recent first person games with swords ate lackluster in mechanics.
The time travel level is the worst one, though. Way too gimmicky.
>Regeneration health
That stops on the hard difficulty. It won't replenish unless you use an elixir, eat, or have the bone charm that makes consuming water increase health.
I actually liked it a lot, but the rune searching autism was a poor addition.
Playing without powers also needed a way to make it not boring.
I put it on custom because guards notice you way to quickly and like I said they always notice your immediate location
Game's pretty fucking fun. Shame Denuvo killed the sales and the game's performance. I'm guessing it was Bethesda's decision, shooting Arkane in the foot and they're likely going to use the low sales as an excuse to axe the series.
Can't get into it.
Been trying on and off since a bit after release (well, enough time to find it second hand).
Feels very non-cohesive, more so than the first who suffered some similar problems, but nos as pronounced. From a technical standpoint, the game certainly has more under the hood, but I'd go as far as to say I prefer the how the first one looks. Cleaner. Better aesthetic.
Overall level design is weird. The maps are really good. The placements on them not so much I'd say.
The game design fell into the Thiaf trap in a way: wanting to "give you" freedom in a vacuum instead of giving controlled systemic freedom in an otherwise controlled environment.
Doesn't really work. Feels like the game doesn't know what it wants to be.
the dumpster fire snwoflake engine is what killed performance. i have like 5 other denuvo games that run like shit through a goose compared to dishonored 2. post patch bamham tank sim runs better.
>chose difficulty that makes it to where health regenerates
>complains about optional mechanic you chose to use
I don't get it.
Why do you find it hard to navigate without markers? Especially indoors it is pretty easy to know landmarks and the levels. Dunwall Tower was a breeze because the layout was identical to the first.
For real I have to agree with this
First game was one of my favorite games. I felt like a true assassin working through political turmoil as an underworld master of death with an interesting supernatural edge over my opponents, but even then my opponents sometimes had their own sorcerery or could even shut down mine. The story was exciting, albeit pretty simple, the setting was very cool, the characters you met were memorable, and it just felt like I really was some kind of dark stalker in a crumbling empire.
Second one was, I admit, interesting at first. But they completely discarded the cool "master assassin with an otherworldly advantage" into some kind of fucking magical bs. I no longer felt like I was an assassin. The first target, the crownkiller, was so lame cus this mysterious murderer was so hyped up then we just fucking kill immediately as the first target in a lame level. After that it was just kill this witch, travel thru time, do this mansion puzzle shit, solve that, do this, etc. It no longer had that political intrigue and gritty underworld flavor the first game had, instead replacing it with some fantastical magic and eccentric puzzler bullshit.
my GOTY last year. Improves on everything I liked about dishonored 1, other than voiced protags
I have already bought the DLC
>Awesome OP killing powers and potential
>guaranteed bad ending
Why must this series do this? Just make it one ending so I can enjoy the game to it's fullest without the mandatory buzzkill at the end.
>He doesn't appreciate replay value.
Suit yourself.
>The first target, the crownkiller, was so lame cus this mysterious murderer was so hyped up then we just fucking kill immediately as the first target in a lame level.
someone missed the cure, I see
Did you just stab them without even talking to them or something?
Talking about avoiding the buzzkill ending. Play once good great. Play once bad, bad ending. Unavoidable.
who gives a fuck about the ending you get, it is the subtlety of the changes in the story and missions through your chaos that matters
I killed her first run and saved her in the second run, but my point was that the crownkiller had a bit of hype around her that was resolved almost immediately and was revealed to be this character we literally did not know about until we got to her asylum. I just wish it was a more interesting twist saved for later in the game
>complains about optional mechanic you chose to use
I complain because then I have to put up with other annoying shit like hawk vision AI that catches me instantly. Indoors is fine but sometimes the game takes place out doors and it's very annoying to know where to go then. I like to think that I can find the places I need to go, I found the main witch only using the quest marker once while inside. Dunwall tower is fine but doesn't saying it's forgivable because it was in the first one say something about it
Just wanted to be a lethal assassin in the game and have a decent ending instead of being a glorified sandman ok. That's all I'm saying.
Sapienza was the only "great" level. All the others were merely decent. Had there been like 4 Sapienza type levels, then it'd beat Dishonored 2.
>I just wanna kill shit
Fine, and the game shows how this makes the environment change and the people in it change.
you can have a decent ending anyway, you save your family member and stop delilah no matter what chaos you play, plus you don't have to kill delilah, or save your family member whatever chaos you play.
It is like you played the game once and shit on it because it gave you options and replayability
The Prey shit was fucking hilarious though. Nothing but 24/7 shitting on it, then it gets cracked and everybody loves it. I bought it on cdkeys for $30 btw
Doesn't high chaos force the and everyone died ending?
these subtleties are what make the game brilliant.
Try the royal conservatory on both chaos and you see a discussion between two friends, high ends in the one friend killing the other, low chaos the convo reveals some info about your mission
I dropped it when I realized that Corvo/Emily were going to be giving me instructions throughout the game.
Yeah, the markers were pretty much necessary as the super open levels don't efficiently funnel you.
No, there are multiple high chaos.
You can choose to leave your family member as a statue for eternity, and even Corvo can take over the Empire.
no not at all.
I mean if you kiled all your targets, they died, but at the end, no matter your chaos you can still choose to either, trap delilah, or kill her, and save your family member, or take the throne. The cutscene after that, then depends on your actions overall chaos. but who gives a fuck. That is the time when you go to NG+ and do the game in the opposite decisions.
Really liked it, but just like Dishonored 1 and Prey I just can't find reasons to replay. If you go super indepth you kinda just finish everything possible.
It's the Void Engine, which is just a modified form of the shittiest engine in recent history: IDTech 5
I was thinking about 1. It's alright.
>hit the level where you can change the entire house and explore it THRU THE WALLS
>since then played some older games and notice the same concept where you explore a house THRU THE WALLS
Arkane just copies, don't know why I was impressed with that level in the first place.
It's for the best. MD was good, but what we got was still lackluster. It would have only gotten worse from there.
Want to name some
I understand what you mean by freedom in a vacuum instead of giving controlled systemic freedom in an otherwise controlled enviornment but could you explain further?
I'm sad to see the series die this way. Especially because some Japs couldn't be bothered to treat the franchise with respect.
Why would you throw the way the potential of being able to publish sequels to a game many critics claim to be one of the best PC games of all time?
What is it copying? I can see some Thief similarities but that isn't bad, in fact I think it was their intention.
>Thief similarities but that isn't bad, in fact I think it was their intention.
these games are known as immersive sims because they are inspired by looking glass games like thief. iirc arkane devs were ex looking glass devs.
thief and vtmb come to mind
mind you, they're barebones af compared to d2, but they still obviously ripped the concepts from those 2 games and sold it as something original
Considering Arkane is made up of people who made Thief, System Shock, and the original Deus Ex why are you surprised.
They've not hidden that Dishonored is the spiritual successor. The fucking hired Garrett's VA to voice Corvo for this reason.
>thief barebones can compared to d2.
Do you mean moving walls or gameplay in general?
>make a sequel to a game that was well received and genuinely liked
>it has legit issues with it like being cut in half, dlc, the preorder debacle, 1 hub thats divided into loading zones that take fucking forever, etc
>decides to just shelve the entire IP for a decade to work on something to make back all the money they lost making Deus Ex instead of making a proper sequel to win back the fans and to set things right that will ultimately be better down the line for them
I don't know either dude, Square is out of touch.
I just mean that one mission where you go THRU THE WALLS to collect a fire poker. It was a concept that was outdone in D2, but you could still see where they drew inspiration.
I think older games have better level design in general, but I like how newer games have bigger levels in comparison, although not as intricate. What we need is a combo of the two, huge as fuck levels with really well done level design in the vein of Thief.
Yeah, this dividing thing is their new methodology. They will go the way of Konami as far as relevance to the non-arcade non-pachinko gaming.
Isn't the ff7 remake up to 3 different games planned now?
Maybe if Bethesda didn't have them by the balls they could do something like that.
>3 games
Fuck, really? This has been a common theme with SE lately, all their recent games seem to have had shit dev times, like FFXV, and all their recent games feel unfinished as fuck, like obvious cut content that they add in as DLC later.
You're right, and I don't really mind. I'm glad that these types of games are still made, even if it is just one dev.
Pretty god damned good game. It just feels like there is something missing I guess. I think its that everyone doesn't kill you on sight like the first game. It takes a lot of the tension away.
Still it had the best level design of 2016 by far. The Time Mansion and The Clockwork Mansion in particular were fucking amazing and can't be praised enough.
So is each disc going to be a full priced game or something? Are we finally transcending DLC for something more physical?
I wasn't really that excited for it anyway, not in today's market at least.
Well, the game, from the top down, from options that define the very way you play the game (markers, save system) to the way you tackle problems from a moment to moment standpoint aims at giving the player freedom. The trouble is that in trying to give you that freedom the designers forget that game at their core a defined by their constraints.
Here it makes the whole game non-cohesive - there is no defining constraint. You're just here, going there. And the software ends closer to a virtual toy than a game at times, I'd go as far to say.
Contrast with Thief I guess, since it's the granddaddy of the genre. The gameplay puts systems in place, offers you complete systemic freedom in how you use them, with a modicum of emergent solutions. But the problems and contexts are clearly defined. You're free to do anything as long as you're a thief, which demand discretion. More or less depending on the difficulty setting, but the game is clearly pushing you in one direction. There are constraints/limitation in place to make sure you're going into a clearly defined play experience, but *inside it*, you're free.
Ironically just got finished coming back to it. Just spent ~20 minutes solving that fucking riddle only to go back and play the level legitimately.
It's a lot of fun but I'm pretty sure it'd be slightly better if I picked Corvo with the less gimmicky blink at the start. Also the world kinda feels more barren then the first for some reason, I can't put my finger on it.
The dlc looks dope, I wanna see Daud again.
Interesting. I think you hit the nail on the head about thief. Dishonored's problem is that it's trying to cater to everyone, being a jack of all trades.
Do you think if given more time, money, and freedom Arkane could have revitalized the Thief-like system?
No fucking idea, but the Japanese fad of HD remakes is growing tiresome and shows how their media culture is completely dying except for a few brave individuals that fight the Japanese mentality that
>the nail that sticks out must be hammered flush
Like the Attack on Titan creator (not saying the series is great by any means, just a monetary success Japan didn't know they had). He was looked down on by his peers and the chapters were fist released in a shitty low profile Manga magazine. Even the creator knew of the current zombie craze in America. He used that and now the weekly torrents for the show in America are the most pirated foreign show, even over Doctor Who and it's power of attracting autists and nostalgics.
Take even Deus ex (which, when you're down to it, I think Dishonored is more of a spiritual sequel than it is to Thief), there you have central theme of data gathering that defines the gameplay. You want to explore, you want to know what happens, who is who, reveal the conspiracy layer after layer.
The narrative and gameplay focus on a certain direction.
In Dishonored 2; I can kill or not kill, I can steal or not steal, I can look for knowledge or not. The experience is only defined by player choice, with no contextualization, no ley-lines to the gameplay verbs so to speak. Which ends up making it nonsensical.
>gathering data to find out what's going on
Prey 2017 is extremely like this imho
>HD remasters
Holy fuck, you're spot on. Nothing but HD remasters and rereleases, and everyone clamoring over how amazing it is. When half of your library are games from previous gens, that just makes me realize how much gaming has changed.
Yeah that makes a ton of sense. I remember trying to watch AoT when it first aired and thinking of how western it was, and how I didn't really care for it. Good on the author though, I'm glad he's found success.
>Do you think if given more time, money, and freedom Arkane could have revitalized the Thief-like system?
Depends on what we mean by freedom. Freedom from what? If anything, with less money involved, they might have been able to afford for a more niche market, and thus a more refined experience.
The first Dishonored already suffered from tension between what was clear authorial intent and the necessities of being a mass entertainment product - with respect to so called QoL design elements crippling the experience I think.
>games from previous gens
And unlike many western remakes they charge full price.
Shit on Microsoft all you want (I don't like them either) but their move to release 4k remakes free of charge if you previously owned it was something many Japanese developers will never do.
>how western it was
Which is why I feel Berserk would take off in the west if given a decent adaptation and marketed as being slightly similar to Game of Thrones. But no, that won't happen.
>depends on what you mean by freedom
Not having Bethesda breathe down the back of their neck, for starters.
Yeah, I have my misgivings about Prey, but overall so far I'm more convinced by it.
Need to give more time to both games though. Explore the systems in place a bit more.
How many actual assassination missions are there in Dishonored 2? I thought Dishonored 1 got a lot worse from the flooded district onwards since you weren't actually assassinating targets anymore.
Best game of 2016, time travel mansion is one of the most memorable levels I've seen in years.
I feel like Arkane would be so much better without the AAA budget and the restraints having a large budget has. They're REALLY good at nailing what made older games like Thief great, but they ruin it with modern gaming trends, like crafting, markers, dumb AI, and gameplay that empowers the player instead of asking them to empower themselves.
>Captain of Dunwall guard
>the doctor and her helper at the Institute
>the gang leader or vice-Overseer, or both
>the inventor
>Delilah's lesbian partner
>the duke
>the Duke's body double
>Billie Lurk/Megan
Oh and the dude in the time travel mansion
To be fair I did like bone charm crafting because you can get ridiculous if you quadruple a trait. And making bone charms fits the lore.
What's a good stealth use for windblast? Also bloodthirst isn't really for stealth but it's not really a power
Will doppelgangers knock people out? I didn't play much with that power but they only seemed to kill
It is still non-lethal if you don't upgrade
I guess you're technically right, it isn't stealth, but neither is using your sword to break down doors. That was the most use I found for it. And crowd control plus time stop it could be useful, especially for witches.
>What's a good stealth use for windblast?
Another user here, but: breaking doors open. Not exactly pure stealth, but certainly non-lethal.
It has a black person in it. Therefore it is SJW cabalist propaganda and you should accept Hitler into your life.
They can lure them to traps.
I used mine in conjuction with domino lots of times. Really fun. Would domino my doppelganger plus 3 enemies and knock her out and take out all the enemies.
What is really funny is to summon the doppelganger, stop time or sneak and attach a stun mine.
>accept Hitler into your life
Why can't we all be strawberry milkshake man? So amicable
I'm not done with Prey, but the more I play the more I like it
Call me nostalgic, but when my first weapon was a wrench, I grinned.