Who else here /convinced to buy/ after today?

who else here /convinced to buy/ after today?

good luck finding one, fag

bought on launch, no regrets

ill buy one next year when they are cheaper

Yeah maybe when they decide to send out another shipment.

Nope, learned my lesson with the Wii U. I aint buying shit until the games I want are released and on a shelf somewhere.

fuck no, more released games in 2018, lmao and mario looks terrible unless you're a nintendildo obv.

I'm waiting for the inevitable improved version of the console with all the kinks worked out like the tablet warping and the holster scratching the fucking screen.

Considering it now, but at the same time, I know it will collect dust when I beat the few games I have interest in.

keep up with news concerning Best Buy stock. seems for the past few weeks they've been getting sizable shipments in store every Sunday.

mine got them in stock last Sunday morning, and i got one of three left by the afternoon.

regret buying one.
Where is the support?
Drought console

I'll get it next year when the price drops down. I'm waiting for new accessories (Nyko for example) to show up that will fix up the problems people had when it released. But yeah Nintendo showed some good games.

i thought i was gonna skip this one for sure but i'm seriously considering getting one now. wouldn't get it til later this year tho


Literally no games for this year announced.

HOWEVER, the future is looking bright. I'm waiting until Christmas.

>Didn't announce a single new AAA IP
>Actual new game announcements consisted of game LOGO's and nothing else
>Nintendo killed the fan remake of Metroid 2 so they could force you to pay $60 for their worse looking one
>Announce a "Core" Pokemon game for Switch accompanied with the information that it won't be out for at least (18) EIGHTEEN MONTHS
>Xenoblade has been anime-ified to UNsalvageable levels
>Announce Kirby #354 and Yoshi #212

FUCK no.

I already have one.

Why do people keep posting these shit memes
Don't tell me Sup Forums believes this shit was real right

But user, I bought one first day.

I should have bought a Nintendo Switch, I wasted my money with Sony, how could Sony drop the ball so hard? Remember me? I was claiming that PC + PS4 is the true master race combo, but this E3 proved me wrong. I feel really bad, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on my PS4 Pro. What a disaster. They said nothing about Death Stranding and Deep Down. Bloodborne 2 didn't get announced, Studio Japan was working on a fucking Shadow of the Colossus remaster/remake that people already played on PS2 and PS3, so they couldn't have been working on Bloodborne 2 which means that Bloodborne 2 is not happening. Days Gone turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit with horrible enemy AI. Spider-Man turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events and no real physics/momentum based webslinging. God of War looked decent, but isn't coming until 2018. This E3 was an absolute disaster for Sony and PS4! Metro Exodus, Code Vein and Monster Hunter World will all be available on the PC. What is the point of owning a PS4 then? Here is the updated list of good games:

PC exclusives:
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Mordhau
- Star Citizen
- Camelot Unchained
- Ashes of Creation
- Wild West Online
- Project Wight
- La-Mulana 2
- Ghost Song

Multi-platform games definitive version on the PC:
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Armored Core 6
- Ace Combat 7
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter World
- Metro Exodus
- LawBreakers
- GreedFall
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blasphemous

PS4 exclusives:
- Death Stranding (when?)
- Deep Down (when?)
- God of War

Multi-platform games not on PC, but on the PS4:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)

What should I do? Is there any hope for Sony? Will From Software save PlayStation with a Sony exclusive again?

the dock has scratched plenty of screens. i personally have never used it.

If you're on Sup Forums and didn't already own one than you need to leave until you do newfags.

Now hold still, this is only gonna hurt a lot.

I'm still waiting until Odyssey. They didn't announce anything before then that I'm interested in. But at least they moved up the release date to October, I think before they said it was coming in the winter.

Netflix and other basic multimedia functions that all other tablets should have in 2017 when?

>Not buying it for BotW
You're already missing the fun, OP

No one is taking your copy pasted post seriously because it is full of bare faced lies and logical fallacies - PS4 still has the most true exclusives coming out not only this entire year but from now until this holiday as well, Western and Japanese games AND multiplats.

Take your falseflag elsewhere retard.


From isn't making anything for Sony right now. Unless you don't already own a PC, I recommend you sell your pro and maybe buy a slim for $100 used in 2 years.

I will buy it when it gets cracked, I'm not paying full price for mobile games.

Should I but a red blue one? it's the only one actually available here

The more I listen to the new Mario Odyssey song, the more I want to buy one.

But I'll wait until October to get one.

>From not making anything
>Metroid Prime 4 not being made by Retro

Already bought one, don't do it yet. There's a lot of nothing coming this year unless you can't taste shit and like everything thrown in front of you.


Buy it if you really want to play the games

I bought one.

Already own MK8 and Zelda on WiiU.
Bomberman is overpriced and so is Street fighter 2.

It's sat in my room because it has no fucking games


It's not as loud color wise as you might think when you see it in person. I like it anyway.

have been convinced by E3 to buy it in 1 year, when pokemon comes out and probably after a price reduction.

But I am serious Sonybro, I have a PS4 Pro, I am just worried, I don't care about quantity, I care about quality and there are not enough quality exclusives!!! I am afraid I wasted my money, please help me bro, what should I do?

NO! This can't be happening, I bought a PS4 Pro to secure From Software exclusives!!!!! they are the BEST, you are telling me I wasted my money and Sony won't get another From Software Sony exclusive?!!?!?!? NOOOOOO!!!

This LITERALLY can't be happening!!!!

Metroid Prime 4.... SMT HD... both exclusives to Switch... and now, now you are telling me that From Software is making it?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOO! I LOVE FROM SOFTWARE!!! How could this have happened? I should have bought a Switch!!!!!

Admittedly the Switch is a mediocre purchase for Wii U owners, but as a Wii owner god damn it's incredible.

You're right though, Bomberman and SF2 are shit due to overpricing and there's no good games until Splatoon 2

Uncharted Lost Legacy is PS4 exclusive.
Shadow of the Collosus Remake is PS4 exclusive.
Days Gone is PS4 exclusive.
Spiderman is PS4 exclusive.
Monster Hunter will have PS4 exclusive content.

Only if a bundle gets announced here. Japland and UK get the Splatoon bundle so why not us?

Almost, I was on no buy to now on the fence, if 2018 e3 delivers new smash, AC, and F-zero in development I will pick one up and buy Xenoblade and the other good stuff that came out.

From isn't making metroid. Smt isn't shitch exclusive, it will also be on ps4. Sony didn't announce new games because microsoft performed a shitshow.

Also this

If not for Mario I'll do it for my home boy Kirby.


I'm not scowling the country to find a Switch at retail price. Nintendo can't keep the console in stock after all this fucking time? Are they making video game consoles or Air Jordans?

Fuck no. I still have a 3DS.

I'm in yeah, I was gonna wait until later since I need to play Shin Megami Tensie 5 but now with everything else announced I'm gonna pick one up. The walmart down the street has 2 should i go right now?


I might've if they just had a normal console instead of gimmicks every time.
I'll probably stick to PC since almost everything worth getting will be on it.

For what? Games that 7 year olds like? Grow up

Yeah if I hadn't already played MK8 and Botw I'm sure the switch would be blowing my mind with those 2 games alone but I've already paid for them I don't wanna drop $60 on a game I already owned a bought dlc for

I'll buy the Mario Odyssey edition

>Uncharted Lost Legacy is PS4 exclusive.
But that is an interactive movie, I am interested in games, not movie garbage.
>Shadow of the Collosus Remake is PS4 exclusive.
We already played it on PS2, PS3 and PC emulation. I want a NEW game, not a game that is played to death!
>Days Gone is PS4 exclusive.
Interactive movie dogshit.
>Spiderman is PS4 exclusive.
Interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events.
>Monster Hunter will have PS4 exclusive content.
No source, irrelevant if true.

How could this happen fellow Sonybro?

I wanted information on Death Stranding and Deep Down. I wanted Bloodborne 2 or a From Software Sony exclusive.... how could Sony betray us so hard???

Im giving nintendo 1 year to anounce a MH game for the switch.

if not im switching to a ps4

the switch really doesn't have any heavy handed gimmick though. most games play perfectly regularly, just with options in regards to how you want to play them controller wise, or portably vs. television.

It's a digital download. My policy with consoles is to only ever buy physical if possible.

By the time the console is near obsolete I can then sell them as they sure as shit won't be compatible with the next one.

>tfw you managed to get one on Mario Kart release day when stores received a bunch of them
>they haven't really been in stock since then because stores get like 3 a week and sell out in 2 seconds


It's not a goddamn gimmick. Did you never own a gameboy? It's practical af

I'll probably get one around Christmas to play the new Mario and Xenoblade Chronicles games.

Dockless Switch when?

it is gettiing a MH game

>tfw still can't find a switch anywhere

not XX dumy i already have that game for 3DS

Wii U owners have a good reason to hold off on buying a Switch for at least a year. When that Pokemon RPG comes though...

Anywhere in the UK know a store that's selling them?

Blue and Red only please. Otherwise I'll just wait until July.

Xenoblade is the first game I'm actualy interested in, and that doesn't come out for a few months.
It doesn't matter how impressive the Spotlight was, none of those games are out right now.

I'm not a child, so naturally I play games in my home and not on a handheld.

Try visiting the local kindergarten my man.

Look in Gamestops in lower-income areas, or just cave in and buy a Zelda bundle
True, but when did you expect these major titles to release? Tomorrow? What matters is that they at least have a holiday release

>I never leave the house so never need to take my games with me

PC/Switch master race.
Feels pretty good, man.

same here.
I'll wait for the revision. I just have so many games and so little time these days.

Don't bother looking online. You'll never get one off Amazon, BestBuy, etc. Call local stores.

Objectively the best combination

Why the fuck would you buy a PS4/XBone if a PC has most if not all of those games?

>no new monster hunter
>every other console get mon hun
>no pikmin 4 despite miyamoto saying it was nearly done a year ago

Guess I'll have to wait a little longer

>come home from work
>unexpected package at front door
>open it
>nintendo switch
Damn it, drunk me, we needed that money for rent.

Again, if I'm not at home, why would i need to bring them with me? Even if I went on a long trip for work, I can easily play something on a spare laptop.
Don't tell me you actually try to bring mario/pokemon on outings with friends.

Eh. Mario looks cool, but I need more than that and Breath of the Wild(which I already played on the Wii U) to pull the trigger. Didn't even show anything else besides that. Hard pass on all of the cutesy 2D platformers, been there done that. Will play some of them if they're good, but not going to factor into my purchasing decision.

I'm just sitting here with my PS4, Switch, 2DS and PC. I'm enjoying Bloodborne, Nioh, Persona 5 and SMTIV.


I just bought one today, my local Best Buy had 4 of them for the past 3 days and the guy said no one is buying them anymore

Minnesota lads ww@

>Buying consoles at launch
Yeah, no. I'll give it a fair chance in a year or two once it has had to chance to get more than three games.

Did...Did you not watch the Direct? Arms, Splatoon, Rocket League, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Warriors are all out this year.


You don't have to take it anywhere just because the option exists. You can leave it docked.

>play something on a spare laptop

If you'd prefer playing a game on your laptop than a Nintendo game, perhaps you have no interest in a Nintendo platform to begin with. So what are you even bitching about, fuccboi?

It's the most comfortable for sure. Only negative is I can't play Monster Hunter games on it, but I guess my PS4 and PC will be doing that from now on.

think they wanted some good exclusives

E3 served to make my idort creed be smug as hell.

This. I believed in Nintendo.


If the Wii U didn't get a price drop while it was selling like dogshit, why would the Switch get a price drop as it flies off shelves?
Your best hope is some kind of bundle that will save you $50 on one game.

Check the trash.

I bought it on MK8's release. Nintendo knows they have to hit one out of the park with the Switch and so far it seems to be on track.

We had 1 left from the Sunday shipment left today. I was super on the fence for it. Luckily someone bought it before I was off.

No switches, just you.

Wait for TGS 2018.
If there isn't a Switch Monhun announced by then it's not getting one. But I'd say there's a 90% chance it is.