This triggers the Nintendo friends that would much rather let the series die than let it branch out to a new market and achieving the recognition that it deserves.
Fanboyism at its finest...
This triggers the Nintendo friends that would much rather let the series die than let it branch out to a new market and achieving the recognition that it deserves.
Fanboyism at its finest...
Other urls found in this thread:
>dude just change everything about the series you like to pander to people who have never even heard of it before let alone play it, stop whining lmao
>lets just keep a series exactly the same
>with gameplay dictated by 17 year old technological constraints
>the devs should never be allowed to use new technology to expand on their vision
*Also on on Xbone and PC
People like you are the reason MH has looked like shit for the last 5 years. Get fucked.
>dude did you hear about that monster roster update for Monster Hunter 2K17
Pretty sure MH stayed on handhelds cause that's how japan liked it.
>retarded graphicsfag who hasn't played the series at all only gives a shit about graphics
Like clockwork.
I don't watch E3 videos and I have absolutely know idea what to expect from MHW. What's different about it?
>literally didn't do this
All they did, was advance certain mechanics as they always do and take away loading zones. If you watched the gameplay trailer you would see all the core combat and attacks are still there for GS.
>Monster hunter generations is a okay
>This isn't
Could it be... that it is okay when nintendo does it?
>make graphics not look like a ps2 game
>this instantly makes nintendo fans think that they've completely ruined it and change the gameplay when they haven't even showed anything yet
>Lets just bitch whine moan and complain about shit we know nothing about and claim it's changed when it is only slightly and scream it's not when every game is different.
Shut the fuck up the both of you.
There released 3 fucking games on the 3DS. It's time to move on. I'll be playing Monhun on my N3DSXL forever and ever but the series could really use the power of current-gen consoles.
I'd rather PS4 got a real MH game but if this is the direction the series is going to go, yes, death is preferable.
They showed a lot of following flatulence and bottling it.
>when they haven't even showed anything yet
>open world
>Grappling hook
>Fucking QTEs
>muh graffix
You forgot detective vision
>branch out to a new market
Monster Hunter started on PlayStation 2
That's 100% fine, I've been waiting for another console MH for fucking ever, and Nintendo's shit "dpad below" stick arrangment makes the claw impossible, but that doesn't mean they need to casualize the hell out of everything and chase the skyrim audience.
LMAO nintenbros can't even respond because there's no obnoxious green light trail to show them exactly what to do next SONY WINS AGAIN
should have been on the Vita or the Switch. MH is made best on portable.
everyone always rags on CoD and sports games for being literally the same game on the same engine with very minor differences between games.
thats also the rut monhun has been stuck in. I love monster hunter, but why are you so autistic you cant accept any kind of change? go play the 10 fucking games that already exist if they are so great, why do you even want a new game at this point
Before you faggots shoot me I just want to ask why is there no lock on in this game?
Grapple hook is an advancement of the mechanics. You don't have a clue what the word "casualize" even means.
Something I've always wondered about too. My guess is on Capcom's incompetence.
If you want to know what really triggers me, ill be honest.
It's the gamers who smell of unwashed ass from 40 feet away due to days old peanut butter stuck between them.
>press grappling hook button to mount the monster
>not casual
Nintenshills so angry they resort to blatantly lying.
I'm glad Sony fans at least got a multi-plat to look forward to. This E3 was pretty good.
Alright wiseguy, you want a fucking response? Here's your goddamn response.
I'm legit excited and can't wait to mess with Tigrex using the new stealth mechanic. Shit's gonna be pure cash.
All nintendo fans I've seen just say they jealous and hope they get it on switch. Sounds like you're just trying to stir some shit
How was the series dying exactly? Wasn't it selling like hotcakes?
They better include a monster HP bar and damage numbers this time. Fucking grandpas need to get with the times
My only complaint is that its not portable. I know you guys dont care about it but hunting with my buddies locally is a great way to spend time. Playing it online with discord just isnt quite the same.
Its the typical MUH CHANGES reaction from retarded old fags.
Using the environment to help fight monsters, stealth, tracking methods, open world, grappling hook type thing, Dragons dogma looking mounting
Why carve the monster?
Why not just have the whole corpse hauled off and requisition certain body parts to be preserved for crafting at the expense of damaging other body parts beyond what would make them useful?
You could have a sweet UI that makes use of the great new graphics where you select which monster parts to harvest.
It's not fair bros.
Sony stole another Nintendo exclusive series from us!
They can't keep getting away with this.
>Open world
>Detective vision
>Not casual
I've seen the shit that the new MH games are pulling (literally anime-tier fucking rocket shooting monsters). If that doesn't bother you, but this does, fuck you.
Played a good 500+ hours online on this. In 2004 before all these nintenbabbies were probably born
I'm irritated because I bought a Switch BECAUSE they announced XX on it, and assumed it would stay Nintendo. All this switching consoles is giving me a fucking headache, I don't even like Nintendo, I just want to play Mon Hun.
Seems like minor changes and doesn't sound too bad, actually.
>game being on PC
>triggering anyone but roaches
You'll get the actually good MH games, don't worry.
I hope MHW is good, but it really doesn't look like it'll be. It's on PC anyway, so almost anyone can play it.
>On PC
sounds like a success to me.
>doesn't look like it'll be
tell me why, as a fan since mh freedom on psp i see this game a fucking 10/10
Same here. This honestly seems like any Monhun player's dream game. It's definitely my most hyped game.
Literally the only reason I've never been sold on MH games has been the controls and camera.
Maybe if its on PC and the mouse controls where you look I'll buy it but otherwise eh bad controls turn me off.
Please at least try to seem like normal people, marketers.
>using the enviroment
They were pre-set up traps.
Traps where always a part of the game.
Whats bad about having a Stealth skill?
>Traking Methods
Hello? Psychoserum?
>Open World
Already confrimed otherwise.
>Grapling Hook
New Mechanic, could be cool.
>Dragons dogma looking mounintg
Dynamic mounting that looks 1000 better than the current Je Suis Monte!.
This. I've wanted something like MHW since ~2006 or so.
Damage numbers confirmed
Silly user, you can't play games on a paperweight
Look I'm happy for everyone getting a Monster Hunter spinoff game but you have to admit it's really unfair to us loyal Monster Hunter fans that we support them on 3DS for years and then they do this.
>Not a spin off they said
I never said any of that was bad, he simply asked what the trailer showed
Jesus fucking christ.
There's a MH stream in a few minutes in playstation's twitch channel btw
Why have drones resorted to lying like this?
Suck it up. We get to enjoy a MH on superior hardware. I'm sick and tired of playing the some old, same-y MH release on a pixely small screen. Get the fuck over it.
Hopefully you can turn them off, this is the one thing this guys said that I'm negative on so far.
lifelong Nintendo fanboy here. i just hope it gets a pc port so i get a chance to play it. not buying a ps4 just for one game.
>branch out
>Get rid of segmented maps
>Compleatly changes the arena bos rush style of gameplay
>Now the gameplay is not focused on the interaction betwen hunter and monster
>Such a big change is going to afect combat gameplay
"But it existed because hardwere limitation"
So was silent hill fog, and we all remeber what hapend when somone remasterd SH2 and took out the fog.
This have nothing to do with nintendo, in my case I can get a PS4 alot cheaper than a Switch
Literally all I hear are people SAYING 'Nintenbros on suicide watch aren't you guys salty as fuck?' and people who are super clearly false flagging with the crying wojack.
>can't post never ever gold faces because it's not exclusive
>HAHA nintendo doesn't get it!!!!
The hooks are too much, it looks like Spider-man or Attack on Titan.
You can though. Your precious monster hunter y'all been shitposting about in the weeks leading up to E3. Your precious gook series that's been absent from your platform for like a decade; it comes back! But it's not yours anymore is it? Your girl is everyone's girl. And it breaks your heart. Sad!
I can't remember a game in the past 5 years that had damage numbers that couldn't be disabled. Rest easy.
>loading screens were a feature
>it's the same as fog in a survival horror game
Jesus fucking christ.
>loading screens
Moving the goal post I sea
Im cleary refering to the arena style maps. Almost no interaction with the enviroment and everything is focused in the player and the "boss" interaction
>it's the same as fog in a survival horror game
It is when both are important parts of the core gemplay
>>Fucking QTEs
Was mounting not a QTE too?
>>Open world
It's one self contained map with no transitions why does the words "Open World" trigger you shitposters so much
>Japanese wont bother to play this westernized MH spinof
>Current nintenbro fanbase wont play it
>Non-weeb sonybros don't know what this is
How is this supposed to be a good idea?
It won't change shit.
Monsters will still fly away or sprint much faster than you, to an area that you cannot see but you will know its general location based on the direction it goes.
You will then head toward that area, except this time there will not be a loading screen. That's literally it.
>I'm referring to arena style maps
They only existed because of hardware limitations.
No loading screens isn't going to do shit to the core gameplay. But keep telling yourself that because you're an assmad drone who gets upset when other people on other systems get to join your sekret klub
>that grappling hook
>monster tracking
>open world meme
ehhh..... you can keep it. series was already going to shit with X and XX anyway. thank god 4U is already perfect.
>No loading screens isn't going to do shit to the core gameplay.
yeah cuz you can just hook the fuck away now anyway
Get the fuck over to playstation's twitch whether or not you're screeching like an autist, this is gonna confirm if it's casualized western trash or a glorious 4k true mh, not literal fucking paid marketers on twitter
The "fans" of Monster Hunter seem like the most pathetic losers I have ever seen.
>Tiny arena generally with almost no interaction and all the focus is in the gameplay = Big map with irregular form full of hallways and ledges where clearly the interaction is focused bewten the hunter and the map itself.
>Hardwere limitation
Repeating the same thing over and over again wont make it an argument.
>Loadin screan
Again moving goal post
>You are assmad drone
nice ad homine whats next a wojak crying with a nintendo hat?
>Delayed by Uncharted
>Naughty Dog
Is there seriously anyone complaining about a multiplayer Dragon's Dogma with the Monster Hunter moniker slapped on? This game looks great, fucking contrarians.
It's a good idea of you're not actually interested in MH. Literally everything new they have introduced pangs of "Western Action-Adventure" game, and the emphasis on obviously scripted setpieces and triggered monster reactions are not at all in the spirit of the franchise. It makes a nice little hook for the "Big Game Hunting" angle it's going for, but actual MH fans don't want this, or anything similar to it.
Im getting XX on switch and getting this when it comes out
I'll be having fun while all of you remain buttblasted
OK scotsman go back to your basement
Right after you, marketer.
I hope you have fun with XX on switch because is the last japanice style and nintendo MH :^)
>anyone who likes a videogame is a marketer
do you hear yourself talk
>but actual MH fans don't want this, or anything similar to it.
I've been playing monster hunter since 2004, i'm extremelly optimistic for this one and don't see why everyone is complaining, after all there's no way they're gonna drop the handheld versions just because of how much they sell in japan alone
This lost to a teaser of Metroid Prime 4 with no gameplay or any other footage shown.
It's okay when it's Monster Hunter.
Fucking please, fuck off and die with this shit. A wallpaper reveal is better than an actual gameplay trailer?
>made by jap devs
>by the same studio that's been making these games for 14 years
Get out of here ninja theory
>its grate guys embrace the change
>drones literally whant the same game over and over again
The monsters shown clash really hard with the ones we have. Put notjho beside Jho and the toad next to Tetsu. Hell, even Rathalos looks odd next to them.
I'm hoping the trailer was just showing off the environmental destruction and not that its becoming a core part of the gameplay. I don't know about you guys, but I prefer to run AT Jho, not have him chase me through a forest and into a canopy trap thing.
The stealth sections REALLY fucking worry me. Are small monsters such a threat now that you need to stealth through them?
The glowing faeries lighting your path is whatever, gathering could use a facelift.
Overall, I'd be hyped if it wasn't monhun. All this shit isn't even bad, it's just bad for a game where I expect to have fast-paced one on one battles with dope monsters. Call me an assmad autist if you want, I'm more disappointed than anything.
>actual gameplay trailer
user i...