Buy this game

Buy this game.

Tell Nintendo that this is what you want from Metroid, not some garbage first person scan-a-thon shit with a focus on "muh story". This right here is true Metroid and we need to do everything to support it.

Bitch, I will buy it if it's good. Get out of here with your house negro "support" logic.

Pretty much this:

I'm more a Prime guy

You can tell it's fantastic by watching the Treehouse gameplay.

>Buying anything with Sakamoto's name on it

I haven't played the prime series besides hunters and only the multiplayer was good. Whenever I look at it I feel exactly what op described it as a slow-paced fps scan-athon. That said I might buy 4 just because it's on switch and maybe they'll make cool use of the joycon motion controls.

Also Fuck you op.

It's going to flop badly because of pirate fags. Thanks again, pirate scum, for ruining another series.

Uhh, assuming you're referring to Other M and not Prime 4, with which I agree; otherwise why not buy both? Show Ninty that we want GOOD Metroid AND Prime, not last year's shitshow.

I will buy both games because I like both styles. Samus Returns' gameplay looks fun as fuck.

>intersectional metroid fans

I'm not buying because Metroid is a garbage franchise.

>Mercury Steam
That's not what I want from Metroid.

Sakamoto has never made a bad game

3DS pirate here. One way or another, I'm gonna support this game. Whether it be through purchasing the actual game or getting the Metroid amiibo, this is one instance in which it's actually important to show support. Also getting Prime 4 day 1

is it even possible for a human beings taste to be this garbage?

this was typed by a robot right?

Who do YOU blame for the travesty that is Other M?

>hurr durr you fags didn't buy Other M so no 2D Metroid
>hurr durr you fags didn't buy Federation Force so no Prime 4
i love how this E3 literally blew the fuck out all the backseat "experts" over Nintendo and Metroid

Nintendo explicitly said a million is just enough for a Metroid game to be a success to them, right after Reggie said they hoped Other M would hit a million but won't anytime soon

Nobody, because Other M was a good game.

And even if you think it was bad, are you really going to deny that everything else the guy has made has been fantastic?

>It's going to flop badly because of pirate fags
but i bought every Kirby and Monster Hunter legally tho

holy shit every day until we drop huh?

Buying Sakamoto shit never again.

> a million is just enough for a Metroid game to be a success to them
That's because they know Metroid sells better overseas than in Japan. (also potentially having realistic expectations)

Shit, did Federation Force really sell that badly?

Yeah but what if I like both? I'll buy both.

Why are 2Dfags so hostile? Why can't I love both 2D Metroid and Prime?

I will buy both you little bitch.

it did worse that F-Zero Climax, W101, and Codename STEAM so yeah.

amazing huh? if that was Metroid 5 or Prime 4, that should've told Nintendo to shelve the series like F-Zero

Now is not the time for hostilities. Metroid fans must unite

Metroid sells fine in Japan too.
hell even Kamen Rider Chronicle sells pathetic compared to Metroid

I have to disagree with that first bit. The gameplay MIGHT be mostly okay, if they hadn't had the forced first-person pixel scan hunts and a story that didn't turn Samus into a submissive laughingstock (and yes, I DID read the canon manga prequel that explains this shit).

I DO, however, also blame Team Ninja for adding high heels to the Zero Suit, something that the old concept art explicitly said NOT to add.

Fuck you.

I like both.

>Mercury Steam
Nah they can fuck off.

I'm buying both, fuck off.

>hell even Kamen Rider Chronicle sells pathetic compared to Metroid

>Return of Samus will come on 3DS first
>will undeperform because of no interest in Japan and generally not enough Metroid fans
>on top of that everyone will just pirate it
>Metroid Prime 4 will be cancelled due to it bombing

why bros

Fuck off Nintenshill. There are literally hundreds of good Metroidvanias. There's Bloodstained on the horizon.

I want Metroid to die and stay dead.

> I want Metroid to die
get out

Metal Gear Solid should stay dead, there are hundreds of good stealth games!

Tetris should stay dead, there are hundreds of good puzzle games!

Dark Souls should stay dead, there are hundreds of "Souls-like" games!

This is how retarded you sound

Prime 1 is the best metroid game

because they're spoiled brats.

>having to use Prime sub-fanbase as a meat shield and play false prophet about Metroid 5 by "Nintendo EPD Group No. 7"
>Alvin fucking Earthworm is bitching on twitter right now over muh fangame shutdown

>This right here is true Metroid and we need to do everything to support it.
No it isn't, fag.
Its some slapped together piece of shit that they only made because a fan remake was getting attention.



>hell even Kamen Rider Chronicle sells pathetic compared to Metroid

This and this.

Honestly, who doesn't buy games they like nowadays? Support what you like, shun what you hate.

fuck you, i like it

Nah, the remake looks like low effort trash.
I'll support them by buying Prime 4.

Fuck off. If this shit is what we get? It's better off dead.

I don't see anything wrong with any of those claims.

A sane post in a sea of shills. Good job user.

go back to drawing your ugly furshit art, Alvin

I'm buying both. Eat shit, faggot.

>Developer of the three worst Castlevania games
>A perfectly fine remake of Metroid 2 already exists
Meh, it doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look any better than AM2R from what I've seen so far.

Not buying it. AM2R is all likelihood superior and Prime 4 is actually a new game.

>Alvin fucking Earthworm is bitching on twitter right now over muh fangame shutdown

Literally who?

Super Mario Bros Z

>Buy a meh looking outsourced remake when I have a better remake of the same game right now for free.


But it's not what I want. I like both the true 2D metroids and the console primes.
These semi 3D metroids are cancer. Give me beautiful sprites.

Other M was a shit game. Bad plot, shit gameplay and overall terrible direction. Fuck you if you liked it, the opinion that matters is that it was shit and nearly killed the series.

>So this is why you guys screwed over Milton Guasti

How exactly did they screw him over? By letting him release his finished product, immortalizing it on the Internet forever?

He's right you know.

Faggot responsible for SMBZ. Also a furfag not like that even matters anymore.

I would love it if Prime 4 failed. They are such terrible Metroid games


Retrofags can kindly leave.

No fuck you, your taste is trash and you deserve to die for supporting LoS cancer.

>Buy this game.
no, it looks awful and was made by the people who killed castlevania. I'm not going to make purchases to save a series that nintendo has no idea what to do with anymore anyway.

>Mercury Stream

Buy it if you want the Metrod series to keep producing extremely low quality games made by the worst people.

You do realize F-Zero got canned because Miyamoto went on record saying they had no idea where to take the series, right?

the guy who made this cringy piece off shit and did it just to get people to look at his shit fur art.

also tried to monetize Mario and Sonic.

I will, since it looks great.

I might actually buy it even though I have a hacked 3ds.
Depends on what the amiibo support does. If it ends up locking more content from the base game, I don't see the point of supporting it.

and he went back saying he's do F-Zero NX if he could pull the same shit with Star Fox Wii/Zero

new control interface my ass, it's obviously forced gimmicks

Samus Returns is going for a totally different approach as a remake. It's using Metroid II as a blueprint for a more combat centric Metroid rather than a Zero Mission/Super Metroid inspired remake trying to stick as close to the original game as possible.

They can coexist. Even AM2Rs creator is thrilled about it.

>buying games for LeapFrog
Fuck you. Tell Nintendo to release games for this $300 system I bought from them

No OP, you are the problem, not the solution.

Real metroid fans like All metroid and don't discriminate, Metroid 2D, AND 3D.

You're about as much of a metroid fan as a "Classicvania purist"

Mirror of Fate a good game

Shut the fuck up, you worthless spic. You already ruined Castlevania.

And no, Wii Boxing doesn't count.

Why are you trying to start shit with people who like Prime? It's all Metroid man. If it's good I'll buy it, if not then I won't. It's that simple. I love Metroid, but I'm not a mindless drone. That being said, I'll probably get this since it seems good and I want to compare it to AM2R. The map already seems very different from the original Metroid 2.

I don't think nintendo has a great track record with trying to reinvent their classic designs.

Especially when outsourcing to, for some reason, garbage devs, which they do a lot.

I have 0 expectations for this.

>"Metroid Prime Hunters sucks"
>~dude who made SMBZ
what did Alvin mean by this?

I'll buy it if it's good. There's no shortage of good Metroid-likes.

Nigger I'm buying both and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Can't I like both?

i've pirated every 3ds game for 2 years, but i'll buy this one. it's my duty, and the least i can do after $1,000 worth of free games

Sound more like a real shill.

I agree, plus Sakamoto and Mercury Steam already stated that they plan to work on more 2D Metroid games in the future, so Metroid 5 is pretty much confirmed for the Nintendo Switch.

>Hey you, buy a game that you got for free a few months ago with worse lazily-made 3D "2.5D" graphics and shitty QTE mechanics and counters by the company that utterly butchered castlevania for $45


i hope Milton Guasti comes out and shuts this whore up. SMBZ was such trashe

too bad its being made by garbage devs with zero good games to their name

His redeemed, fuck off.

>Mirror of Fate a good game
Yeah I sure like having to do a 15 hit combo on a single skeleton to kill it

I'm pirating it. Nintendo should not be making more 240p games.

>Bo yoshi's island fan
>Nintendo is bringing it back!
>Outsourced to horrid dev group
>Games are horrid
>Also be a metroid fan
>See this

I'm getting flashbacks.


>Buying Metroid: Mirror of Fate

>completely new assets top to bottom
>Lazily made

Choose one

you may not like the style but it's far from lazy

I might grab the Amiibo if they look anywhere as good as the prototypes.

git gud

Why do people get on such a high horse?


>Developed by eurospics

No thanks.