nazi loserfaggot army had black and arabs in it, in fact hitler the half balled bitch loved islam and said that arabs are ubermensch, you faggot

So I can shoot nazis and blacks? Sounds good

>nazi loserfaggot army had black and arabs in it

Like 2000?

Then the other 4 million were EUROPEAN.

It's funny that you say this when Sup Forums constantly, proudly posts those pics of niggers in the nazy army.

So you were proven wrong

The game portrays WW2 as if the Nazi army was 70% black and the American army 50% black and 50% white women.

>Mfw people actually thought this game wouldn't have just as much revisionism as BF1

Retarded faggot "neo nazi" pol doesnt even know the history of nazis, you pathetic fuck

It doesnt you triggered whiny faggot

Arabs aren't black.

You haven't seen the gameplay numbnuts

Aw damnit I always miss out on free stuff.

I did, but im not a whiny faggot righty who gets triggered by video games and see things that are not even there

>I am ok with leftist revisionism

>blackwashing is okay

Holy fuck, just start a new world war and end humanity already. The regressives are destroying everything.

>i get triggered by video games and cant stop whining about irrelevant shit 24/7


But they do have the modern demographics for Germany. Therefore its realistic.


you can't even link other boards properly you disgusting reddditor


shut up!

Says the r_donalder lol

Just keep whining about history while you know nothing about it whiny bitch

>Based Activision BTFO le alt-right drumpf tards by making their precious Nazis black females

Fucking LMAO

I miss video games.

I know you are embarrassed by this fact, but faggot lefties like yourself unironically describe themselves as triggered. You can attempt to turn it around on us normal peop...I mean "alt rights", but it doesn't have the same effect. We don't unironically compare being called fat or ugly on the internet to actual post traumatic stress disorder, thats you lot.

Learn how to actually post here before you post here.

Out of 18 million.

>tfw you hoped for Activision to return to the golden age of COD with realistic WW2 combat

I knew it was too good to be true. Even the fucking developer interviews where they claim it to be so fucking realistic and shit. Adding females and blackwashing, while calling it "realistic". They have no fucking shame anymore do they?

>whines about a video GAME


just kys you little bitch

>my big budget action game must be 100% historically accurate

>can't even redirect to other boards
>unironical exclamation mark
Leave, reddit.

Nazis were cucks

Wahhh wahh blacks in muh nazi army wahhh wahhh

>Alt right
>Normal people

Will you write a post that doesn't give away that you are not from here?

Look at this

What's this, 2005?
Whats next, le reddit asterisks?

>Nazis are normal people

you know a lot about reddit

>golden age of COD
>realistic WW2 combat
pick one and only one

ohman you fuckin told him didnt u m8

>shitting on something, even using humor is the same as being triggered
>retard doesn't even know what triggered means
Let me guess, just like the sjws right?
Just erode the meaning of words so you can use any word you wish where it does not apply, just so you can try to get one over someone.
There is only one group of people that get triggered and that's sjws, that's why the mocking use of the word was created.
>ketchup on a steak?
But that's not how you are using it though, so why even use the word if you are not going to use it correctly?

No idealist is normal people, i'm mocking you for unironically typing lmfao, which is reddit speak.

>trying this hard to justify constant whining about a video GAMEs

You guys erode meanings constantly. Sjw has no meaning thanks to your misuse of it



And I am laughing at you for pushing the "alt right are center right not far right neo Nazis!" Meme

They are.
t. German guy with nazi friends

I'm not pushing anything, I don't care about pointless idealist scum fights.
I'm here to laugh at people who type like redditors.

Never fought where the shown maps took place.

Is this another muh white genocide meme thread?

so·cial jus·tice war·ri·or



a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.

"these social justice warriors want to apply their politically correct standards and rules to others' speech"

The left calls everyone who is in favor of enforcing immigration laws alt-right. That makes you a nazi, to enforce existing laws?

People call alt right the ones who whi e about video games and movies and woman and everything

>caring about politics
feels good to be sheeple amirite?

True right wingers call the new right the alt-lite.

they are forcing politics onto us

why do you care?

Someone post the centrist strawman.

At this point I don't even know what the hell they are trying to do. Do they really feel like they need more representation as Nazis? Is that really what black people think? I don't understand these people anymore. I give up.

I don't see how this was a problem. Let's meme black Nazis into existence. SJWs won't be able to decide whether to support it or hate it.

Because games are not supposed to be about developers pushing a political agenda such as making it seem like blacks/women were prevalent in ww1/ww2 combat.

Not only that but they are trying to pander to black people when black people don't even play games that much.

>If I dehumanize them I don't have to care whether they live or die

You ignored my question.
Why do you care?

>why do you care if something is forced on you
If someone wanted to give me a tattoo in my sleep you can bet your ass I'd care

The only real actual question to all of this is: Why?

Making We wuz Nazis a thing doesn't sound desirable at all for anybody on either political spectrum.

>Sup Forums always tells me that the nazis weren't racists and even had non-whites in the military
>also tired of videogames about killing white guys

>game shows that there were non-whites in the military
>killing brown guys
>everyone starts freaking out
I don't even see how this would be a bad thing if you're a nazi sympathizer and want them to look good.

You ignored my answer.

Games are not supposed to be about politics. They're supposed to be about fun.

They focused too much on diversity and the game is going to be 100% shit when they actually had a chance of making something halfway decent going back to WW2 and all.

Because kids are going to be playing this shit and grow up thinking fucking nogs and women won WWII for us. Unlike retarded lefties I care if people remember history accurately

Maybe blacks are becoming Nazis but for black people instead of whites? Like black nationalists?

That's precisely why we should push it. It will trigger literally everybody.

But no one is giving you a tattoo in your sleep.
No one is touching you personally, no one steals your stuff etc.
It's like cyberbullying. Just walk away from the screen, just close your eyes.

>doing this after all of the backlash of BF1 doing it

I feel like they're just doing it to spite the forced diversity the current political climate has. First the women and now this? Or maybe people are just that far gone nowadays.

This. We need to push the black nazi meme

but user you don't get it, they weren't racists but they SHOULD HAVE BEEN! then we the white men would be very powerful!

Okay, but it affects the things I want to buy. Let's say I love eating oranges. So I buy lots of oranges when I got to the store. But eventually a fad happens where people like grape flavored oranges. So now we have more grape flavored oranges at the store. At first it's fine, since there are still plenty of regular oranges for me to eat. But the grape flavored oranges keep being made while regular oranges eventually stop being put on the store shelves. Now I have no regular oranges and only grape flavored shit. Nah I can't enjoy oranges anymore because all the stores only sell shit.

you could shoot them

like holy shit are you so triggered by black people being in videogames you cant even enjoy shooting them?

god damnit WHY

What does it matter?
Videogames have been garbage for about 10 years now.
SJWs are pissing in an ocean of shit.


Does it have female Wehrmacht soldiers? That was my biggest worry.

>they actually had a chance of making something halfway decent going back to WW2 and all.
No, they didn't.
They would do the exact same game but without niggers and women.
It would still be the same boring trash.

It's Call of Duty MP. You can customize your char as you want.

What backlash, 10 threads a day in Sup Forums?
BF1 sold like hotcakes.

It's multiplayer footage, they have full character customisation.

I haven't seen any. I really hope they don't do it.

I enjoy shooting nigs in gta san andreas because it's 1990s Los Angeles pre riots and they belong there.

Blacks do not belong at Normandy however

I already told you that they do. You can hear female voices in the MP video.

So what?
Overwatch is completely fictional and in the future and people cried about that anyway.

I want libshits to leave

Sup Forums has always been a place for white on the right (which is the new counter culture btw)

In multiplayer? They have a large female playerbase and its multiplayer they can do whatever they want. If it s in campaign then its bullshit.

>Sup Forums constantly obsessed with their own historical revisionism
>gets mad when corporations do it to sell games to idiots

oh praise allah for this hilarity

Well they really were pushing a political agenda by making their characters lesbian just to virtue signal.

Don't care about africans in that game. They're just there and they're not trying to depict the past.

Sup Forums cares about history you don't you stupid nigger

So you don't remember why the pool was closed?
Fuck off newfag.

>devs talk about wanting to depict the holocaust
>refuse to put in the swastika

Because it's easy controversy and it makes all of you talk about it.
Game being talked about = free marketing.


bets on so they can show the promotional pics in Germany.
Wait till final product

hey the newfags are good

they're smart and intelligent and red pilled

oldfags are retarded nigger loving, basement dwelling degenerates that don't care about their race but instead care about jacking off to degenerate pornography

Wow, who gives a fuck? Breaking news Sup Forums, megacorps will do literally anything to make money. Your outrage politics make no sense here unless you're looking to Activision to inform your sense of history