Thanks for the beta testing PCbros.
Thanks for the beta testing PCbros
Other urls found in this thread:
Some people made such a big deal about this announcement but it was only the vocal PCSJW minority who gives a shit about this game
The only beta here is you.
No problem friend, enjoy it.
No probs. Enjoy the game, console friends.
considering undertale ran on my shitty 2009 netbook with worse hardware than a smartphone, i really don't understand how people haven't played it yet
>Trying to brag about getting a flavor of the month two years later
enjoy more shit for your system
Have fun, if you haven't had the game plot spoiled for you already. Maybe one day you'll get LISA as well.
It is a bad game, but it is ok, you will learn the hard way paying for it.
I hope you regret it. I pirated it to find out, so I didn't lost a cent.
Thanks for taking care of mi dick cheese sonygro, thy to not choke on it.
Probably the nicest thread I've seen in Sup Forums.
>NES photo being broken
Oh look it is raining.
PC players generally don't care about losing exclusives or at least I don't many other reasons I'm on PC. All you consolefags have is exclusives.
can i finally save asriel?
It is a copy paste of the pc version, so no.
>Now with no added content!
Hows the omega flowey boss going to go
Doesn't this game depend on running on a PC for some meta aspects? How can they put this on a locked-down console?
Thanks for paying a game xx$ when I cracked it. So the devs will make more games I can crack ^^
>needing a crack
In am unsure if downloaded a virus or you are trying to be funny
>needing a console for a game that can run on office computer-tier hardware
You will never save him
Good riddance.
Yep. I had some fun with it. Hope you will too.
okay then
Finished it a couple of weeks ago and really don't understand the hate, i wouldn't call it a masterpiece by no means but it's a damn fun game with an interesting story and characters, the whole lesbian and trans shit wasn't forced so im ok, i guess Sup Forums dislikes it because it's popular and doesn't want to share the same opinion as that same terrible fanbase.
Have fun! Be sure to pay attention to your new best friend flowey in the tutorial!