>You STILL don't own a Switch

You did see E3 right ?

Maybe in a few months, MAYBE

>having to spend $200< in accessories just to play with friends

I saw someone saying they had seen a schedule for the treehouse live that included when they would be making new announcements, is that real?

>spending 300+ dollars for like, three games

>port tablet
no thank you

I'll probably get one for Odyssey
Not in a rush since I have zero interest in Arms

>you still don't own a Sega CD?

I missed it. What was announced?

I'll be getting one when Xenoblade comes out, maybe a little earlier or later depending on how jewish I'm acting.

>live in canada
>games actually are $100 each

Waiting for the holidays to grab it while its cheap

Since all they showed was a fucking title card for Metroid Prime, I'm gonna guess I can wait a couple of years before I pick one up.

>Buying a console because of e3 announcements
I'm not retarded and I wait until games are actually out not announced.

Yeah SMTV wasn't there. If metroid prime 4 doesn't shit the bed maybe I will get a used "new" switch

I did and I am sorry, all I feel is regret for purchasing a PS4 Pro, I should have bought a Switch. Remember me? I was claiming that PC + PS4 is the true master race combo, but this E3 proved me wrong. I feel really bad, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on my PS4 Pro. What a disaster. They said nothing about Death Stranding and Deep Down. Bloodborne 2 didn't get announced, Studio Japan was working on a fucking Shadow of the Colossus remaster/remake that people already played on PS2 and PS3, so they couldn't have been working on Bloodborne 2 which means that Bloodborne 2 is not happening. Days Gone turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit with horrible enemy AI. Spider-Man turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events and no real physics/momentum based webslinging. God of War looked decent, but isn't coming until 2018. This E3 was an absolute disaster for Sony and PS4! Metro Exodus, Code Vein and Monster Hunter World will all be available on the PC. What is the point of owning a PS4 then? Here is the updated list of good games:

PC exclusives:
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Mordhau
- Star Citizen
- Camelot Unchained
- Ashes of Creation
- Wild West Online
- Project Wight
- La-Mulana 2
- Ghost Song

Multi-platform games definitive version on the PC:
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Armored Core 6
- Ace Combat 7
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter World
- Metro Exodus
- LawBreakers
- GreedFall
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blasphemous

PS4 exclusives:
- Death Stranding (when?)
- Deep Down (when?)
- God of War

Multi-platform games not on PC, but on the PS4:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)

What should I do? Is there any hope for Sony? Will From Software save PlayStation with a Sony exclusive again?

Once they make something other than the same goddamn IPs over and over again, I'll consider it. Even Disney learned to make cartoons about things other than Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck after a while.

So this is what happens when you elect a drama school teacher as Prime


I don't have one yet because deep down, I'm afraid of ending up with another goddamn Wii U.

Videogames are getting way too expensive for me too, this is why I would usually stick with handhelds, they're on the go and are usually the cheapest. Spending $60 or $70 dollars on a light hearted childrens' game feels like I'm doing something wrong with my life. Life felt easier for me when I would just spend $40 pops for a 3DS game and didn't feel as obligated to enjoy a game.

Also not fancying the paid online circumstance that will eventually occur, which would inevitably force me to pay even more to just enjoy some lousy minutes online that might not even come close to the actual price I'm gonna have to pay.

Am I a bad Nintendo fan? Or am I just growing inevitably duller by the minute? I dunno, you take your pick.

While i do have an itch for a portable gaming system i'm not sure the Switch is quite right yet.

I might wait until they start doing game bundles - which hopefully be in the holiday season.

Its like 2 dollars a month for the online though, if you're paying for more than a single month of time.

I'm finally gonna get one this saturday. I've staked out every store in this godforsaken hillbilly country that thinks anything that starts with an S is related to Satan, and I know that a Wal Mart nearby my house has re-stocks of electronics every friday night, saturday morning. Then I'll get that, Mario Kart 8, and Puyo Puyo Tetris (Damn this game series is addictive.) Maybe I'll also pick up a pro controller. My only reason not getting one is because everytime I see new shipments come in at the gamestop i work at only for them to be sold immediately.

pic related

>I'm afraid of ending up with another goddamn Wii U.
You seriously still think that after they won E3?

I will preorder the inevitable revision.
I would never buy a console without there being at least 4 worthwhile SP titles.

>One is a unreleased, still in-development Switch game, with not even one gameplay clip glimpse to look at
>The other one is a remake of a Game Boy game, which we've seen actual footage of


>promise of games, potentially great games, to come

Wow it's fukken sweet.

>said games aren't out yet, some don't even have concrete release dates

Wow it's fukken nothing. Yet.

Yeah, but that's ignoring fans have wanted a new Metroid for a decade now. Thinking it's another Wii U when it has games every month is just dumb. Not to mention they announced Pokemon and other 2018 titles.

It almost like I dont enjoy consoles entirely based around gimmicks
and it looks uncomfortable as fuck to use

As of right this particular moment, Switch has no games I want either released already or being released in the next six months. While Monster Hunter would've been a system seller for me, it's just a shitty port of the worst MH game I have ever played. So for the forseeable future, Switch has nothing for me.

Because I can't get one you fuck.

>Naming dropping Metroid Prime 4 with nothing to show and not even a *vague* release date
There's no reason to buy a Switch in 2017. Not even 2018. 2019 at earliest

Only 3 things I want, a good metroid, kirby and MH. I'll buy one sometime past 2018 because right now it only got shit.

I played all the big games it has years ago, except zelda which I played without having to buy one of these.

You can't sell me a system on nothing.

>implying I haven't had Switch since launch

My purchase was vindicated day one, E3 2017 is just icing on the cake.

Yeah, because there are no games out on it.

I'm waiting for the better and cheaper switch 2.0

Why is it fine to market Ninty consoles on Sup Forums?

Jesus christ does Amazon not have free shipping in Canada anymore? You used to be able to get it with a minimum purchase amount even if you had no Prime. How the fuck does $79.89 not qualify for free shipping?

We all know who won E3.

You mean like arms and splatoon?


I mean real games.

Those don't count.

Our economy fluctuated a shitton even before Cuckboi, and northern Alberta (largest supplier of oil in North America and where like 80% of our national GDP comes from) is still recovering from the fires last summer.

You didn't think the "free" in free college and free healthcare was actually free, right?

Because I cant fucking find one!!!

>you can play on your TV
>you can play on the go
>It's all the same either way

What a gimmick.

Because I own a WiiU.
Also your image is stupid.
Switch doesn't have a VC yet and considering the shitty VC emulation the WiiU got, it might turn out to be shitty too. Even the VC library for the WiiU was completely shit.

We don't know anything about MP4 yet, not even who is developing (maybe Nintendo hasn't decided yet or an inhouse team is doing it). It was just a logo.
Pokemon is at least 2 years away
No info about AC and Pikmin4
Mario Odyssey is neat.

I'll just wait until there is a nice sale and an established library just like I did with the WiiU, PS4 and honestly every other console.
Maybe you should've gotten a standard/slim PS4 since those were on sale since the Pro released.
I got a slim 1TB with two controllers and bought a few games for like 300€

How about Zelda and Mario breaking typical conventions and actually doing new things? They may be the same old characters but the gameplay itself is new and sets the standard other games have to live up to.

Just look at Sonic by comparison, still making the same old mistakes. They even have to separate "Modern & Classic" Sonic from each other because they totally destroyed the brand. Meanwhile Mario seamlessly jumps from 2D to 3D in the Odyssey trailer. It's the same character and he still works because the game design is so damn flawless.

Tell me where to buy a Switch in the US at MSRP and I'll buy one right now.

Exactly, it's 2017, i'm 29.

can't find any to buy

not helped by dude weed man deciding to ineffectively fight the fires because people who didn't vote for his cuckstain party live there and actually do work.

Canada's single payer healthcare and federal grants for college are paid for through high taxes, not game prices idiot.

Games are $100 because of a weak Canadian dollar (which they actually benefit from since they are an oil-exporting country).

Yes but the games aren't there yet.
It's stupid to buy a system now because "it will have those games", especially on launch (year).
It's incredibly stupid.
>PS3 will have FF anyways
FF13 and FF13 Versus turned out to be multiplats
>WiiU will have ZeldaU anyways
Got a port on the new system

By waiting you get the system and games cheaper. Either with a nice bundle or sales

>not taking your switch to a random bf free girl you fancy and breaking it down into the two joycons so she plays with you like in the commercials

lol dumbass. Nintendo basically gave all us a guys an in with the ladies and you're bitching about accessories to play with your NECK BEAR friends?

i haven't tried it yet myself, but once the fall semester starts im gonna use my in complimentary from Nintendo on a bf free girl ive been eyeing since we were freshman :P

Literally kill yourself for putting Armored Core 6 on here, actually got hyped and went to check if it had been shown.

I might buy it for Metroid 4. Xenoblade 2 isn't looking so hot.

It's too expensive in my country. Like, very expensive, I can buy a 1070 with the same money.

Not an argument, you have to buy controllers for any console if you want to play couch co-op

waiting at least 2 Years to see if there's a hint of Piracy.

Considering the only switch games that interest me are single player and a Pokemon game that won't be out for a year+, I'm perfectly content waiting til next summer (at the earliest) to pick one up

>bf free girl

Reminder that $94 canadian = $71 american.
>$60 game
>$3 shipping
>$8 more for whatever the Estimated GST/HST/QST bullshit is

>You did see E3 right ?

All the games are coming 2018 or later, so I can actually wait until closer to then.

Forever friend zoned.

I can't find one...

Yeah, you just have to spend significantly less than you do on the switch.

Armored Core 6 is already confirmed for a while.

They're sold out everywhere you fucking faggot

Will wait for the midcycle upgrade. Plenty to play between PC and PS4

>Armored Core 6
It's this guy again. Posting that thing with no source.

still sold out everywhere

J-just wait and you'll see who will be laughing!

this is bs

free shipping and 20% off if prime and bought within 2 weeks of release

stop baiting faggot

>You did see E3 right ?

I dont like Yoshi
I dont like Kirby
Mario looked like shit
Xenoblade looked ABSOLUTELY BORING
Pokemon isnt getting any news for at least 1 year.
Didnt give any info on Metroid other than they are working on the game.

I want to buy a switch but I heard it has problems with getting easily damaged, and you need a few add ons to play it comfortably (like a pad that also recharges the joycons or some shit).
What are the do and don'ts? Like what do I need to watch out for in order not to damage it and what should I buy?
Keep in mind that money is not an issue

Is it the dog's kid? Did she get BARKED?

Holy fuck are you actually this retarded?

Fuck you. Mickey, Donald and Goofy are literally the best characters that Disney has ever made (too bad only in Italy they make good comics of them nowadays).

I'll buy the inevitable Mario Odyssey bundle.
Hopefully it'll come with a unique Switch console design.

Get a good carry case and a screen protector. That's it.

>It's incredibly stupid.
How is it stupid? I get free online all year, free demos, and it's getting games every month. I haven't heard any legit argument why it's dumb if a console has a great launch year.
>By waiting you get the system and games cheaper.
if you really don't think having games at every month isn't enough then fair enough but comparing it to the Wii U doesn't make any sense at all. It's the complete opposite.

reminder that we get paid in canadian dollars, dumbass

>Nintendo GIVES you the opportunity to break the ice with the ladies with your passion for gaming
>NOT ceasing this opportunity full throttedly

are you?

Because Im waiting for a version that doesnt have screen and is like $100 cheaper to even consider. Good games from nintendo e3 are like 3years away still anyways...

The Switch is a piece of fucking shit and nintendo hasn't made anything good in 10 years.

no animal crossing no buy

I'm probably never gonna take it out of the house so the carry case is not an issue, though I appreciate the suggestion in case I ever feel like doing it.
What about the joycons? Do I need to hook them up to the console every time I need to recharge them or were the rumors fake and the pad included with the console actually recharges them?

>TFW your console sells so well that manufacturing gets held up by a global shortage of NAND
>100 days after release and it's still selling for 40% above MSRP because demand is so high
>Strong showing at E3 guarantees supply will be tight all the way until Christmas
>Holiday wave will devastate all remaining worldwide supply

Help, Nintendo is winning so hard it hurts.

I'd buy one if I could find the cunting thing. Fuck scalpers.

I don't buy consoles with paid online, the 3ds and ps3 are my last ones

Holy shit these artists are fast.

Also is there a specific brand of screen protector you would suggest?

Red joycons
>also what character is that

I own one but I see no reason why most people would want it.

The drought is as bad as the Wii U, the prices are Jewish and it's not a primary platform.

my nigga

>Want to buy a Switch
>Sold out everywhere
>Don't want to buy from scalpers

Well, shit.

Considering I'm engaged to a previously virgin 19 year old.. I'm not retarded at all. Video games are cancer. I'm here from Sup Forums to hear about SJW freaks reacting to Mexican Mario.