Event is almost over. You did get the best skin right?

Event is almost over. You did get the best skin right?


>only got Zarya
>fucking Zarya

the event has been heavily weighted by all the useless playing card sprays and voice lines as well as EVENT LIMITED dances for every character

this is the only reason they felt it was even safe to attempt a 2x xp weekend, because nobody had got what they wanted
and even with the boost they didn't, ending in a nice healthy bump to box sales

so no, i did not

got zarya, phara and solider... arguably the WORST skins in the game

If you ain't get at least 3k Overbux or whatever the fuck their currency is called then I guess you didn't play enough or got RNGot. Because I made a skrillion from like 20-30 levels.

I did.
But now I'm bored out of my mind.

when does it end? I thought it was over yesterday

>Bee Keeper only
>three other legendaries are outside of the event

No one knows, not even people at Blizz apparently. They can't seem to end an event at a single fucking time. I ended up buying Tracer and then got it in like 2 boxes later since they said the event would end at midnight. Fucking hell.

>still playing this shit

>>three other legendaries are outside of the event


Fucking hang me this isn't fair why is this even allowed.

>playing Overgarbage

Who am I kidding, I'm playing it myself.
I hate this game.

>cyborg soldier
>not baller as fuck

Didn't get my hijab pharah on ramadan, How could blizzard be so cruel...

Got Bee Keeper 3 times and Pharah's twice.

I can't even play it anymore. Mobility is key for me in an online FPS and the base system in Overwatch is pretty much garbage. Active abilities can make up for this somewhat (see Paladins) but there's only like 3 characters that have decent movement abilities. They rest just slide around at fixed speeds or their movement ability has no variability and just does the same thing every time.

I've never played Overwatch and I feel like with every event I miss I'm fucked completely if I ever decide to pick it up.

Not that I even played Overwatch much but I didn't open a single loot box on principle. It's a cancerous mechanic and fuck anyone who thinks it's acceptable.

Same. Every once in a while I'm tempted to get it, but I've just missed out on so much.

They're just skins and they're going to start repeating the events (the skins at least) after this one.

I'd wait for a sale though. The recent one for $22 was a good price.

As much as I wanted best rider skin, I needed a better symm skin. Shame I didn't have enough coins for both.

Is the anniversary thing still happening right now?

yeah, not sure if double xp is though

Genuinely disappointed that Mei's Beekeeper skin doesn't allow her to shoot bees out of her gun. I guess they'd have to re-change all the frozen effects to being attacked by bees somehow too though

over for me

Shame i should have brought some of those dances

I got tracer and zarya but i only played like 10 games so im satisfied with that.

my friend thankfully got me enough lootboxes to get it

>can't buy the skins
Fuck you too, Blizzard.

You could
during the event
provided you somehow amassed enough coins to afford them

>it just ended and I'm 28 xp from leveling


i bought lucio's skin, winstons and reins dances

i got zarya, bastion, hanzo skin from the top of my head. literally only cared for the things i bought

10k credits saved up for next event
fuck you blizzard

genji and maybe d.va are the only good skins whatsoever, sym's is bearable

bastion still without a single good skin

overgrown bastion is goat

>overcuck thread on Sup Forums
>literally only about skins and other items
>nobody actually talks about the game
says a lot about this game's playerbase

Opened the Lucio, Hanzo, and Soldier one. Bought the Dva and Genji one. I barely pulled shit this event. Opened so many goddamn bullshit normal legendary dupes.

>paying more than $10 for an online-only game
Shiggy diggy.

Genji and Sym are GOAT
Tracer and Soldier are alright
D.Va looks like Anita Sarkeesian so that's automatically awful

Ghibli Bastion is cute

it's fine but it's only just barely more than a recolor

>Worst anything

You can go fuck yourself with a cactus

>10k credits saved up for next event

I ended up buying every dance with the 10k I had. Next game is summer event so not sure I need much for that.

>only got the Tracer and S76 skins
>cyborg S76 is pretty neat, would be perfect if he had the full face mask and not just the visor
>I keep getting rare Tracer skins even though I never play as her
>all the other skins are either shit, or for characters I never play like Hanzo
>doesn't even matter because I'll probably go back to never playing this game once the event is over

>event ending
so no point in playing for another few months, sweet. no one fucking works together even after a year apparently

Got Genji, Pharah and Zarya but I never play them so idgaf. Trading when?

All I wanted was Sym's but I didn't have enough Jew gold

??? Game is boring and repetitive. It's basically DOTA, LoL or any other assfaggots except you have to aim your left click.

Got Bastion(x2), Dva, Lucio and Zarya.
Wanted S76, Symmetra, Lucio and Tracer, but decided to buy some dances instead and save coins.

Atleast I got all the gold profile icons which I will never use.

Haven't even played.
Too busy playing Rising Storm 2 and Playerunknowns Self Felating Title

>Got Lucio, Genji, and Mei first week of the event
>Get Pharah and Soldier the entire rest of the event after playing my ass off(got lots of dances too)
>Saved up for Bastion and Zarya
Breddy gud event t b h

Sup Forums is too varied at skill level to talk about comp

Game is actually pretty balanced right now so not much to complain about. I guess we can talk about Roadho's nurf but that's already been done to death.

I didn't get Genji.

I got Pharah, Soldier, Zarya, Symmetra and Tracer and dances for all the characters I play tho so I ain't complaining. especially since I don't play Genji.

>players of a game are talking about an even that just ended in the game


>neuter every single one of the characters
>expect people to still play the game

It's not even fun. Why the fuck would I want the skins in the first place?

this shit is worse than splatoon was when it comes to releasing content
>year one
>3 maps
>3 heroes
>"""custom""" games that pale in comparison to community servers and mods in other games
>fuckload of garbage like skins and sprays
at least valve had the decency to put out actual content for years before they got lazy and raped their game's art styles with low effort hats/skins. fucking SPLATOON a dead game on a deader console had more content after a year.

I got Genji at the last possible moment, pretty hyped. Then I remembered I can't play Genji at all and also the game is shit.

>3 characters
Major mobility: Tracer, Lucio, Winston,
Pharah, Genji, Sombra, Dva.
Minor mobility: Junkrat, Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Mei, Mercy, Reaper.

Lawbreakers comes out soon, maybe try that.

Completely agree. It's one of the terrible design choices of this game. Simply mind boggling.

the fact that GENJI a cyborg ninja is a slow mother fucker is some sad shit.

I'll never understand why Overwatch didn't have private servers and custom mapmaking at launch.
I know Blizzard hasn't made an FPS before, but as long as they're gunning for the TF2 audience you'd think they'd try to imitate TF2.

>slow mother fucker

Learn to dash reset.

got hanzo and sym
bought ulcio just because his music is supposed to be different, not plyed with him yet.
Was gonna buy zarya, my main, but no point in buying skins as you don't see them in game

I got all the skins and most of the dances. :)

Scout runs faster then genji my lil dude. I'm talking about using those legs. I think fucking retards from Left 4 Dead also run faster than genji.

Dash doesn't mean shit. Where talking about the base system.

No because OW's skin system is fucking shit
It's why I quit the first time

Fuck Blizzard for making it that way. I'll never be a Kamen Rider now.

thinking genji needs to run fast when his mobility is vertical is the mark of a true dunce

Increase mobility like that and you render things like shields obsolete. There's a reason why a hero like Tracer with the mobility to go past them is so squishy.

I gave up on lootboxes a long time ago. For some odd reason I have the shittiest luck with these. On the once-in-a-blue-moon chance I do get a legendary skin, it's for a hero I don't play and isn't even for the event.

That's kinda the problem i have with Overwatch. They obviously made a choice, to make it so all running speeds are pretty much equal so you CAN'T fix it without breaking certain things in the game.

Their choice, but i think it was the wrong choice.

I got hanzo's red wolf skin 3 times from anniversary boxes

that makes 5 times total that I've gotten it

>before buying Overwatch: hear about loads of balance complaints
>after playing Overwatch: realize people bitching about balance just want their edgy characters to be overpowered

There are balance issues here and there but you can spot a Genji/Hanzo shitter from a mile away every time.

I didn't get any of the new skins. I only got two dances, but both for characters I played a ton. Couldn't get enough duplicates to get the credits to buy. Feels whatever.

they only ones I really wanted are Tracer and Solider, got Tracer last week and Soldier a few minutes ago, literally in the last even lootbox I opened

blackwatch is the superior genji skin and I got that one, so fuck it
bought and got a shitload of dances too

They said it would go until the 13th. They reset stuff at 8pm est. Are you dumb?

only "balance issues" I have ever noticed was after they have changed chars.

all these hardlocked shitters ruin the game because they don't understand the games comp is supposed to keep moving to out smart the enemy

just got it, shit is nice.

I remember being all hype for the cool looking skins, and then I ended up not playing at all after that first day it went live
These dank skins aren't enough to get me interested in playing overwatch again

Got Genji, Sym, Mei, Soldier, Pharah. would have liked to get Tracer.

I really dont care that much though, I dont give a fuck about skins except the Tracer one that calls people wanker.

Got em all except Hanzo.
Got most dances too.
I just play a lot, I don't buy chests.

>the fact that GENJI a cyborg ninja is a slow mother fucker is some sad shit.

Reminder that Genji's original concept was a more sneaky offense oriented Zenyatta

when is the new patch gonna drop and the new map?

since we are on the topic of skins WHY is the two Rein skins the last permanent skins added to the game
Anniversary and Uprising should have been permanent since they arent tied to a season

I learned my lesson a while ago. Spammed like nuts to get an ass-load of boxes. Still nothing I wanted. Creds weren't piling in quickly enough. Bought 50 boxes damn near last second and still didn't get anything I wanted. It's a scam. Never again.
And fuck you all that got the tracer skin.

>Anita Sarkeesian
Oh don't let her ruin a classic look you puss.

went up 20 levels and in that i got
and three dances to boot, didn't spend any credits

because then you have to play during the event to get them, and not whenever you want
you play when blizz wants you to play kid

Well I got particularly lucky on this event but I did play a lot too. I got Genji and Soldier as drops, but I did grind the golds to get Tracer and her dance

>Buy D.VA's skin
>Never play again
I did get Sombra's dance in one of the loot boxes, but overall I just didn't bother.

The classic look was ruined long before her, she's just the final nail in the coffin.


I got Tracer and Sombra's dances, but no skins at all, just a bunch of icons and sprays.

What bothers me is the whole "you either get this skin RIGHT NOW or never, ever" thing.

I'm still waiting for an event where you can purchase skins from previous events. It's not funny having 83/84 on my character's items.


Overwatch should use the Paladins lootbox formula.

In Paladins, you can't get dupes from boxes. And you're guaranteed skins from a certain set if you pay for set-specific boxes

Paladins, a fucking free to play game, has better loot boxes than a game that sold for 60 dollars at one point.

Blizzard is scum.

Got most of em, missing 3 skins but I don't care about those since Sym and Genji were my targets.

I got zarya three times and bee mei twice before I decided to just buy boxes

the game was always 40 dollars what are you talking about

I got all skins. Spent 12k credits.

Special edition with skins and early access was 60

>I don't know what a casino here

Got Soldier, Hanzo, Pharah, Bastion, Genji, Zarya, Mei, Symmetra skins.

Got Mercy, Pharah, Mei, Widow, Junkrat dances.

Bought Tracer and Dva dances.

Comparing to you people, I feel lucky.

I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say because that wasn't even a complete sentence.

That is way different. You see, you're still paying money for the game you bought for the privilege to possibly get a chance to get skins in a game where you should be able to earn them through regular play (but realistically, you can't. Because the numbers and statistics are fucked out the ass)
Meanwhile, a game you play for free has sane rules on its lootbox systems.

Even Battleborn, a game that's in the toilet, doesn't let you get duplicates from chests that you try to open which you may already own. It locks you out.

Keep defending the massive ass-reaming you receive every time you open a box.

>I decided to just buy boxes

Don't you get it
This is exactly why the drop rates are so shit


I don't really feel it this time around...
On Halloween I got Skull Zen in one go.
Nothing on Chinese New Year, then Reindhart on the Retro Event and back to nothing again now after 5 boxes.

Really all of these repeats are pointless, it's not like we get a lot of money to buy the things we want either...