Any good games I should get for it?
I've got
>Pokemon Y, Sapphire, Moon
>Zelda: Ocarina of Time HD
>Zelda: Link Between Worlds
I also got the Mario where you collect a million coins free too.
Any good games I should get for it?
I've got
>Pokemon Y, Sapphire, Moon
>Zelda: Ocarina of Time HD
>Zelda: Link Between Worlds
I also got the Mario where you collect a million coins free too.
Other urls found in this thread:
Any of the the SMT games. New Leaf is a must if you like AC.
Resident Evil Revelations is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's not a good game, but if you're desperate for a shooter it fits the bill. Watch gameplay footage first
Bravery Default is a rad middle-of-the-road JRPG. If you like old timey RPGs it's great. I hear the sequel is good too.
Smash Bros and Mario Kart are 3DS staples.
SMT? Aren't those bad?
I think I saw IV on the store for £14.99.
SMT is very good if you play RPGs. So is Etrian Odyssey games. Monster Hunter 4U or Gen are fun. Kirby games on the 3DS are good as well.
Space Harrier and OutRun.
Majora's mask
Link between Worlds
Dragonquest 8 if you've never played it
Shantae Pirate's Curse got a physical release for 3DS
Kirby RoboRobot
Fire Emblem games
Hack it and get everything for free
This is the dumbest meme and at least half the people that do it get their consoles bricked. Do not do it.
Only idiots brick their consoles
This looks kinda static.
Strange, I didn't brick mine :)
I love my 2DS. I only wish Ninty had released the New 2DS sooner. I would've gotten that one instead.
Anyway, if you haven't played Street Fighter IV elsewhere, get it here. It's pretty good and the online community is still active. Kinda laggy though, sometimes.
Pic related, kinda
Kid Icarus Uprising
Bravely Default
The game I've spent the most time replaying on this thing is probably Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. It has two reasonably challenging difficulty modes (Hard and Lunatic) and a lot of possibilities for character builds.
How do you do it, lads?
takes like two hours
The only meme here is that any one person is stupid enough to brick in the most idiot-proof console hack to ever exist, much less half of them.
nah, it ain't the most idiot-proof. That award likely goes to the PSP. At this point, that system is so easy to hack, any model, any firmware etc...
>This is the dumbest meme and at least half the people that do it get their consoles bricked. Do not do it.
all fine over here, you have to be an actual idiot to brick it.
only thing to be aware of is that there has been a recent banwave, so if you care about playing online(you can still get free games and play locally) then I wouldn't risk it
don't listen to this idiot
Fair enough. Still, the 3DS isn't that far behind. All firmwares are currently hackable on any model, and any but the most recent FW only require one system.
What? I thought when they bricked it the 3DS was unplayable?
>not organizing your shit into folders
He's saying he didn't brick, stupid.
What needs to go wrong for the console to be bricked? Is there any prep I need to do?
Sorry for being annoying, but while this 3DS thread is up, can I homebrew it if I'm on:
Ver. 11.4.0-37E
Bricking is essentially a thing of the past. It used to be that you had to downgrade to 9.2 and then 2.1, and various things could happen there, like if you used the wrong version of the 9.2 downgrade files, or closed a New 3DS while on 2.1. Boot9strap has removed the need to downgrade at all.
Also with boot9strap, the process got a lot faster. It might take you less than an hour to go from vanilla to hacked now.
holy shit, I wsan't aware of this boot9strap thing. I'm on luma3DS with a9lh...
can I go from that to boot9strap easily?
Yes, there's a page on for it
The benefits are minimal, but you should still do it.
and this works on any 3DS system on any firmware? Can Ninty patch it?
It works on all systems, though the methods are somewhat different depending on what firmware version and system you've got.
Nintendo can (and probably will) patch it to no longer work on 11.4, but all older firmware versions are safe. Also 11.4 requires the use of a second, already hacked system.