So, this is the good guy, right? The group you're supposed to sympathize with are the baddies, right?
>This guy is interested in some golden idol. >Hires someone to find it for him. >Some monkey pretends he found it and brings it to him. >He does a little banter but gives the monkey exactly what he wanted as payment. >After finding out he got scammed, he called the police to get his stolen property back and arrest a scammer. >Monkey and his black token girlfriend flee from police, causing chaos and supposedly countless deaths. >Trailer tries to convince me that those are some poor and exploited victims when they're closer to terrorists.
It's the same as with Detroid: Become Human. I ask me to sympethize with criminals who cause death and destruction, they expect me to believe the people upholding the law and acting like respectable citizens are evil.
I know that Sup Forums is ultra liberal, but how is this not liberal propaganda? This screams Black Lives Matter.
Jaxon Perry
>giant nose >obsessed with gold
Yes, goy, he's the good guy.
Nathan Fisher
If the original BGE came out today you would bitch about SJW shit again.
Noah Butler
Based on what exactly? Why don't you address my argument?
Adam Sanchez
You have no argument, you just post your retarded fanfiction and try to get angry.
Adrian Young
What I wrote is exactly what the trailer showed.
Brandon Edwards
>guy is clearly some corrupt kingpin who has the corrupt police under his thumb as is said through dialogue yeah what a good awesome guy you totally-not-Sup Forums posters are fucking retarded
Thomas Cox
>his black token girlfriend So she's a token by mere virtue of being black? Even though you know nothing about her or anyone else in the game?
Samuel Hall
you're supposed to hate him because he's ugly and he has a hot girlfriend and he looks angry
but he literally did nothing wrong
Michael Clark
>>guy is clearly some corrupt kingpin who has the corrupt police under his thumb as is said through dialogue How did you reach that conclusion? There's nothing, literally nothing in the trailer that suggests such a scenario.
>you totally-not-Sup Forums posters are fucking retarded That's not an argument.
No, she's a Token because she's not shown to have any character other than being loud and sassy. She's portrayed in the trailer as a walking stereotype.