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What the fuck is this. Didn't the other xenoblades have better combat?

Please let Nintendo know you want dual audio for the game.
After seeing the trailer I have no intentions to pick this up with that dub, and neither should you.

They all have bad combat

Haha no, it's always been trash. Doesn't matter anyway, as we get MHW on PS4 now.


>Haha no, it's always been trash. Doesn't matter anyway
the way you worded this makes it sound like you're envious of XC2...

No. Nintendo is finally using non-burger actors, and even the worst English actors don't sound as bad as burger actors.

wow...this looks boring as fuck

>boring ass MMO gameplay again

I expected it but deep down was hoping they would go full action.

I feel like the only one that actually like xenoblade's combat style

That trailer had considerably worse voicework than X ever did and X had some pretty terrible voices. It sounds laughably cheesy, like moreso than your average cartoon does and those are MEANT to sound cheesy.

Treehouse demo had Japanese VO. Probably doesn't mean much, but maybe.

The art style for these characters is horrendous. Why did they fuck it so hard? At least the one before it was decent. Even the Wii looked better.

God damn it man.


I like it a lot myself, it's really fun toppling something and getting behind it to burst it down, etc, but you have to admit he's doing ridiculously little damage compared to past games here on some the earliest available enemies. I really hope they tweak the damage/health numbers on everything, combat itself looks fine. If there's one thing I have zero fear for, it's the fucking soundtrack though. My fucking god they've recaptured the magic they had with Chronicles after the snoozefest that was X.


>At least the one before it was decent.
eh not really, do you not remember the potato facs in X?

Xenoblade never really had good combat, but I still loved it anyway. The trailer looked like shit though. The main character looks twelve and the voice acting was awful. I hope we get dual audio.


I hope they have an option to turn off voices so I can finally listen to the dope soundtrack during combat.

They can go full HD now yet they still make the ui a cluttered mess.

They specifically went out of their way at the end to bring it up and say it's because it's an early build of our version though, as if hearing any Japanese at all was a fucking flaw. I'm pretty worried based on how they worded it.

It sounds better in English Dub IMO. Australian voice FTW

>auto attack
>running simulator

Why doesn't this have online again? It's WoW

wasn't this how monster hunter got popular, I'm pretty damn sure Monster hunter in 2010 was literally the same thing

Gotta make sure people can see it when they're playing on the small portable screen.

WoW it's a great game, but it's obvious that Sonybabies know nothing of PC gaming.

>we want to make a video game that brings back the feeling you had when watching a file download on a 56k modem

Did they reveal if you can fight the huge monster in the background?
I turned off the stream since the static noise was driving me insane.

Great AI

Didn't finish the stream since I was at work. I assumed when he mentioned it at the beginning it was due to the blatant stuttering. But agreed, worrying.

wtf is the story? the 機神 is pretty much dead

That's from the start of the game, in XCX you started the game with 2 arts instead of 3, but still 30 hours in the game had more systems than most RPGs.

Holy fuck a lot of people in this thread have no fucking idea what Xenoblade even is.

I hope they bring back chaining especially in the way it worked with XBC. I honestly think this is one of the few examples of a streamlined UI working better even if it dumbs down the combat a bit. I hated the combat bar in XB and especially in X where it got way too out of hand.
Distributing all the commands over different blades and allowing you to switch on the fly removes all the clutter while keeping your options the way they were.

>well drawn wanted posters
Wierds me out

So it's boring MMO combat tier combat again

Thanks for nothing

I liked it too, but it didn't really start for me until seven joined the party and you unlocked the 'double hits are crits' for building party gauge so fast the mob never got up from a topple
topple locking was goat

I hate companions that are right up your ass all the time.

I will never understand xenoblade's ""combat"""

All versions of the game in all the territories will probably be the same, it's been like that for the previous Switch games, so it's likely we will get the option to select the dub we want, otherwise just change the region of your console and you're set.

>they didn't use a joke that's been done a thousand times before

good, it's a tired and lazy joke at this point.

I'd rather buy WoW and shill an extra 15/mo than play this shit


It's mmo hotkey with some qtes sprinkled for extra damage or effects.
Not rocket science

>Holy fuck a lot of people in this thread have no fucking idea what Xenoblade even is.
They are console shitters that never bought a wii or emulated XB on dolphin

The combat gets introduced gradually, just keep an eye in the tutorials and you should get it, it's not overly complex in the first game, just a bit above average probably.

it's a lot like turn-based combat functionally but slightly more action-oriented

or maybe you could stop bein a fuckin weeaboo piece of shit and play it in your language

fuck yea I get to fuck bunnits up again
cheeky little cunts

it's pretty complicated, not surprised Sup Forumsirgins have a hard time with it

Just FYI, the game is a team-based real time RPG. What the video is showing is the ABSOLUTE basic with a single character fighting and not using any arts, only the auto attack. I'm sure all you shitposters knew that though /s

>25 seconds of three people beating the ever loving shit out of a rabbit
>It's not even dead by the end

Jesus fuck the game is so fucking slow. Are bosses going to take 45 minutes at proper levels?

Thats the tiniest draw distance i've seen in a while

It's just someone refusing to use his skill to build up resources something that will overkill the monster for teh sake of the demo

Battles at the start of the game typically are slow in Xenoblade games. First encounter in Xenoblade Chronicles was incredibly slow due to the small amount of arts you start out with. The game picks up after you acquire more.


>these games are a boring slog until you learn how to break it, of course you wouldn't like it

xcx was so easy to break it was pointless. I expect xc2 to continue the "great" combat the series is known for

WoW is better than 99% of console games though, I really doubt XC2 can surpass it. It's looking nice but Japanese games don't have the budget to get in the level of the good PC MMORPGs. Ironically the latest version of FFIV is great, and that's the one good Japanese MMORPG.

I guess it didn't bother me much and I mostly saw h overall picture and not them up close.

The overall picture sucks in this rendition. I don't know if it looks better up close.

Someone's already making a petition for nintendo to add dual audio to this shit right?

how did you break it, exactly?

>or maybe you could stop bein a fuckin weeaboo
Then you wouldn't play this shit to begin with.

>Why did they fuck it so hard?

Overdrive abuse. As soon as you learn how to get infinite Overdrive everything dies within a minute. My skell ended up being a liability in most cases.

senpai you DONT remember the XenoX demo's on E3

>Thats the tiniest draw distance i've seen in a while
It's the opposite actually, you can see the other Titans from many points, and they seem to be farther away than the continents of Xenoblade X, which has one of the biggest maps in console games.

Why dont they just make it an MMO?

xcx was worse you would walk into invisble objects because they havent loaded

because, contrary to the shitposts, it wouldn't work as an MMO at all. It's heavily story-driven.

Probably tried to take another lunge at weeaboos after FE finally struck an audience.

Guild Wars was pretty heavily story driven and it worked out fine. The game could very easily be made multiplayer with almost no changes to anything. It's not like the story ever has any significant effect on the world map.

The broken shit like Blossom Dance is almost a requirement to take care of the end game monsters without headaches.
Of course it completely trivializes the rest of the game tho.

I don't think you understand, perhaps you just haven't played XC before - the story has a permanent impact on large sections of the world, as well as changes to the characters, none of this would adapt into an MMO.

You can see the grass just growing out of nowhere as the characters walk, at that point why even have it.

People were seriously comparing this to FF15.

I mean, FF15 isnt great by any standard.

But this...?

I actually don't you wanna refresh me?

The combat looks so much worse than X, I'm really disappointed.

oh right, that thing that becomes doable like 100 hours into the game after you finished it, gotcha

holy shit this is like downgrade from XCX

what were they thinking

All I really want to know is if you can change all the parts of their outfit because that was one of my favorite things about the first game.

GW did that too. It just needs to be separated into different instances. You could even travel between the different world spaces.

It's okay if you don't know how to do it, but don't think that it isn't possible within 20 hours.

Go watch the direct, they were intentionally not using arts to fill the combo thing.

They also fought a boss at the end.

Xenoblade and Xenoblade X might have had MMO-tier combat but it was still miles ahead of FF15's blunderous """"action"""" combat.

He was auto attack the mob. With skills and other party members it will be faster.

>Combat is a big part of the game
>It's shit
Why do the devs put no effort into it?

This is a switch game retard.

it's literally the exact same combat from the previous nintendo xenos
i'm not sure why you just hate it now

>XC2 threads are going to be ruined by dual audio fags.

I just hope they bring back fashion slots from X so I don't have to look like a retard wearing a mix-match of ridiculous armor that just happen to have the best stats.

Walking into this convo blind.

Do what WoW did and have cross zones? Theramore for example for a low level person is a bustling little port with powerful Mages. For high level people it's a crater after it was magic-nuked to the stone age.

Zones change/open up depending on what quest is completed, or if they're high enough level to have the event happen without them.

Never played Xenoblade anything, but MMO's instancing multiple versions of an area is quite doable.

Because people will still buy it.

I haven't played GW but I'm struggling to see how this would work in a hypothetical XC MMO.

ff15 is actually garbage though, as much as it pains me to say

That would butcher the story entirely though.

That Level of Detail/LoD, in most scenes you get more grass, but it scales dynamically according to the performance of the game. It was the same way in XCX and they're using the same engine.


>finish story mission
>get ported into the world instance where the changes you made are part of the map
>can choose to port back to the premap change.

Instance might not be the best word, but it could work very easily, and GW already demonstrated how it's done.

It doesn't look like you can change armour, stats seem to come from the blades you use and from levelling up

I'm getting DA:I vibes here.

WoW is a PC game, and it's obvious that Sonybabies would now know it being actually a good game and use it in a derogatory way to insult games from other consolebabies.

I mean because there's always a main character that is treated as a single person within the story. Unless every single part of the MMO has you split into a solo instance to make the story work (and at that point, why even make it an MMO?), I can't see the plot working at all without scrapping most aspects of it.

You're thinking too much into WoW style MMO. Again, GW broke up it's missions into separate instances, and you can play the entire game solo with bots. Exactly like xc. It was an MMO because it was a massive multiplayer online game. Just because a game doesn't play like WoW doesn't make it not an MMO.