Hello Madam Pres... i mean Mayor ;)

Hello Madam Pres... i mean Mayor ;)


>female leader
>sensible dress pants
this is an SJW game, confirmed

>pantsuits = Hillary

C'mon now

>implying our gooks even know who Hillary is

>big government democrat new yorker woman politician in a pantsuit
>not hillary

>that exclamation point

Oh no it really is Sonic 06

Why does it look like a dreamcast game?

>mario left pauline for coal-burner peach

>Government can be measured from "small" to "big" and the more "big" a government is the more "bad" it is
Babby's full retard guide to politics

That government is best which governs least, you stooge.

The switch has approximately the same power as the dreamcast

Hope you don't have an aneurysm when you see Elena in the FF7 remake if you think Pauline is reaching for a Pro-Hillary look.

change "big" by "obtrusive"

because you've never actually seen a dreamcast game in your life

>Mario Odyssey is using Unreal Engine 4

I am beyond worried

because this is a screenshot from the live stream some user's shitty connection

delet this

Same user, but going back further, I'm pretty sure Cissnei was when I first started loving women in pantsuits.

I guess it makes sense since Hillary is most likely going to be the next Mayor of NYC or Gov of NY.

Is Bowser supposed to be RONALD BLUMPFGH then?

>bring back old character from the brooklyn days
>make them the closest thing a new yorker can be to a princess, for parity with peach/daisy/rosie
>make them professional to match the title
The agenda was probably no more complicated than this.

Damn this SJW pandering

That's grasping at straws as fuck.

source: my asshole

>Hillary is most likely going to be the next Mayor of NYC or Gov of NY.

>that grass texture


More like that everything texture

Stop being sensible, user. People are trying to be mad at fucking nothing.

Sup Forums getting desperate as fuck.

How come people shit on Sonic 06 and worship this Mario garbage? It's the same thing.

Its ok when Nintendo does it.

>women in suits and tuxedos are one of my many top fetishes
>the election has caused them to slowly be ruined

>people seeing things that aren't there

that pendulum can't swing back fast enough

Getting real tired of people shoving politic shit that's not even there. What's next, will you faggots complain when Elena is shown for FF7 remake?

Is Sup Forums really trying to turn this into a thing? 2020 better be old white dude vs. old white dude who isn't Trump so the country can ignore politics again, we were a lot fucking better as a society like that.

I want to know how many of those posts are unironic

Sup Forums is on full damage control because
>muh flags

Unless the females in future games are white and in the kitchen, yes, from now on it's like this.