Here's your controller, bro!

>Here's your controller, bro!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Throw the controller out of anger
>It comes back

Thanks. I've always wanted to use my ass cheeks to play vidya on the toilet

So which end goes in my ass and which one goes in yours?

hehe never heard that one b4


kek nice one

>Here's your controller bro

What even IS THAT THING?!!

Context plz, where the hell does such an abortion come from.



holy shit my sides


Take your screencaps and fuck off back to wherever you came from

Now THIS I like


top kek


Please give up a written apology for being so stupid and new

>16 replies
>4 posters
whom could be up to this

Looks like a prostate vibrator

Somebody's samefagging, but not on that level.

Top zozzle

Wanna play some tekken?

Post your favorite controllers and grip styles

Fukken screencapped for future generations.


I have several questions


I invented a controller that is perfect for fighting games

Spotted the newfriends. The same joke was said about pic related 10 years ago. Old joke is old. Yes, I'm a fucking grandpa.

would smash/10

Why does it involve Mr Krabb attaching a band to his eye?


I literally fell out of my chair

you made me spit out my baby brother's rashy little penis stump you dick hahaha


>throw controller out of anger
>it comes back

>it's a let's make fun of disabilities thread

Split my cock in half laffin



What are these two controllers, though?

Where did they come from?

You're too late, I already did it without you.


include me in the reddit screencap please

samefagging too

>Here's your controller bro

The one you replied to was the original PS1 controller design

Now go drink your milk before bedtime, junior

There is some serious samefaggotry going on here

That's PS3 m8, wish I got to try it sometime, I always here it felt nice as fuck to hold.

>Throw joke away after getting tired of it
>It comes back


is unironically funnier than the first post

Are you 12? How do you not know Brian?

>tfw rubbing its two stiffies

Great, you found the controller for this game

stellar post, honestly



I feel a sudden pang of sadness for the Chinese sweatshop slave who made this without ever seeing an actual Nintendo before in his life


first wave of cancer desu senpai

Are you supposed to use this controller by clutching your buttcheeks?

>2007 was 10 years ago

and you are still here? what a fucking loser lol