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You look like a tremendous butt molesting fruit.
Fall from grace.
even chad daddy admitted sony's conference was shit
Still was better than everyone elses.
not really, nintendo > ubisoft = sony > microsoft > pc gaming show >>> EA >>>>>>> bethesda paid mods. Main problem with sony's conference is almost everything was what they showed last year (also instead of something like spiderman 2 we got a game crammed full of QTEs and overdone bamham combat)
Lolno, unless you love QTEs.
Sony's was as bad as Bethesda and the PC gaming show.
Yeah we get it this board is filled with Nintenbros but nintendo was just more of the same garbage. Ubisoft had too much boring and WE WUZ.
>nintendo was just more of the same garbage.
got 2 surprise metroid announcements which was neat, and a new kirby that finally added combo abilities back looks like.
>Neither of which are better than any of the exclusives shown on Sony's stage probably not even the third party
do people really think days gone and spiderman looked good?
Sony was an hour of QTEs, even EA had a better conference.
Can you explain the "endorsement of eugenics?" part, I didn't watch the conference.
chad daddy lives?
you want to use a bigger font next time nigger?
>old thread had a based OP
>new thread has a terrible one
Just like E3 this year I guess
E3 was fun
Nice QTE meme friend really makes ya think of a thing in a video game that will make up less than 5 minutes if that combined of the actual gameplay.
Possibly the best Spiderman game since web of shadows and a better looking open world zombie game than State of Decay 2? What's not to like?
>inb4 5 minutes total of QTE's
I'm glad you nintendo cucks go to your containment threads after E3.
open it in a new card silly
All of Sony's "exclusives" looked like garbage.
There was a bit during one of the sports games where they said something along the lines of "this athlete is genetically perfect" and I thought it was funny.
NeoGAF tier tastes.
>what's not to like?
Batman combat.
>I'm a Sup Forumsipster who doesn't like modern games unless its from my jap cuck company who only has 2 good games 1 of which isn't even out
Way to be original friend but that combat actually makes sense in a superhero game considering oh I dunno they're a superhero?
These delusional sony kids lol
How does glorified auto combat make more sense than a Spiderman 2 style fight system?
>Auto Combat
You've never played Batman, Mad Max, or Shadow of Mordor
Care to explian, friend?
Arkham combat is fucking shit and there have been plenty of Spiderman games with far superior combat.
Nah there haven't. Also the new spidermans combat looks better than all of em and nothing like Arkham. No idea what you're talking about.
>its ok if sony does it.
MS did a suprsingly great job. Nintendo's conference was short but good, and I got one of my dream game announcements.
I just hope people actually fucking play pokken this time
should have stayed for Splatoon 2 tournament friend
Please replay Spider-man 2.
>Sup Forums is one person
Not everyone is part of the hi/v/e i'm a primarily PC gamer who owns every platform and Sonys was still objectively the best in terms of length, entertainment, not being boring, and good games.
>xbox exclusives not actually being exclusive is bad
it means you don't need to buy their shit
Why would I do that when web of shadows was better you pathetic nostalgia fag?
True. never thought of it that way
Ah, gotcha. Splatoon isn't really my thing and, unfortunately, I got shit IRL to do. Thanks anyway. Have a good day, goy.
Not to mention ultimate spiderman was better too.
>its ok if sony has technical issues, rehashes, show few games, push vr and QTE movie games.
Here's the empty template because OP is LAZY SONYGGER ÇUCK
>Possibly the best Spiderman game since web of shadows
Web Of Shadows had good, tactical combat that required combos and powers combined instead of Arkham press buttons to win though. It's nowhere near Web Of Shadows or Shattered Dimensions.
>Sony had technical issues for Uncharted: A Lesbians end and 1/10th of Days Gone
Yeah but they're done better
>Shows a few games
But those games were good
>Push VR
VR is the future
>QTE Movies
Wow was the detroit game more than 1 game?Good thing the new spiderman game doesn't have batman combat then huh.
All of them were developed by Treyarch and Beenox and even the Arkham combat Beenox had to use for ASM 1 and 2 made your use powers, had unique combos and think tactically about your environment.
Press X to Spidey isn't good combat. Go play Web Of Shadows again or Shattered Dimensions. Those had the best combat.
Why does your comment say Ubisoft won when Nintendo has a higher grade than it?
Pretty mediocre, no company had a great conference, but there were some good things here and there
forgot to edit it out
I only watched Sony's and Nintendo's because EA and Ubisoft need to fuck off a cliff and die. Bethesda is only good because of Toddposting. And xbox never ever has games so I just expect nothing.
And realistically, I think it'll take 5-6 years for MP4 to come out, and by then it'll be a whole new Nintendo console out.
and yet you're still here
If exclusives are a selling point, you're killing the industry and don't actually like games retard
Overall, I was disappointed with the lack of anything truly exciting, but I think Nintendo did the best job, while Sony is in second. The rest can fight for 3rd.
>Ugly blatantly autistic 3D
Needs serious dental work, clear skin treatment and we'll have to see after that to see if she needs nose/chin treatment which might be a possibility.
Exclusives are selling points of consoles, yes. Xbox hasn't had a good exclusive since Fable 1. I never bought a 360 and have no plans on buying the xbone. They have no exclusives, there's literally no point in buying one when Sony actually has a handful here and there.
Yeah still here to call out stupid kids like you. Top kek.
This Nintendo shilling isn't gonna stop anytime soon is it?
I wonder if Nintendo will ever make more than 1 good game.
Sup Mike
All of the conferences had some good games, but fuck Bethesda and Sony.
Your console should be able to stand on it's own feet. There's reasons to buy consoles like ease of play or comfortability of couch gaming. Exclusives are absolute cancer cuz you're restricting people from enjoying a good game and anyone that says exclusives are good don't like video games as much as they like their consoles. If they did, they'd want the games they love to be played by everyone and not just those who own the console.
At least the conferences were shorter this year compared to others. Nothing to look stupidly hype myself with. Its for the better.
Sony wins by losing every time baby!
That template sucks
Superstar Saga remake put Nintendo over the D hump. There might be more surprises from Nintendo like Metroid: Samus Returns tomorrow and Thursday, so this card could change at any time.
You sound like a fucking twelve year old that just discovered Sup Forums. Companies put in the funds and labor to make their own console. Naturally they'd want incentives for people to buy their product over somebody else's so they hand pick and fund studios or buy out existing talent to make games for them.
Is it shit that some games are exclusive? Yeah. But often the only reason exclusive games are as good as they are or even exist at all is because the console maker HAS to fund a product good enough to earn people's money and get a return on their investment.
Dissidia NT looks awesome
That looks bootleg also nobody cares about indie shit.
He's just mad because Microsoft doesn't have any true exclusive meanwhile Sony and Nintendo do.
Whoops, that's not the complete version. This is.
I think my grades are more or less like this. My wallet is thankful.
yeah that part was pretty weird, and he was talking about that for about a minute.
Ironically it's more artistic and doesn't hide information like these new ones do, Also Sony for example didn't have an indie show case this year at the main E3 show, neither did Nintendo.
Which part was the sports in the xbone conference?? I honestly don't remember.
Good because indie games are shit.
I didn't like it.
I'd rather games just not be exclusive so that we could all appreciate them. I understand why they're exclusive and yeah funding ig is a plus side I didn't see but exclusivity is still annoying af
Report cards like this makes me wonder if people factor in the Treehouse segment into it or not.
>giving sony anything over C
You should off yourself as you clearly get no enjoyment out of being alive. Waste of tasty sperm.
I thought it was alright. i didnt expect much from sony cause they showed so much last year. I just wanted to see more of the stuff from last year and thats what happened
I went through a little over a hundred of these and here are the results.
Sorry I gave your console of choice a bad review, bro
You gave everything a bad review, bro. What do you like?