No Monster hunter xx on e3

Looks like there won't be a westernized version showed at e3 this year

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Hahahaha Drones btfo

The excuse to not bring XX over is so more people in the west jump onto the World hype train. If you bring both over, you give people choice. One may be good enough some people and I'm sure Capcom would rather have people buy World over XX in the west.

Tl;Dr it's a marketing strat to not bring over MHXX.

Say what you want, but this is not okay.

I'm excited for MHW too, but not releasing MHXX in the west at all is bullshit.



Some people here are MH fans and above "hurr muh sony muh nintendo"

>the title is literally "double cross"


>japan only plays on handhelds
>no more handheld MHs

Then my post is not meant for you.

Is the dude dumb or doesn't he understand his own market? Japan doesn't care about "muh next generation of MH", they just care about portable local multiplayer even if it looks like crap.

He's a community manager so he just has to grin and hope Capcom doesn't get him lynched by fans with the shit they make him explain.

Here I was hoping for once Capcom wouldn't be absolutely retarded with MH releases.

Look at his avatar

The only explanation is that Capcom is fucking insane
Either Japan has its own april 1st on a different date or everyone working for them is high on shrooms right now

If this means monster hunter will be on pc from now on, then hell yeah. As long as they remain the difficulty they usually have, i couldnt be happier to play on something that's not 240p





its like capcom wants to have no profitable franchises left

You can literally get XX on the Japanese store on your switch. Why do people care

??? Mh W will be the most profitable mh game ever

Wait, isn't Switch region free? Can't we just import XX and play online that way?

I'm getting MHW, but knowing we got shafted on MHXX bums me out somethin' fierce.

I hate Capcom so much I want to puke
But my own feelings aside, what the fuck will japs do?
Surely Capcom is aware of their own countrymen spending 95% of their time playing on handhelds?


>Buy a Vita in the hopes of playing comfy portable monhun with a non-shit resolution
>never happens
>buy switch hoping to finally play comfy portable monhun in HD
>doesn't fucking happen
Why does Capcom seem to always get a pass when they constantly pull this shit?

I remember the pain when Monster Hunter Portable 3rd never came to the west, then left Sony all together.

Yeah, hurts doesn't it?

the problem isn't that it's not happening on switch, the problem is most people who want it outside of japan won't be able to READ it

I'm going to buy Monster Hunter World, but holy shit is it even remotely close to release? Holy fucking shit Capcom just give anybody Double Cross. I don't care what platform. I'm going to have to Portable 3rd this shit and play with an english community with translations. This is honestly horseshit.

Don't go all "Kek, your only option is Monster Hunter World Western people!". Holy fuck Capcom is a bunch of idiots.

Dragons Dogma and DmC fans say "hi".
Now buy a PS4 or new PC.

This game is going to flop hard. It's too different to regular MH to appeal to the fans, it's not on handheld so it'll fail in Japan, and it's not good enough to appeal to Western normies.


Seriously, what the fuck is their end game?
>garbage sales in japan because no handheld
>too niche to sell a lot (won't even do 1m on ps4) in the west

I'm buying World on the new X for it being better on it and fuck Sony for this shit. Sony is just going to get me on the SotC remake and Destiny 2 this E3 and that's it. Fuck them for dragging it away from a handheld.

Capcom are literally retarded and still chasing the MUH TEN MILLION SALES dream of MH being a big Western franchise.

They had a very profitable niche and are abandoning it to try and compete with the big AAA open world guns.

I still believe in a wordwide release.

Then again, will Nintendo agree to help publish/distribute after MHW?

>one of the most talked about games right now
>too nicne

My almonds have been activated.

Networking isn't the best when you have to connect to servers physically located in japan. I never experienced such bullshit disconnections before.

Also, moonrunes. Enjoy figuring what shit is missing for your upgrades.

And don't forget how fucking rude are japanese players. Hope you have some friends to play with.

>its only a community manager
>That avatar
so im 100% ok ignoring anything and everything he says, right??


If you think MH World will sell more than Bloodborne on the PS4 you are out of your mind

Its like looking at myself in 2010.

This will sell well because:
1. Nintendo Fanboys built the hype around MH
2. Sony fans will want it back
3. Being a fan of the series a high quality MH game was my wet dream.

Bite the bullet. It's over.

>look at his Twitter Feed
the guys sounds more like dodging all question regarding MH5 and just trying to shill MHW as much as possible

No. He's a community manager. They're given a lot of details generally whenever a new game like this is announced. If he confirms something its gonna be true. He directly communicates with the developers.

Is this a western developed MH?

MHW is MH5. Its best to accept that now.

Switch isnt region locked. Me and a few of my friends are just buying it from the jap eshop for switch.

If your making purchases over spite I wouldn't recommend getting a girlfriend user.

IMO the xbox MH community will be non existent because they don't tend to play those games.
But don't let some random user stop you. Go right ahead.

The mainline team have been working on this since MH4G came out in 2014 I believe.

>He's a community manager
> They're given a lot of details generally
are you implying fucking Emily Rogers was a good source of Info for anything???

>making a Mon Hun
>Ignoring handheld
>Mon Hun sells the best in Japan only on handheld
>Mon Hun is a niche title in West
They cant be that retarded

>and capcom kills the only thing keeping then alive

well. once i said they could not be so stupid

Capcom said hold my beer

>Japs want to play MH on handheld
>They don't like Xbox
>PS4 hasn't even sold that well over there
>They mostly don't play on pc
>MH on console traditionally doesn't sell ally just well

I don't see this doing very well in the most important MH market.

The pc version could be a success if it gets mod support

It's one of the most talked about by weebs on Sup Forums and "MUH LIST WARS" types on Neogaf. Normies don't give a fuck about Monster Hunter and they never will.

>Too different
>Seen literally 2 minutes of footage

WOW HUEH, you must be on the developer team!
beta when!?

The MHW community will be non-existent on Xbox, PS4 and PC. Because this game is going to be a massive flop that'll be lucky to crack 1 million sales total.

its sitting at #52 on american amazon
the xbone version is sitting at #362

Let me see if i understand
Nobody on japan likes the ps4
Everyone in japans love mobile and handeld

Monster hunter is the only thing keeping Capcom alive

Monster hunter only sells well in japan
SO, capcom goes, starts to make the game to the people that dont buy it, on a plataform that the japanese people hate, with focus on the things japanese people dont like.

Did i get it right?

>"They cant be that retarded"
Yes Capcom is. Just look at DMC, the Mega Man disaster and Dragons Dogma.

It's your turn now.

XX will sell more copies in Japan alone than MHW will across all platforms GLOBALLY.

Screenshot this post I fucking dare you.

It'll get a localization, they'd be fools not to.

Emily Rogers reported on rumors and wasn't a community manager for a dev team. Unless we're thinking of different people maybe.

I wouldn't say nobody loves ps4, the ps4 does alright in japan, but it's nothing compared to handhelds.

And MH _HAS_ to be on handhelds for the Japanese to care about it.

This is suicide.

Nah, I think it'll get around half the sales of Generations across all platforms.. Which would still be a flop.



You fuckers are irrelevant. Just like Monster Hunter World will be irrelevant when it flops.

Honestly feeling bad for Nintendo kids at this point.


Options are
A) yes, they are retarded, and killed one of their best series in a blind gamble attempt to appeal to western market by following the Open World trend and using a the MH name

B) That retarded ass "leak" that says Sony pushed big bucks for this to be made and so its an spin off

>its sitting at #52 on american amazon
>the xbone version is sitting at #362
fucking Mario and Rabbits its on 4th. MARIO AND THE FUCKING RABBITS

You should feel bad for Capcom itself at this point.
They're literally not making new handheld MHs.

Just let that sink in.
They are not putting new MH on any handheld.

Don't forget that every new Switch shipment in Japan sells before the afternoon, making it the most successful Japanese home console in decades.

Wrong, the pc version will be the best selling monster hunter game ever (but only because of steam sales)

I only duo with my brother and just fill the other 2 slots with cats/chachas. Literally don't care. Although with the Xbox LFG feature I'll probably be fine.

>tfw play MH with gf on our 3DS'
>tfw only one gaming PC in the house
>tfw World and no XX will effectively kill our Monhuning together
>tfw thought World looked good but now concerned the japs are gonna keep the good shit for themselves and throw us Monhun: Casual Gaijin Edition forever
You fucks, I would have actually bought a Switch.

I can see it getting 3 million worldwide, maybe less.
RE7, a game with MUCH more western backing for around 4 million.

capcom is so fucking stupid, releasing an actual monster hunter and actually bringing it to the west and releasing it on switch and ps4 would probably net them 5 million sales

capcom bitches than the west doesnt buy the mainline series, then they go and either localise them 2 years later, or dont even localise them at all

baffling how retarded the upper management at that sinking ship of a company is

>game has damage numbers confirmed

>""""""""WESTERN AUDIENCES"""""""""""""
GG sonyyggers lmao

Why would Sony pay Capcom to make a game for PC and xbox? That's stupid and you're looking to point fingers.

The only reason this isn't on Switch is because it cannot handle it. Why sell a game on one platform when you can sell it on 3?
And this is your third party dilemma.

>pc master race gets glorious hi def mh with actual decent online capability and controller support
>Nintenbros don't even get their sloppy seconds port

Hahahaha oh fuck this is too good.


I hope your gf gets raped and killed too.

I read this like an anti Donald Trump post.

You should feel bad for America itself at this point.
They're literally making the new president, Trump.

Just let that sink in.
They are putting Trump in the Whitehouse.

The PS4 is doing okay in Japan(not amazing or anything) but you are correct about them preferring mobile games and handhelds. The 3DS and Switch(though the switch is having stock issues in Japan where they literally cannot keep up with demand) are the current best selling platforms there

This game is their attempt at getting western audiences when they literally had a decent western audience on handhelds before. MH4U did 1.5 million in the west and ~4 million in Japan. X/Generations did 3 million in Japan and ~900K in the west. So now they're sacrificing they're japanese market so instead of doing 2.5-4 million per game with 3DS when it was low risk/high return due to asset reuse, this will probably do ~1 million in Japan (Only 1 game has BARELY passed 1 million copies in Japan on PS4 and thats FFXV) while they hope that the west will pick up the slack and sell 2.5-4 million copies. Will it happen? Probably not but time will tell

well, it was nice while it lasted
it begins

MH is dead

I've been playing Double Cross for months and I don't see how you faggots are excited for that shit. If you hated Generations then its just a slight step up but it's the same fucking thing since the ps2 days except you don't attack with the right analog stick and there's more quality of life improvements.

I'm sick of playing the same goddamn game for so long I'm willing to give a fresh new experience a try. Finally something really new after 12 years.

>focused on Worlds for Western audience
That honestly sounds like a euphemism for "we want to appeal to a wider audience." Well either way, I hope it's good.

Guess I'm learning Japanese.. and giving up sniffing paint

It'll be optional...right?

i see

not to tell that the real monster hunter is still on switch


PS4 remote play to Vita/PC (then below)
PC/Xbox streaming to whatever it can

>The only reason this isn't on Switch is because it cannot handle it
Game is made around PS4 Vanilla specs, its can handled. buts its a separate Entry made for western.

Pure MH will be on Switch on later date

yeah, no matter how you read it, it sounds like the guy was told to shill the shit out of the game

>PS4 vs Switch Sales
>Mon Hun cant even beat a .jpg and a pink blob
Sony friends and Console users dont buy weebshit

World doesn't even look good

>Faggot haircut/numale glasses
>100% focused on the western audience

Red flags out the ass

Yes, Capcom is going to abandon their Japanese market to cater to players who don't even know that the series exist, and then make this new spinoff the mainline series.


Thanks for posting!

>PS4 remote play to Vita/PC (then below)
>PC/Xbox streaming to whatever it can
If you want to play the
>You can stream it guyz

They didn't though, they are putting it out on the switch in Japan, they just don't want XX competing with worlds in the west.

well, they are failing

>The only reason this isn't on Switch is because it cannot handle it.
It could probably have been optimized for the switch.

>Sony friends and Console users dont buy weebshit

And this is the UK, western AAA game heaven.

>Nu-male hunter

Also, Nintendo probably ragequit their Capcom deal after they left them out of MHW.

Except that the developers themselves are shitposting about XX and that MHW is the mainline title. XX is literally a doublecross of their nintentoddler audience.