Spider-Man ps4

So what did you guys think?

Too cinematic?

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I preordered it

They confirmed swinging was physics based and I love me some arkham combat

postan here because other spidey thread looks like bait

>remove slow mo
game to be at normal speed and itll just end up with a spiderman bouncing all over the screen which is great
>remove bad guys flashing red when they contemplate the thought of hurting spiderman
keep spider sense head tingle but we really dont need them to light up like they have the power of the sun in the palm of their hand
>have them constantly shooting at spiderman and not waiting their turn to receive cool slow mo beat down animation
means you cant stand around like youre mike tyson in the ring and actually need to be agile and acrobatic
>remove bam ham grappling hook icon thats constantly bouncing around on screen
eh, i dont like it because i know its going to be "press r1 to cool parkour to here" like in ASM
>fix the physics of swinging
we now get webs on buildings but without the physics for some stupid fucking reason. The whole point of asking for webs on buildings was so that it affects the swing not for fucking aesthetics
>remove pointless qte
why the fuck do you need a qte to land on the helicopter and fight? why the fuck cant the player just web zip onto it? why do i need to press eg triangle to dodge in the qte when the normal dodge button is O? at least make the action correlate to the button press so its not so fucking retarded.
>shitty stealth predator room knock off
seen it in ASM and it sucks cock, for the love of god learn from there and dont fuck it up again
feels like im iron man lol
>cool web gadget traps
i quite liked this, nice

no, too similar to TASM2.

>arkham combat
It might still be okay though.

Its meant to be on the E3 Colisuem right now but streams dead

exploration seems okay, i don't play spiderman for the combat so that wasnt too disappointing

i love spiderman but why on earth would you hand over money for a product you dont know about? they havent even announced if theres a special edition or something. why? You might as well tell developers to stop working and release it half finished because youve already paid.

Ill never understand preordering a game

I fucking hate spider-man now. He has no good comics, movies or games

Even though I'm also optimistic about this game and will probably buy it, pre-ordering is literally retarded.
There's no way the game is going to be sold out. Just get it on release day or a few days after, so you can wait for the reviews.