>South Park Fractured but Whole has a mini game where you and Scott Malkinson give a lapdance to two adults
HOLY FUCK, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can see the media outrage and bans already.
>South Park Fractured but Whole has a mini game where you and Scott Malkinson give a lapdance to two adults
HOLY FUCK, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can see the media outrage and bans already.
Trey and Matt are so fucking used to this kind of shit that nobody even bothers getting mad at them.
the fuck???????????????????
Probably the least shocking thing in any SP related media ever.
Nah everyone ignores it when South Park does it and they get away with it
When the E3 streams were on the other day, I found it funny that in Sup Forums chatrooms people were posting "South Park xD epik" ironic shitposting, then the same people were lauding Mario and Rabbids. Amazing.
>getting mad at South Park
I'm pretty sure people stopped bothering, like, ten years ago. It all just slides off their backs.
>I can see the media outrage
unless a fictional woman is in distress I doubt any of the usual gaming outlets will give two fucks
there's literally oral sex between kids in south park.... this is fucking nothing.
Is South Park the ultimate BRAAPP kino?
No, that's Terrace and Philips
>I can see the media outrage and bans already
>south park
are you 13?
I want this
why is that acceptable, but having little girls farting on old men not ?
You can play as a girl.
Not played the first one so is this an actual GAME or just a pick-any-option-cinematic-experience?
it's like Golden Sun basically
You sure?
You forget how touchy a subject pedophilia is. I can see this rustling some jimmies, such as pic related.
YouTube commenters aren’t relevant people
Thats just Neogaf
Remember when there was a whole episode about Stan jerking off his dog?
>Reddit tabs
Back you go
My point still stands. The difference between usual south park stuff is the context, especially that its in a game.
I find it ironic that THE most offensive, anti-PC game is being published by Ubisoft. Don't know if media are gonna care though. It's south park and at this point media and SJWs should know that attacking South Park ain't gonna do shit.
Really like what they've done to the combat, and allowing more buddies, but I hope they added good side quests this time
>implying Sup Forums isn't neo reddit
Stay mad cuck, reddit owns this place now.
>'member Raisins, the sports bar like Hooters but it has little girls in it?
>'member that time in the last game where you gave a dude an abortion?
I 'member.
>South Park can't be that stupid
Yeah the moment I saw this I knew the media is going to have a massive cry.
It's time to go back.
Its nothing really, though I wonder what people's reaction would be if you do this as a female character.
>Bad taste
>poor taste
When the fuck is south park NOT in bad/poor taste? It fucking thrives on being a taste no-one else wanna be anymore cos they're too fucking scared that SJWs are gonna paint them with some fucking brush. People are afraid to be offensive and that's just sad. Good thing Matt and Trey haven't caved in and hopefully never will.
>implying Sup Forums isn't reddit & tumblr tier
I get the feeling these people haven't seen a single episode of South Park
sjws support this stuff
well now i have to make a female character to satisfy my fart fetish
I comment on YouTube and also wrote on the most important vidya newspaper of my country
Pedocrap is sick and you're a worthless being if you think otherwise, but it's fucking South Park man
Its involves two white boys and men SJWs won't give a shit.
Who gives a fuck if a few people whine? They always do. Matt and Trey have been through this gauntlet through the hyper Conservative years and through the hyper Liberal years.
The coin has the same fucking face on each side. They pull the same stuff and it sells. Fuck what people think. I'll buy it because I find it funny because it's always shitty and in bad taste. That's what makes it funny.
Is this where I pretend only SJWs would be triggered by this and not everyone?
Identical to 20 years ago.
I guess I grew out of South Park's humor a long time ago. How is this funny again, because it would perceived as shocking? This scene had to be made just to get attention for the game right, nobody actually thinks this is funny?
I can't imagine having to actually sit down and program this scene.
Pedophilia Schmedophilia. If it's fucking cartoons who the fuck cares?
Yes. I know. People are stupid. Instead of focusing all time and money making sure REAL kids don't get assaulted, they wanna spend time arguing about the right of some drawing on a piece of paper or a bunch of pixels on screen. It's unbelievable.
>I comment on YouTube
unironically kill yourself
You could say the same for the abortion scene
t. triggered neogaffer
This reminds me how insanely hypocritical Sup Forums is.
you took one excerpt from a scene and assumed it wasnt funny. look at yourself
You can actually play as girl this time around and change your skin tone.
>How is this funny again, because it would perceived as shocking?
That is all southpark had going for it. South park has not been interesting in around 15 years because EVERY show can and does go as far as they do now. They were only special because NO ONE in 1997 would do that shit.
>I comment on Youtube
Like seriously comment? I shitpost on Youtube. Consistently. If you're not posting for upboats on Youtube you're doing it wrong.
>I comment on YouTube
And your opinion on anything matters because why?
>you can play as a girl
Fucking sjws
It might be sick but that doesn't make it any less hot.
Nobody is gonna talk about all the tabs OP has up??
>policing morality
Gameplay looks alright. The shock value is lost on me though.
Remember when South Park made fun of trump and pol was so fucking triggered by it? There were so many threads callin them cucks and shill and other bullshit
Only the scientology retards were so butthurt because of SP on a scale like autism right was
>I can see the media outrage and bans already.
i cant because theyre left wing shills so they get a pass
Yeah, there are far too many so you can't even see the title
>youtube comments
tee hee
>Having a pic of THAT anime in your post.
You're going to JAIL, motherfucker!
Just do it you fucking imgurian.
If you don't have anything clever to quip then lurk.
I see Reddit and Islam are one and the same
>proceeds to make new place the same complete shit hole that you just left
remember when the last game had aliens shoving foreign objects up a child's anus? Remember when that child fought a giant pair of his dad's testicles as a boss battle?
This isn't really anything.
>Remember when South Park made fun of trump
Didn't they say they weren't going to make fun of Trump? I haven't watched the show in years.
Stay mad redditor.
there is no trump in SP: Mr Gerrison won 2016 elections
Look at this shit, there is the faggot
So the whole season which made fun of sjws and the left is leftists shilling? You triggered pathetic whiny bitch
>I can see the media outrage and bans already.
And I'll be seeing a lot more of this guy.
>Entire season mocking SJWs and corporate shills
>Mohammed in several episodes
>Entire Season mocking both candidates
God bless Matt and Trey, those glorious motherfuckers
Theres satire somewhere, I can't put my finger on it
They made an entire season about making fun of Trump. Kinda disappointing really.
They cried about memberberries as well.
You're clearly retarded: that poster just called Reddit and Islam both shit
People still don't get this stuff is all for getting free AD and getting triggered is exactly what they expect from you
>tv tropes
That's all I can figure out. OP is likely a neet looking for a job on indeed.
Aussie here, I laughed and cried at the same time when that popped up. Although apparently I missed out on a frustrating part of the game, so in that case I am happy.
I voted for Trump, and honestly their Trump jokes still made me laugh more than any other comedian going after the guy. Also they had a few odd ball shots a Clinton as well as a history of making fun of her like in the Snuke episode. Pretty fair deal in my opinion.
The first one was like Paper Mario, but the second seems to go for grid based combat
>not playing your native version
It's a game but at the same time it's like you're playing an episode of the show.
Naw its actually something they wanted to do in the first game too but decided not too They didn't want to half ass it. They wanted it to be something that actually affects how characters react too you instead of just ignoring it completely like some games do and storywise it didn't make sense anyway because since only boys were playing the new kid would have just been told to fuck off. This time around some girls are playing too.
>This is worse than watching the 8 year old year old main character getting sodomized by two giant dildos in the first game
So this dude rolls up, posts a screenshot of his browser with a million tabs open, including two reddit tabs and a tumblr, with his avatar visible, with no editing whatsoever, and this thread's just talking about SJWs?
The fuck happened to this place?
I meant our version of that but still it was the same reaction
Mainstream Jew media is actually pushing to normalize pedophilia so no, you won't see any outrage.
>having your dads scrotum hit you so bad you go into an asshole.
I know you Sup ForumstDonald/ faggots wanna start shit but south park is old as dirt
Hot I can live out my fantasies
>I voted for Trump
So sorry man
>someone stupid does something stupid with no meaning behind it
>someone else who's stupid screams at them to stop because they're 'hurting' people despite literally affecting no one
>can't decide to side or watch them kill each other
Any tips on good tinfoil to buy to stop the jews mind control rays?
Kek. Okay OP you can stop trying to fit in now.
>TFW I preordered the game almost a year ago with my free month of Amazon Prime
It feels like the wait will be worth it.
Sup Forums happened
That just makes them want to do it even more.
I don't think these people get what South Park is...