Just finished Resident Evil Remake and really liked it...

Just finished Resident Evil Remake and really liked it. I want to know the rest of the series' plot but dont really want to play 6 more games (and the revelations games too?).

Is there any I can skip or read up on online? I dont think 2 and 3 have recent ports either which makes it trickier.

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just read the wiki. the plot, post 4, isn't very exciting though.

Just play Darkside Chronicles. It's basically like an abridged version of the overall canon.

>I really liked the game
>I never want to play it or anything like it ever again

whats wrong with you OP? why?

How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? All I asked is if theres any games in the series I should skip to save some time since theres so many.


play the fucking games at least till 4

I'd say give 0 a go since it's in the same style as REmake but I can't recommend that game in good faith to anyone.

2 is good and still looks good today. Had a PC port back in the day so finding a torrent for it shouldn't be hard. 3 and Code Veronica are shit. 4 is nothing like the first few games but still a must play. 5 and 6 are like 4 on steroids and require a buddy to co-op and really enjoy.

Darkside Chronicles is my jam. Way better than Umbrella Chronicles.

The plot basically ends at CVX. Read the President Evil Plot Analysis on GameFAQs.

play 2, 4 and 7 if you want more. They're all different styles but are all great.

>I don't think 2 has recent ports
Thanks for reminding me.

and don't play 0, it looks like REmake but is trash

It literally has a PC port.

I was talking about how there's supposedly a remake being made, but it wasn't at E3


3 is fine, it's RE's equivalent to Friday the 13th Part IV. The big shitty fuck up of the original series is Survivor, and the "meh, it's been done to death and it still somehow doesn't feel like the originals" is 0. CVX is the weird one that has the right gameplay trappings but a batshit crazy, retarded story.

Why don't you like 0? honest question

>dont really want to play 6 more games
thats how I came to that conclusion dumbie

The good games are: remake, zero,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, code veronica X, 7

Dont play 6, its terrible. The Revelations games are not great, play them if youre desperate, theyre alright I guess.

Emulate re2 and re3 on psx

Everything about it is underwhelming. REmake is great because it's like the original game, but dolled up and a bit more grounded in reality.

0 is retarded in almost every way, from poorly implemented new mechanics, to dropping good mechanics from remake, to a story that is even more mindnumbingly retarded than the story of CV. Also, it's the only RE game where the weapons look and sound like they have no punch; every enemy is a bullet sponge.

>gay fucking Leech enemies
>shit story with a sephiroth villain who sings
>Partner that you have to babysit and give them a shitty pistol so they don't use up all your good ammo
>giant enemy scorpion boss
>giant enemy worm boss
>giant enemy bat boss

Why in the fuck would you emulate them on a god awful PSX when you could do Dreamcast?

>he doesnt like the way the psx looks
shit taste


There's a whole wiki

You can play all of them up to 4 and then see if you wanna stop. The swift pitch is 1(Remake),2 or 3(up to you), 4 and skip 6, try 7.

This and Alyson confirming she's not coming back as Claire is depressing tbqh.

>Everything about it is underwhelming.
Has there ever been something more wrong said?

>no tits
>no ass
>annoying voice

Rebecca is worst girl.

>Rebecca is worst girl.
so much shit taste in one thread

Shes fine if you're into young boys.