Sony won you know it

1) Shadow of the Colossus
2) God of War
3) FF Dissidia NT
4) Spider-Man
5) Detroit Become Human
6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
7) Monster Hunter World
8) Yakuza 6
9) The Inpatient
10) Days Gone

>david cage game

>the top game is a rerelease of a game that was already rereleased on the previous system, and arguably a progenitor of the cinematic experience meme
No, that's why you lost to everyone except Bethesda.

10 games, 0 release dates. Epic!

Only decent exclusive on that list is Yakuza 6. Everything else is movie shit or a remake of a remake of a PS2 game.

Sony was unbelievably bad this year, yet the shills are still defending them. Kek, Nintendo won

>Shadow of the colossus
if you are looking for a game to blame for the cinematic simplistic garbage, blame 2008 indies, Heavy Rain and Metal Gear Solid 2

MonHun looks good but the rest of those are cinematic garbage.

This should temper all hype. Especially at a Sony conference of all things.

You can name all the games you want, doesnt mean theyre any good

>more shit for toddlers


>1) Shadow of the Colossus
Shit game
>2) God of War
Shit game ruining the series
>3) FF Dissidia NT
Shit game
>4) Spider-Man
Shit QTEs
>5) Detroit Become Human
Shit movie
>6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
Shit game
>7) Monster Hunter World
Shit game
>8) Yakuza 6
Shit weebshit
>9) The Inpatient
>10) Days Gone
Shit game

Nintendo cultists or bait?

>Only shoters are real games

Doesnt that apply to Nintendo? Kirby looked like shit, as did the Yoshi game.
They also didn't show anything about Metroid.

>Not New
>Not New
>Not New
>Not New
>Not New
>VR shit
>Not New

Nothing new was announced. It was shit. Sony was the conference I was looking forward to most and they blew it.

All the other games look good, but david cage is a fucking hack and you know it, user

>Detroit Become Human

List disregarded, David Cage has never made a good game.

Even Fahrenheit which is considered his least shit """game""" is still a piece of shit.

Nothing on that list looks interesting at all except for monster hunter. Do you have a problem with that?

Yoshi will be the coziest game of all time. Burn in hell

>xbox one (won)

>Dissidia NT

Holy fuck, I forgot about that one

Yoshi was somehow decent. It looks like more SNES than the N64/DS/WiiU games.
What I don't get is Nintendrönes and Steamcucks complaining about games with cinematics when they actually have to beg Ubisoft, Bethesda and EA for games.

>only the same shit we've been getting spoonfed since the 1980's are real games

Hey, I can overgeneralize too!

>Yakuza 6

Someone didn't this Zerobaby

Like all the other conferences,user.

>Dissidia NT
>God of War
>Yakuza 6
>not interesting
you can't even hide your loyalty and obsession with your beloved brand.

All the games are ssdd, mijo. Not just nintendo


>Cinematic games are bad

I hate this meme, videogames will never be considered art if this shit logic is the norm.

Sony lost by Nintendo showing the metroid prime logo
I'm sorry
Quit being poor and join the master race

I said it once, ill say it again: Only mature games (GOW, destiny, COD) will push the medium forward.

still missing Toukiden 2 and God Eater 3(which I believe will be a PS4 exclusive or PS4 timed exclusive)

>9) The Inpatient

The most generic shit I'd ever seen until I saw the Bravo Team trailer minutes later.

>Nintendo false-flagging
don't you have a Treehouse to watch?

epic falseflag

Only good games will push the medium foward.

Any genre of game can be seen as a stepping stone towards a better future if that game is good.

>1) Shadow of the Colossus
Nobody asked for it and it's probably not going to come out for another 10 years.
>2) God of War
Looks like an ok cinematic experience for people who never played the original games.
>3) FF Dissidia NT
>4) Spider-Man
Good cinematic experience for Marvel fans I guess.
>5) Detroit Become Human
Cinematic shit, looks really boring, uninspired plot.
>6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
Worst girl, bad game.
>7) Monster Hunter World
Only game from the conference that interested me.
>8) Yakuza 6
As an avid fan of the series since 1 this game is objectively bad. Think of FFXV terms of unfinished product but hamfist that into about a year of actual development, and add any remaining budget on celebrity cameos. I guess I'll give Sony credit for at least translating it on a timely matter, as well as the 1 HD remaster.
>9) The Inpatient
VRshit. Disregard.
>10) Days Gone
Looks ok for a "cinematic experience" a la TLoU.

>1) Shadow of the Colossus
>3) FF Dissidia NT
>4) Spider-Man
>7) Monster Hunter World
>8) Yakuza 6

these I will give you. I'm excited for all of them and cant wait for release. But if you think you that you can tell me with a straight face that your list is better than TWO Metroid games, Kirby Switch, Odyssey, Yoshi Switch, 8th gen Pokemon in 2018, XB2, Mario XCOM, Superstar Saga remake, Spla2n,ARMS and FE Warriors you are a fucking liar who needs to kill himself

Why the fuck does mega milk have so much clothing on?!

I am being 100% serious, not falseflagging.

I genuinely love videogames and want them to be seen as an artform, I don't mind sacrificing gameplay for this.

My consoles are PS3, Vita, 3DS, and Wii U.

My Favorite games are Uncharted 2, Final Fantasy X and Xenosaga.

That's one good game which is a rehash.
But you're right, that's one more than any of the others.

>shitposting to the max
here is a (you)

Maybe they won for you but personally I thought it was very lackluster, same for pretty much every other presentation. Out of those you listed I'm only interested in like, 2 or 3, but then again, it's the same with the rest pf the companies this E3.

I'm a hardcore metroidfag so obviously I go with Nintendo, but overall this year was meh at best.

Earth Defence Force 5 is in the works also not on that list

Why is brand loyalty a thing? Seriously v is the worst fucking place.
Just play what games you want to why do you shit on games simply for what console they're on?
You guys are all losers

Sony will not let go of the only presenter without a butterface at E3 huh

That's a weird way to spell

Want proof? Check this even.

>1) Shadow of the Colossus
Pretty Cool
>2) God of War
>3) FF Dissidia NT
>4) Spider-Man
>5) Detroit Become Human
Pretty cool
>6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
>7) Monster Hunter World
>8) Yakuza 6
>9) The Inpatient
Might be cool
>10) Days Gone
Might be cool.

Pretty underwhelming. Typical "mature games for mature games like myself" stuff.


Are you going to buy Pokemon #2347573, user?

It's not for kids, I promise.

Don't forget to pre-order the toys!

no one cares about your forced memes

Imagine having taste this shit.

Damn this shit is exclusive?

If you want art then you need only look to Japanese actual video games, not western pushbutton movies.

>make shadow of the Colossus
>re-release it and Ico on PS3
>re-re-release it by itself on PS4
>people still buy it

I enjoyed it on PS2, but i'd rather something else get a chance for a re-release at this point

only the middle looks good

the sides need to fix their eyebrows

>western dudebro shit
What the fuck are you doing on this website?
Pic related = ACTUAL maturity

this just proves to me that Sup Forums is nintendogaf, and they've completely lost the fucking argument in saying otherwise.

>incredible showing of hard hitting games during Sony's conference, INCLUDING the MonHun Sup Forums wanted for AGES, along with MH fans in general
>shit all over Sony, shit all over the MH game we always wanted

>20 measly minutes of Nintendo showing 90% of ports and shit we already knew about
>circle jerking over a shitty generic song from Wahoo!!! Odyssey that is nothing special
>circle jerking over a shitty gameboy looking Metroid
>circle jerking over Rocket League, which we've all already played
>arms is somehow suddenly good again despite >74 and everyone shitting on it just a week ago

this board is dead.


I agree user, I can't wait to buy the sixteen upcoming Mario titles and another Pokemon. While we boing yahoo our way into another decade, we'll be able to speculate as to which franchise Nintengod will recreate from scratch to mimic other franchises; it worked great with turning Zelda into Ubisoft generica.

I can't fucking wait for more games targeted at 10 year olds exclusively, I've already pre-ordered my Amiibos.

Heh, anyone who wants any form of non-literal-child-content is a fedora-tipping edgelord faggot, right nintenbro??


Don't say "cinematic experience" any more or you'll summon ACfag.

pic related

E3 was weak as fuck this year, but yeah after raving about rabbids trash and legitimately being hyped OVER A FUCKING LOGO.. nintendogaf is too much.

>western indie trash

Ubisoft improved by removing the nigger but completely destroyed themselves by destroying 12 year waited Beyond Good and Evil

>completely unnecessary remake, and I say this is as a hardcore fan of the original
>turning an action game into a Last of Us knockoff
>looking forward to it
>too many QTEs but looks alright otherwise
>fucking lmao you're joking right
>see above
>looks nice but worried it'll be casualized for idiots
>worst game in the series since 3
>VR shit
>zombie survival game lmao
Not very impressive OP

i fucking knew that would happen with Rabbids. actually everyone did. so many people called out Nintenkids latching onto that cancer as if it would be anything great, and then they did exactly that.

fucking pottery.

I didn't watch that conference. Why is she with blood in her nose and why is she talking like she is mad?
>dude we are doing something cool and edgy

If the choice was between having girlwood present forever and BG&E not being destroyed (including online trash) - I'd take the girlwood bullet.

>hard hitting games

>still arguing about who won when we all lost

how much more of a fucking brainwashed consumer idiot can you be?

>western games are worse
>we lost
kek it's quite the opposite.

Ever think to wonder that they're actually Xcucks? Only a literal newfag or casual would think the Xbox One is better than the PS4


>1) Shadow of the Colossus
Was neat but already played that
>2) God of War
Yay more mash square to win shit. Nah.
>3) FF Dissidia NT
>4) Spider-Man
Was hype. But now that it just looks like QTE shit. Nope.
>5) Detroit Become Human
>6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
>7) Monster Hunter World
Yup but also on PC.
>8) Yakuza 6
>9) The Inpatient
>10) Days Gone

Their only great showing was Monster Hunter. And that is multiplat. Everything else is shit or forgettable. Nintendo actually smacked Sony's shit around then came back for seconds.

Monhun World isnt exclusive

wtf happened? meredith molinari looked much older this year than last year

Hahah, get em', nintenbro!!





Fucking edgelord sonybros with their various IP's and content!! LOL! WHY CANT YOU JUST BOING YIPEE YAHOO????

nobody won

>sony lays out generic shit and is nuanced as fuck about everything

>microsoft just doesn't know what the fuck is going on anymore and just doing their own thing

>nintendo still doing the same "release a new console with cool gimmick xD" because they know that it sells

im only buying a switch for splatoon 2. thats it. i don't even play many games anymore since everything seems so stagnated.

>missing the fucking point this hard

you people somehow manage to get even MORE retarded every fucking time.

>7) Monster Hunter World
>Yup but also on PC.
Yeah. Much much later. You willing to wait that long, user?

Come on now, if you don't bring it up people might forget about that shit show but this is just embarrassing.

what's the point? Sony still funding good jap games, Vita/Switch receiving jap ports and exclusives, Steam receiving Jap localization of obscure games..
I'm not sure if I miss the point.

>1) Shadow of the Colossus
Look forward to it when the price drops
>2) God of War
>3) FF Dissidia NT
>4) Spider-Man
After that batham combat I have little hope.
>5) Detroit Become Human
wez waz human and shit
>6) Horizon Best Girl DLC
>7) Monster Hunter World
Looking forward to it.
>8) Yakuza 6
>9) The Inpatient
I honestly can't remember it.
>10) Days Gone
LOL no

And Xboner, if that matters. And we don't know how much later. Depending how long, I probably will wait for PC.

We should allow Nintenbros the opportunity to rise again, Nintendo brings games to the table too, unlike MS.

Yes, an update.

>i'm not sure if i miss the point

thats because you're a braindead consumerist retard. my guess is you were born with corporate dick up your ass so you don't even notice its there.

>being this desperate

I'm a sonyfag and I say nintendo won, now before you call me a cuck or drone in disguise let me tell you why. Mircopenis and Sony both were shit so all nintendo had to do was not fuck up which they didn't considering they now have a legit metroid game, fuck mario and pokemon they don't matter.

Why am I a consumerist? 99% of games I buy are jap games that I usually wait 6 months to drop price while at the same time I'll buy some God of War and Last of Us when it's 30~40% off and a Nintendo Switch when it gets down to 199

>Braindead consumerist retard
Wow, activism ahoy.

Tell me, o' being of patrician taste and superior financial standing, who in any first world nation isn't a "Consumerist Retard", and how does your hobby expenses and/or spending on non-durable entertainment goods define your character as a human being?

Pls. I'll wait.


Remake > Remaster
We're going to get new content for it you fucktard.

It's a tumblr faggot who thinks radical centrism is the most beautiful thing on earth while drinking 9 bucks starbucks piss. We have lots of those lately here

Sup Forums in a nutshell


now say that about nintendo, bitch ass nigga

95.8% of Sup Forums are Nintendo fans and the rest are PC master race loli masturbators.

> 1. SotC remake

>Everything else
Waste of time.

>strawmanning this fucking hard

why would anyone even bother seriously responding to such a retarded post?

>literally all the same shit we saw last year plus a remaster of a game that already got a remaster