I went from mad that MH was being casualized and ruined to hesitantly hopeful.
On the bright side, I'll be getting it on PC which means I don't have to risk impulse buying it before I can find out if it sucks or not.
I went from mad that MH was being casualized and ruined to hesitantly hopeful.
On the bright side, I'll be getting it on PC which means I don't have to risk impulse buying it before I can find out if it sucks or not.
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Eventually people will calm down and realize it's not going to be ruined. There are advancements and big changes like there always has been. People were really skeptical after MH4 trailer because it looked worse than Tri and all it showed was running. People said mounting would "casualize" it. It didn't. "Casualized" has quickly just become a memeword that people throw at anything they don't immediately like.
While we worry and speculate over MHW
>Favourite Game
>Main weapon
>Favourite armour and weapon
>Favourite Monster
>Favourite Zone
Sony conference. MHW gameplay and news in 40 mins.
Im worried about lack of hunting halls/online quests.
Nah, it's casualised shit
>Favourite Game
>Main weapon
>Favourite armour and weapon
Seditious Cleaver
Dalamadur's set (but it sucks put together)
>Favourite Monster
Still Zinogre, but MH4U Diablos is so much funner to fight than previous iterations, so just props to that. A 7 minute good fight multiple times the other day, without a single sonic bomb.
>Favourite Zone
MH1 Volcano, (That creepy lava cave music)
What shit music
Bloodborne was more focused for western audiences and had many western themes an it was fine. Just because a company makes changes doesn't mean it's shit. Nice panicking though.
They've said they want the West to like monster hunter since MH3, and it's still had plenty of challenge. That means literal fuck all.
Why don't you just wait til we see it play. With the success of hard games and push towards more difficulty I don't see any reason for them to sacrifice that with this game. Also, Japan is getting this game, so there goes that.
I think it'll be fine. It looks good and I saw several normal gameplay mechanics in that Japanese video showing a little more gameplay. I don't see how it's any less of a MH game.
>adding more mechanics that echo the original intention of the series and not half assing them for once is casualizing and ruining
I am hoping it's good, if it is, I will get it on PC.
I am just salty because since MHF2 I've been loving it on portables, chilling with my group of mates.
Much better than playing online.
It looks not as "hardcore" as lv 140 Rajang/Deviljho but that's not a bad thing. I feel like those were just bloated up HP mobs for the sake of "difficulty". Better to have new gameplay mechanics to work with and new features so we can relearn the games and it feels fresh.
I agree that, it should get a switch port at some point. I would like that. However, what has me most worried is, will they have offline town/guild hall again? I hope so. Because I don't want to have to deal with server latency or problems just to fight High rank/G rank monsters. I just want to solo the game, then play online for fun after I'm done. Same way I did the past few monhuns.
When has a reveal trailer ever shown high powered versions of late game bosses?
Well, true. But I guess that just devalues everyones opinion about casualization even more. We all know that early monsters and Low Rank is always super easy. So I'm pretty sure there will be harder stuff in the game.
I loved playing it on the shitter. Wake up in the morning and have my morning dump n hunt. Feels good.
Exactly, most of that stuff is just people flipping out for no reason. This is something I've wanted since the first game, and I couldn't be happier that they're finally pushing the concept further rather than cheaping out on gimmicks and being carried by the core combat. And that still looks present and correct too, only they replaced the QTE with Dogma-esque real climbing..
>Favourite Game
>Main weapon
Heavy Bowgun
>Favourite armour and weapon
Seltas Z Gunner Armour
Seltas Cannon
>Favourite Monster
Seltas Queen & Cuck
>Favourite Zone
Moga woods
There needs to be more insect type giant monsters.
Honestly, the biggest thing that has me worried is how washed out and weird the game looks. Rathalos looked alright I guess, but that new monster doesn't really look like it belongs in a Monster Hunter game