Who won E3
Who won E3
That's a really fucking shitty tier list
Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, and Starbucks are all the same fucking shit. Just different brands.
This, what fucking subhuman doesn't like Chick-fil-a?
It also doesn't even logically make sense
>Taco Bell is F tier
>KFC is C tier
>Both combined is a B tier somehow
>chick-fil-a F
>Subway S
E3 was so fucking terrible this year that it was won with a fucking JPG
>panda express not F-
>no del taco
>taco bell at F
which timeline senpai
>CFA at the bottom
>Pollo Loco F
>jack in the box that high
>popeyes and arbys that low
>Subway and Starbucks in S
>Five Guys that low
>Chik-Fil-A in F
>Sonic not in S
Shit list.
>watching E3
I stopped watching it like a decade ago. There is a 24 hour news cycle on every project, and every big company has their own con or event.
Watching E3 in 2017 is like checking to see if your schools closed on a snowy day by listening to the radio
no one
we all lost and everyone should be ashamed
>putting five guys that low
>starbucks that high
nigga what, is this a bait list
People like that overpriced dogshit?
>Sup Forums - Video Games
If Sup Forums likes to do food analogies does /ck/ do videogame analogies?
> Subway over anythnig
What the hell is this OP.
>Popeye's on the same tier as McDonald's and Burger King
Shit opinions like this get people shot