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Garfield kart sequel?
Garfield is the idea of the wild Dionysian savior that cannot be killed even as its owners turn to dust, a Shaman clad in animal skin, representing untamed primordial energy which in alternating paths burns and heals. Jon's pipe is the caduceus, the Hermetic serpent that Moses lifted up on a pole in the wilderness. Jon the suburbanite grasps for its cathartic flame, but finds it has been displaced into the mouth of a file-breathing beast.
can u find the pipe?
>People saying E3 was shit this year
>Mfw seeing this
How can any one man, how can Jon Arbuckle be just one thing? How can any of us be just one thing? We're... an amalgamation of ideas, of emotions... conducts and functions, thoughts and feelings... Jon Arbuckle may very well inhabit tenets of nearly every major philosophical tract known to man.
We all might.
i legitimately didn't believe this was real but i just went on a quick walk and got 1/4th of an amazon gift card
how can we break this game
pic is from the official site
>He doesn't go out with the boys every Friday night to get some rare Garfield puzzle pieces
Way to be a fucking Odie, loser.
play more and report back
what the fuck no way this is real
>Registration failed
Garfield is a veteran video game character who roles with the big boys. Quit whining OP.
I'm only interested if you can catch Lyman.
thats from the google store page you lying fucker
it is probably easy to get the first parts then nearly impossible to get the last part. They will try to get people to do the whole
>if I just walk for a little more I'll get the last part
How are they making money from this
>pic is from the official site
Read before making accusations
this game functions by finding garfield coins, and throwing garfield food into his bowl
the better the food (lasagna top tier, donut shit tier) the better prizes
you can play a simon says game to earn lasagna 3x a day at little italian restaurants on the map (not pictured)
you get coins from chests which can be spent on extra food (you get food every few hours, with top tier foods taking forever to cook)
you can also get little comic strip bits to collect and trinkets which can be exchanged in a set for coins
what the fuck
>ywn be Jim Davis
>ywn strike it rich off of some silly, low-effort comic strip and just sit back and relax as your franchise continues to inexplicably grow despite no longer personally doing anything with it anymore
>ywn laugh as people churn out things like Garfield without Garfield or bizarre, postmodernist stuff like the PilotRedSun video.
tight. downloading now
i'm probably coming off as a viral marketer here but seriously this is just so bizarre
I have an iphone4s boys will this just destroy my battery
It worked. Jim Davis shilled a pokemon go clone with garfield and he's actually making people download it. Fuck
fuck you I've always liked Garfield and I wish he was my dad
i'll destroy your battery so your parents will get you a better phone
>tfw no lasagna
Umm... Pokemon go had a way of playing on pc using an emulator and a gps program and people caught Pokemon in other countries at home.
I don't see why it wouldn't work with this game
>bitches don't know garfield was a fucking major vidya character
Fucking newfags these days.
>win hundreds of oldie plushies, but never see a Garfield plushie anywhere
This game seriously needs pseudorandom rng like Dota, or at least a pity timer of some sort.
>yfw Garfield won E3 with one mobile game
Maybe he'll find some good stuff in Abu Dhabi
I can't wait to play this on the way to work tomorrow. The ridiculousness of it is enticing.
What the fuck, why does this exist??
fuckin sweet
>not playing the superior NES game
>pooky plushie
You have my attention.
>this is my cartoonist, Jon
>cartoonist's name says Jim in the corner
does he think we're stupid?
look at jon's smug ass smile there. he really thinks we're that fucking stupid.