>rehashes mario 64

You fucking drones are so obnoxious

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's part of the same series therefore it's a rehash
nah a rehash would be if it didn't do anything new or different.

I personally wouldn't mind constant clones of mario 64 till the day I die.

Why change a formula that's already perfect?

Odyssey: collect moons
Mario 64: collect stars
both games are non linear



that's not what a rehash is
you're not rehashing something if it came out 20 fucking years ago

One of the key components of autism is enjoying repetitive processes. Nintendo's success makes sense in this regard.

>tfw this shitty bait will actually get real responses.

I joined this thead as soon as it was made just for the responses

Grilled Cheese: cheese
Cheeseburger: cheese
both sandwiches have bread


So what world in Mario 64 does Mario turn into various creatures using his hat?

Newfag, retarded or both? Only those that support Sony call out Nintendo games as rehashes, we never complain about another game being released in a long running franchise

explain how a moon is anything like a star. They're COMPLETELY different. Also odyssey mario's hat has eyes, show me where mario 64's hat has eyes


>Videogame: press buttons
>Other Game: press keys
>both games have music


sadly, drones will respond with things like this.


grilled cheese is just a cheeseburger without the meat. If someone offered me a grilled cheese and I said no thanks, why would you then offer me a cheeseburger?

In the one where I fuck you're mom you dumb toddler
get cucked

>7125 """New""" super fisher pricr shittio bros games
Those are rehashes. This is good.




This might be the stupidest reply I've ever received.
Here's your (you).


are you saying its impossible to not like grilled cheese but like a cheeseburger?

wtf are you retarded?

Sony on full fucking damage control
Meanwhile I bet you have that new uncharted, God of war and far cry pre-ordered when they're literally more rehashed than any Nintendo game will ever be

Nintendo and rehashing is no longer valid argument

what the fuck am I reading?

That's because people who complain about rehashes and sequels are retarded in general. Same goes for those who shit themselves at the slightest differences and changes in sequels.

whatever, you fucking drones will lap up whatever nintendo shits out as usual. OH, WAIT. You guys "won" E3 this time huh? Just like last time? And every time? "every time" youtu.be/KRctny31UxQ

Don't.dare smugging at me bitch I'll kill you with my dick

>rehashes the original 3D game
By that logic, every game that has a third person camera was a rehash.



If I'm not in the mood for grilled cheese I will eat pizza or cake or salad or something. I wouldn't just eat the same thing but with meat on it.

It's like when I visit my grandma and she makes pancakes for breakfast every day like clockwork. It's fine at first but when I come home after visiting her just want bacon and eggs (salty meat), not waffles (basically a different shaped pancake),

Been a while since I've seen someone this assblasted.

I can't be the only person here who was incredibly underwhelmed. Looked like outsourced chink shit.

fuck off nintenbaby

>waffles (basically a different shaped pancake)

Holy shit is this what its like to actually be on the spectrum?

You've clearly never played 64

Metroid prime: you shoot stuff
Metroid fusion: you shoot stuff
Both are called Metroid



>pancakes and waffles are the same thing
I bet you think bacon and ham are the same thing because they're both salty pork.

Remember in Mario 64 when you could possess other beings? Me neither

Halo 2: you jump
Super Mario Bros: you jump
both are games


Because it's fucking boring.

>his N64 is brand new

lol it's so easy to detect underage ebaybabies by how clean and new their consoles are

if that was actually your console from when you were a kid it would have dents and scratches. You basically just bought it new off the internet and never played it as a kid, faggot

except it's not a rehash, if anything it looks to have more in common with banjo kazooie than mario 64

>very little emphasis on platforming
>emphasis on adventure aspects and puzzle solving
>100 "totally not notes" purple coins hidden in a stage that unlock stuff
>moons (aka stars) are hidden EVERYWHERE and no longer boot you out of the stage when you collect them

>being so assblasted you actually make the effort to take this picture

>meanwhile the cows at nintendo


banjo kazooie is a rehash of mario 64

doesnt look like it plays anything like mario 64, in fact this caused great disappointment for me

i expected a sequel to m64 and sunshine like they made it out to be, instead it looks like we got a gimicky adventure game with no finesse, i wanted a platformer with infinitely high skill ceiling, intstead we got banjo and mario 06

literally how do you dent a 64

I bet I have more than you do faggot

Alien: has actors
Transformers 2: has actors
both are movies


Looks nothing like SM64 desu.

It's okay when Japan does it.


Not his fault he actually takes care of his belongings, faggot


64 had no skill required whatsoever, the most complicated thing you ever had to do was wall-kicking.

stay mad sonyfaggot ;^)

I wish this was a meme

>You fucking drones are so obnoxious
So are you talking to yourself, or...?


yeah but pizzas have cheese and bread too so I'm not sure I follow

Taking inspiration from the past to reaffirm yourself and correct a misguided course is hardly rehashing.

>dents and scratches
subhuman mongoloid white trailer trash detected

not much required, but you could play the game faster and better the better you got at the game

>rehashes mario 64
It doesn't look like 64 at all you fucking nig

what if there is a throwback stage in this game that brought back bomb-omb battlefield?

this memes is so fucking meta right now

>not waffles (basically a different shaped pancake),

point is the game gets more fun the better you get at it, kinda like thps or something

you're not gonna have the same thing with mario odyssey, it's a one trick gimick pony

No, but making a game with the exact same goal, is, collecting stars/moons is

OP reeks of Sony buttmad. Sorry you got 6 games in your conference that were in last year's conference...whoops.

I bet someone on Sup Forums thought that was hilarious

Girl with tits: is a girl
Girl with ass: is a girl
both are hot


If anything you should be shitting on the Kirby game for that criticism

that's a weird way to spell Tiny Huge Island

DOOM: you fight demons
bloodborne:you fight demons
in both games you can die


It is funny, redditor.

I've never seen a board more triggered over E3 than
Sup Forums

Are you done yet? None of these detract from my point that the core gameplay and goal is identical in both games. JESUS fucking Christ you nintendies are so dense

Get out Sup Forumsshitter. God I can't wait for e3 to be over

Redditor leftist retard, you have to go back. :)

Then you don't realize why your post is retarded and has no merits to fight against

You're not fitting in
How does it not make sense? Find the exact spot on my post that is false

Who hurt you user

You're not fitting in :)

Have you never had grilled cheese with bacon?

you guys both typed lethal lava land wrong

>games must be diverse and offer a new way to play
>implying all games are literally a carbon copy of another
Wolfenstein 3d 1992 You shoot
Doom 1993 You shoot
You shoot


>But he's got a new hat!

Seriously the game looks amazing.

People say that about Galaxy/Galaxy 2 but somehow I enjoy replaying those games. It's almost like if the levels are creative and well-designed, you don't need to be able to do ridiculous speedrunner shit to enjoy it.

This looks like Mario 64: The Lost Levels HD.

This does not mean it will be a bad game. In fact I'm sure it will be very good for what it is. But Nintendo deserves every bit of criticism they get for their lack of out-of-the-box thinking.

Typical ass blasted american coming in hot with that food analogy.

>sjw retard making fun of someone for being an autistic child

top lel

This is probably b8, but literally every area we've seen so far has been way more creative than 64's biomes.

>But Nintendo deserves every bit of criticism they get for their lack of out-of-the-box thinking.

You'd love EA and what they did to the Command and Conquer series, fits right in your "Diverse and new way to play."
Or how about Warhammer 40k 3
I could go on, but sometimes you gotta stop

>rehases mario 64
In what way?

you deserve this

>Core and identity are a bad thing.

Let's just have Mario be a black plumber and Peach be Transgender to make you happy then. I am sure that is the kind of game you would like.