>literally 2.5 decently done
>yet Bloodstained struggles with it
Literally 2.5 decently done
Other urls found in this thread:
it's also 240p
it's also free
>Pirating a 2D metroid game
Son, games like this only come along once every 20 years. Just fucking buy it
Aw come on. Metroid deserves the money when it's good.
we wont know if it's good until september, never give a game company the benefit of the doubt
>>literally 2.5 decently done
are you blind?
Your CIA nigger mommy is.
This looks retarded. Since it's 3D you could just walk around it, but instead they're going to make you run around the entire map looking for an item to do it.
This style doesn't work at all for Metroid.
>Son, games like this only come along once every 20 years. Just fucking buy it
Actually, they come around every 2 weeks on Steam.
I don't understand this meme
Bloodstained looks no better or worse than this
> Le will buy it if it's good meme :^)
Isn't it by the Lord's of Shadow devs?
They definitely makes me cautious.
I've played many Indie Metroidvanias and maybe Guacamelee and Hollow Knight come close to Metroid. Everything else? Na.
Name one good Metroid clone on steam.
I can think of only one Metroid Clone, and that's Axiom Verge, and it wasn't very good.
If you want a Metroid clone, then here you go.
Tons of good ones here, and they're all free!
Fan made Metroid games are mostly shit and aren't fucking new.
Just because you can't pay $40 for a fucking video game doesn't mean you're not buying it off principal or some other bullshit like that, it means you're a fucking poorfag freeloader who doesn't want to support good game development.
>Fan made Metroid games are mostly shit and aren't fucking new.
So it's only new when Nintendo does literally the same thing and charges money for it? You're an idiot.
>A romhack made by one dude using existing assets and adding very little to the game outside of new levels is the same as a brand new project with all new assets, all new technologies funded by a billion dollar corporation
Yeah I'm the idiot
You're joking, right? Every 2D Metroid has used 80% the same power ups and mechanics. Who gives a shit if they slightly change the way the walls look? It's the same game.
This "new" one from Nintendo is LITERALLY a remake.
Super Metroid is good, but it's not even in the top 10 SNES games, desu. Nothing but nostalgia.
What game is that?
Sorry, not up to date with latest games. Been playing my backlog and FE echoes and nothing else recent.
I don't think you know what a ROM hack is.
It looks like shit
Did you watch the trailer? It doesn't even look anything like Metroid II. It's a remake in name alone, like Zero Mission was a remake of Metroid.
What the fuck are you talking about? It's an edit of an existing game, mostly a change of superficial things like levels, texts, and textures.
>superficial things...
Compared to game logic and mechanics, yes, I consider moving the positions of blocks and enemies superficial.