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>that avatar
this is worse than no mh announcement at all
Why is Capcom so stupid?
It's for the greater good
>All these mad switchfags
next main title is ambiguous and doesn't necessarily mean that it's actually 5 or not a spinoff.
>my favorite series is getting dumbed down to pander to western audiences, haha, t-take that N-Nintendo!
Idk what they're saying is accurate, Nintendo fans have been supporting Monster Hunter for a while now yet Capcom chooses to take money from Sony to shun Nintendo. Seems shitty.
>he spent 300 dollars on a system with no games, with the hope of maybe there being some years down the line when the system surely would have a price drop
350 is a lot of money for just a handheld and a game
Mad that they get the actual main title and not a spinoff?
it makes sense now
all the MH hate is actually from them
I almost feel bad.
they are now feeling the same feels the OG fans had when the series switched sides a few years ago... What goes around comes around.
Who said it was Sony, it's multiplat ffs. Maybe if Switch wasn't so underpowered it would've gotten it.
That's not the complaint. We've seen what happens when Capcom gives their IPs to western devs with Dead Rising and Devil May Cry. Enjoy the casualization of your favorite series.
>PS/XBox/PC get burgerbuddy Monster Hunter
>5 could very well be a proper MH game and be on switch
And nothing of value was lost.
>introducing new people to monster hunter and making it more popular
>this is bad somehow
>We have nothing to announce for Switch currently
allow me to redpill you on Sup Forums
90% of what you read is falseflagging, the people who are actually hating on the game are a minority in an ocean of shitposters
Lol not happening dude. Main focus is on World
>west audience
yeah we saw the machinegun bowgun
Gee, how do they think PSP owners felt when the VITA didn't get a monhun title, and instead it went to the 3DS?
Not really our fault.
I own a PS4 and a decent PC, but I was excited to get MonHun on Switch because of good resolution portability. I'm still convinced it will come, but it's retarded for Capcom to not at least port XX and release World alongside it. The PS4, Xbox and PC install base are obviously way larger, and their cross section with Switch is relatively small. I don't see how XX is going to compete in any significant way with World.
Can we please just leave the console war bullshit aside and actually talk about the game? Im actually really worried about this one
They aren't wrong.
Would be really shitty to not bring over XX to the west
I remember the pain. Sold my Vita ages ago.
with a wider audience, comes bad gameplay
with a wider audience, come cinematic experiences
no shit it's bad
Does it say MONSTER HUNTER 5?
b-but I gave in and bought a Switch
you can't be serious Nintendo this isn't fair what am I supposed to do with these handhelds
It's confirmed that Sony has paid for it, because they're desperate to try and win Japan. The deal forbids Worlds from releasing on Switch specifically, they don't seem to care about Pc and Xbone.
>not using it as a fap machine
Your casualshit chinese grinding simulator previously only playable on tiny handhelds with shit controls is being improved by being developed for home consoles and PC. If anything it's getting more complex, just watch the reveal trailer.
>it's confirmed
By what, the leak from Sup Forums? Give me a source.
>switchfags really thought they would get good games
[citation needed]
this contradicts it being tailored to western audiences, which is a thing that they have actually said
>monster hunter switches to nintendo
>"wow thanks capcom! This is the best, fuck sony haha!"
>other platforms get a MonHun game
Explain your reasoning nintendofags
>Crapcom fucked every other franchise they've got
>Decided to fuck the last one they have
should have seen it coming honestly, considering how hard they fucked SFV.
This isn't really that new,
True MH fans would migrate to follow the franchise.
That's what the old fans did when it moved from PSP to 3DS, that's what they'll do when it moved to PS4.
Did you not see the game? It would run at 2fps on the Switch if at all. No more being held back by shit-tier Nintendo handhelds for mainline games.
>Sony paid them to make the game not available on Switch to recapture the nip audience
>Capcom makes it available for PC and XBONE
>Make the game to cater to the west
Is Sony JUST?
>MHXX on Switch
>MHWorld on PC
Master race wins again
well, firstly theres every japanese game that targets western aueiences
and almost every capcom game made around the time inafune started the "only western games are good" meme.
devil may cry, dead rising, resident evil, marvel vs capcom, street fighter, fucking megaman, etc. are either dead, completely hollow, or warped into western drivel.
>It's... It's not 5!
>Ha ha! It's not 5! Nintendo wins again!
Really now? Really? That's you're response?
They should have seen it coming since their latest MH game for the 3DS/Switch is called Double Cross.
>hey guys don't worry it's just a spin-off :^)
>world does well
>5 just copies it
World is the next main MH game in between itself and until 5 is released.
Don't kid yourself, Sonybros.
FUCK YOU. Now that Sony has Monster Hunter, we get to gloat to Nintenbros.
At least we can always emulate the real MH games.
It's not that, it's that they aren't localizing XX for no reason, but hey I've learned what to expect from crapcom
>tfw PC+Nintendo
I don't see the problem here.
It's been confirmed that it plays like traditional MonHun and MonHun never had any of the bullshit "cinematic experience" usually entails.
Quick question, not trying to bait here or anything but why do you WANT this game to bad? Any particular reason?
What the fuck are you talking about? There is no way in hell the Switch is up to par for what MHW is doing.
Did you forget that it's a portable gaming console?
Usually I'm not inclined to think console wars are primary motivators but it's pretty fucking clear this time. There is nothing like enough evidence in the trailer for all the shit NINTENDO FANS are throwing at it. For fuck's sake, man.
>moved to PS4
and PC, I don't need to migrate anywhere
This is what you get when you don't' wait at least a year to buy a new console.
So who is this exactly? Capcom owns MH, does this western guy even have any say to what he's claiming? If what he says is true a "MH for western audience" you can see it being loaded with scripted scenes, deep, unnecessary story elements and it's gonna be dumbed down for casual players
I'm still gonna buy it for PS4, but I'll definitely be buying the Switch version of XX too
I don't care where the franchise goes, I just want a localized XX on the switch before it does. Seeing as it could potentially be the last good monster hunter in the west
The best selling console Monster Hunter was Tri on the Wii. It sold less than 2 million. The PS4 is not even close to the Wii and the Xbone might as well not exist.
Capcom is going to regret this, and then it will be too late when their shareholders are calling for blood.
>if you don't like this game it's only because of Nintendo! Noone is allowed to disagree with me!!!!
>playing this casualized cuck version of Monster Hunter
>non handheld MH
No localization did you not read, or are you just a moonroon fag.
Not really, I just bought a 3DS.
Cry more though, the tears of casuals sustain MH team.
it may look pretty bad in the short term but i think in the end that switch will come out on top when world turns out to be an inferior MH game, XX will be localized on switch, and eventually there will be MH5 exclusively on switch. its gonna be a while though
To bad no English release for you, have fun with your moonspeak.
I don't care what the game is on, I just don't want casual mh games to be mainline.
>MH has just become console war fodder, heralded as the next coming of jesus by people who have never given a single shit about it before yesterday
This is the worst timeline.
Accuse me of sour grapes all you like but from what they showed at the sony conference this looks pretty bad.
Watching a guy follow a green light from place to place, no cooking music, boring dinosaur designs, grappling hook gimmick, no ui.
Theyre going for the super serious cinematic approach for this game that westerners eat up, expect only the plainest monsters, no elemental monsters or weapons, more emphasis on mounting and other kinds of qtes and of course a story centred around a black woman sidekick with an afro
>implying I want to play as a bad ass warrior hunting enormous monsters on a 3 inch screen.
Maybe you think being a grown man playing games in public is okay, but it isn't.
that's not what it says, it just says they aren't announcing it yet
Why did my favorite franchise have to get infested by sony roaches and nintenbabies
>we want the meme souls audience
Resident Evil 7, a series far more popular than Monster Hunter, barely broke 2 million sales state side across Xbone, PS4, and PC.
This game is as good as dead.
>Quick question, not trying to bait here or anything but why do you WANT this game to bad? Any particular reason?
nice projection mate, I have a ps4 and will only buy a switch until pokemon comes out.
I'm just stating the fact: pandering to the west makes shitty games.
I think the law where a japanese game made for western doesn't work at all despite that intention was confirmed and proved during ps3 age, what did they drink seriously
Just make your game as you just want, moron regardless of what westcuck is saying, no matter what westcuck want in their tiny ass
Why add stealth? i dont get it. The game has always been about going face first against the monsters
So you've played it?
>bullshit "cinematic experience"
Unfortunately it shows that very same stuff in the reveal trailer
>Makes game for platforms that have many dozen x more players than the switch
>why is Capcom so stupid?
I'd like to see the shareholder that can get past my Knight's Spear+ as I grapple my way to the other side of the room and use Hunter's Shout to slow down time and execute a full 90 hit combo on my hapless victims
>no announcements currently
it's coming
Capcom's best team is on World right now tho. AND its being worked on in Japan. "Western audience's" probably just means they're coming out on the "power" consoles and it has some pretty graphics or whatever.
Sleep bombing
Hey, one of them has Joker as his twitter avi. It's unfair to lump him with the switch fags.
This is bowgunning in MH now. Pay your respects.
Underrated post.
You made me smile, user.
you also forget we're on Sup Forums, a typhoon of shitposting, ironic shitposting, false flagging, and arguably the youngest userbase on the site. we won't be able to properly discuss this game in any capacity for a while.
>tfw PC+Nintendo
>tfw never cared about this series
What is it about this series that makes consolewar shitposters hail it as the second coming of Christ?
>watering down the game to inferior western audiences and sjew'ing the shit out of it
No thanks
Why do Westerners love stealth so much? It's such a shitty and boring mechanic. It would only make sense in a Monster Hunter game if you could only take 1-3 hits, but you have a life meter and armour that allows you to just barrel through the mooks of MH and even some low level hunt
MH has always had stealth. Just wasn't central. But if they're going for seamless zones then you need a way to temporarily escape, since zone-switching is no longer possible.
Odds are when the game bombs they'll have a sudden, planned all along announcement of XX's localization.
>hunters can't stalk their prey
This shit should have been in the series from the start
RE 7 got shit tanked because of REALLY good black marketing and capcom being retarded with marketing their own product.
They only had to tap into that mindless action movie thing that the re movies did.
Do you seriously think this shit will sell in the West? It'll be lukewarm at best, see: bloodborne, if its not fifa shit doesn't sell.