Why wasn't Tsubasa's game 2 at E3?
Why wasn't Tsubasa's game 2 at E3?
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Because the first one sold like shit.
But even IF we ignore that and assume some one at Nintendo decided they wanted to pay for another one anyway, it likely would not have been far enough along in development to make it worth showing, because unlike Prime 4, it wouldn't be big enough to generate hype on a "We're making this" alone.
But mostly because it sold like shit.
Which is a shame because I actually really liked it
>people are willing to overlook the Rabbids shit in Mario x Rabbids for the gameplay
>people wouldn't overlook the idol stuff in #FE for the gameplay
Kind of pisses me off.
Atlus seems to already be doing a lot right now for Nintendo so they probably don't want to have yet another thing for them to work on.
Blowing all their games year one isn't really a good idea.
We're getting Fire Emblem Warriors this year, FE Switch next year, and then maybe some time after that we could get a Switch port or sequel for #FE, and if they release it at a time where there's not something like Mario or Zelda in the same time frame and actually give it proper promotion maybe it'll actually sell well.
because the first one was poorly recieved.
>people wouldn't overlook the idol stuff in #FE for the gameplay
because it was also pushed as a SMT x FE crossover and something like that is hard to look over
It's basically Atlus's take on KH using FE.
Really curious to see what the SJ/DeSu team is working on.
>It's basically Atlus's take on KH using FE.
and failing horribly
>Really curious to see what the SJ/DeSu team is working on
Deep Strange Journey
It wasn't poorly received. It reviewed well, some places even better than P5. Given the scale of and defeated attitude of the Wii U audience at that point, they wouldn't have expected to have made much anyway. Avex and the cast is still interested in making more.
>It reviewed well, some places even better than P5
>Avex and the cast is still interested in making more.
post the proof, if you have it.
Is that really the SJ team? Does it really take that many resources to slap some new art and call it a day? Fucking hell. I'd be bored out of my mind working on a project like that.