Now you, Sup Forums. Show me your identification papers. Please

Now you, Sup Forums. Show me your identification papers. Please.

Cops do this all the time when I get pulled over. Fucking pigs!

> No Todd Howard edit

>nazi germany conquers america
>slurpees are still invented
Kinda trivializes the whole war.


It was a milkshake senpai

Gladly. I'm a natural born citizen of this great country and I support a peaceful ethno-state, free of incompatible cultures and fifth columnists. I support other countries' rights to do the same, in the endeavour for the preservation of their own cultures.



Certainly sir. As you can see I am a proud, loyal aryan. Thank you for your service keeping us safe.

yes of course

>unsheaths gender neutral katana
Nothin' personal xir-racist kin...


>the live action short movie better have georgi


Sorry, I left them in my other pair of go fuck yourselves. Goose stepping shit head

Why the hostility, sir? We're here for your protection.

>Nazis win
>America becomes a fucking utopia


Sorry Jorji got need a workers pass today

>Show me your identification papers. Please.
Really makes you think.

Not so fast Nazi


>Richard Spencer

Nazis don't exist anymore.
i) Declaration of someone as a "Nazi" is ad hoc and at the discretion of the person making the claim
ii) Once the claim has been made, the person grants themselves permission to inflict violence on the accused

Wow, what could possibly go wrong? This is the *exact* same logic that leads to gay-bashings.

>you're abhorrent
>now I get to inflict violence upon you

To be fair, such a retarded fucking logic is completely consistent with Left-wing ideology historically.

How many scoops of ice cream is in his milkshake?

I'll show you my papers when you show me a real flavor.
Strawberry? Really? Are you 8 years old?

Yes, just like that socialist Hitler :^)

You seem to think I supported Hitler in my post.

>>Nazis don't exist anymore.
I beg to differ famalam


>exists anymore

Even if he fled to South America, how old do you think he'd be right now?

Reminder that there is no such thing as peaceful ethnic clensing.

I know what you mean.

When political groups fail whats left of it is just retarded people clinging on to a dead movement.
>see Hillary/Bernie supporters wearing pink vagina hats and anitfa fags.

No different than skinhead retards that think they know what a Nazi is/was.

>Nazis don't exist anymore.

one is the US president

The point is that there are those that still believe what they believed in, and want to carry on their work. Such as myself, and plenty of other nazis.

We should be that lucky

everyone seeing this?
You guys see this retard right here?

Can't wait for the day to see Sessler join Antifa

even if the germans won ww2, why would they conquer the US? maybe installing apuppet goverment, but not annexing them

>Nazis don't exist anymore.
Look up Golden Dawn.

>The point is that there are those that still believe what they believed in, and want to carry on their work. Such as myself, and plenty of other nazis.

Neo-Nazi is the correct term then.

By making retarded claims like that you're only nullifying the impact of the Nazis actions.

Trump == Nazis
Trump == Goofy and inept
Therefore Nazis == Goofy and inept

>gee, Nazis don't sound so bad if they're literally Trump

Nice going, dickhead.

Golden Dawn are a political party. Nazis were a political party. It's literally an abbreviation of National Socialist Workers Party of Germany. Nazis == card-carrying members of that party. Golden Dawn are not the same political party.

>Anything pro nationalist is nazi

This is the state of the modern lefts mind

>Neo-Nazi is the correct term then.

If you don't call them neo-commies, why would you call them neo-nazis?

The difference in parties means very little. The ideology is largely static.

Because communism is not the name of a political PARTY. It's a political IDEOLOGY, which still exists.

I just think its silly that you shifted the role of dehumanizing and inflicting violence on others to the left's court when historically that's the right's shtick.

literally hitler, better get your daily dose of dr. leibovitz perscribed fluoride pills and healthy session of interracial cuck porn

I think you'll need to define what you think Right-wing is. It's an economical term relating to deregulation and private ownership.

China, USSR, North Korea, North Vietnam... These were all violent Left-wing political systems that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.

>cock strength
i wouldn't want to take the chance

But if they keep the exact same ideology as the nazis, who were defined in Germany by their ideology, wouldn't that make them nazis in their own right?

so the right's never done anything wrong ?

Not by definition. It would make them Nazi-inspired or Neo-Nazis.

No. Don't try and reductio ad absurdum me.

No, because then you'd be able to compare us to them, making us an easy target for defamation.

>funding militant groups who were at the time fighting the USSR who were currently invading Afghanistan and causing millions of deaths
Were you trying to make a point here

Wew you're right, nothing happened under all of those 20th century communist regimes, they were pacifistic utopias until the nasty right-wingers came and messed things up. :^)

correct; but your argument is not that the left is dangerous because it kills dissenters, your argument is that they target undesirable social groups and eradicate them. Two very different objectives.

Define "right". Regimes that were pro market and pro capitalism? Yeah, there was couple like Pinochet and Lee Kuan Yew and that's about it. On the other hand pretty much any socialist country was turned into one big GULAG.

This. Economically "right-wing" is fine and completely legitimate. What all shitty nations have in common are authoritarianism, which should be avoided at all costs.

>comparing to nazis

Pick one and only one.

wtf cops are literally nazis

Hier wieder, sir


You are looking at it ass backwards. They aren't shitty because of authoritarianism. They are shitty because they can only be held together by authoritarianism. They all have shitty, incompetent bureaucracies.

>Post a picture of the Bosnian genocide that was the direct result of the soviet union collapsing and fascist groups taking over the balkans.
>Get this response
Help me out here.

Is he still making videos with his shemale girlfriends?

why are these wolfenstein threads Sup Forums lite? its 2017 cant we all agree nazi were evil scumfucks who just wanted to kill all the jews because they are a creed of parasitic vermin who feed of other just look at the fascist terror apartheid state which is israel?

This guy looks pretty nice


Just drinking a milkshake and keeping the peace. God bless America.

why the fuck don't he ever carry papers?

Nah. Rev3 caved in to 2013 tier trolling.
Cat memes/rage faces and shit.

I thought the Nazis got rid of degenerates but here you come in ordering a fucking strawberry milkshake.

When you put it like that they don't so bad.

I don't think you understand. Sessler is quite a big name in the porn industry.

Will you sign my petition Sup Forums?

What the fuck was wrong with this trailer. Why was it the most disjointed fucking mess in existence?

Felt like the trailer edited was on real acid.

[strange alien sounds]

It was trying to go all "Here, son! Grab a rifle and kill some Nazis! It's what all true, red-blooded Americans would do!"

But at the same time, it was trying to go all "Stop oppressing the proletariat, white boiii! Back here at home, YOU WERE THE NAZIS!"

Pretty much impossible to do both at once.

Makes you wonder; before, he was completely doped out on crack and dying. Now, he's getting back into shape, but he's Antifa now. Do you think he can break free from that as well, or was he better off dying in a back alley doped out of his mind in a puddle of vomit, urine, and human feces?

is this real? not sure if it worth it to do tranny porn to finance your coke addiction

M-May I go now??

I'm sorry

they didnt really give you a reason to fight the nazis or to why you were so pissed off only MUH KIDS AINT GROWING UP IN NO NAZI PLACE even tho it looked like people were living just fine

Why were the KKK even in this?
Why the acid trip?
What's with he memeshake? This isn't Invader Zim.
God dammit please please please don't shoehorn and hamfist a political message in Wolfenstein.

It wasn't just that. The trailer had no flow. It would abruptly cut to a different scene with a different tone and was just confusing as fuck.

I was also under the impression that BJ died at the end of the first game, so having him show up all good and shit confused me even more.

you sound like a nazi, i should report you to your local antifa wiiteboa

People like you - miserable, "anxious" people who wear their mental illnesses like badges for the sake of pity - are boring and irrelevant

>Now you, Bethesda. Show me your conference. Please.

I'll show you a white boa

>mfw americana was an illusion


>tfw I'll just show him my 23andMe and he will drop to his knees in awe of my Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype

Grovel, you 1% sub-saharan untermensch.

tonight you will not gettii the spaghetti

Here you are, Gruppenfuhrer.

>TFW .25% Yakut
>TFW .25% Mongol

I might as well buy a horse desu

I just want to play vidyagames. I guess my demand has no supply.







Not made by me


Get the fuck out

why do they all live in one house? isnt that degenerate?

Like 80 million more people died under left wing totalitarian shitfests than right wing ones. You clearly don't know history if you think the guilt is anywhere near balanced.

You could always find a nice Finnish waifu to settle down with.

show me the receipt for the skyrim copy bucko