It begins

It begins.

Other urls found in this thread:

we've had this thread twice now stop trying to push a shitty meme

Stop posting this .

t. SJW snowflakes triggered by Mario

>Culture is now an offensive stereotype
Pretty soon showing an american wearing red white and blue will be offensive to americans because you are stereotyping them.

how do you know it's Sup Forums?



>say something stupid
>get told

why is every single libtard like this?

why do liberals support segregation now?

Funny, mexicans are all happy with this

"The SJW cries in pain as it strikes you"

Honestly Mexican skelingtons is getting old


>That skull

Pobably fake

There is nothing to be offended about

This is gonna be an epic thread.

>implying there's anything wrong with segregation

Liberals only support it when it's against whites.



>Pobably fake

Nice lie, shitlib. Your kind and your shit tier ideology relies on LIES.


It's funny because Japanese people actually love Samba music. If anything this is totally genuine.

Nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me.

Please stop trying to make this a thing. Nobody cares if one (1) fucking person is complaining on the internet.

It isn't a "stereotype". Sombreros are a part of Mexican fucking culture. It's like saying that showing a Japanese person in a kimono is a stereotype.

I've seen like one latino person that has this opinion
Most people are fine with celebrating culture

Since when is a social media post a video game?

What is wrong with sombreros?

>This post gets deleted
>Shit Sup Forums thread stays
What the fuck

Why dont you go fulck youselfa, You fucking bitcha

>"i-i-it's only one person!"

t. butthurt SJW with GRIDS