User makes a thread asking who won E3

>user makes a thread asking who won E3
>someone gets salty at the results and makes a new one with captcha
>results are literally the exact same
I shouldn't find this as satisfying as I do

Really though, who won E3?

Other urls found in this thread:

These are the polls in question just in case anyone was curious

>74%, 14%, 12% in both polls

This can't be happening, we need a third poll to decide for sure.
Sony didn't announce anything but I refuse to allow Nintendo to win by such a massive amount. I refuse to allow Microshits to be ahead as well.

This is a fucking insult.

Why did Nintendo win? It was the shortest event and Xbone had way more games to show.
I'm a Switch/PS4/PC idort but I am not underage or retarded ( Sup Forums in a nutshell) so I can think critically.

So Sup Forums, Who REALLY REALLY REALLY won e3 2017?

Sup Forums is NintendoGAF

Retards actually thought Nintendo won last year

You forgot op also posted his shitty polls on mynintendonews

This is some trump tier autism

What? Nothing for Ubisoft, EA or Bethesda?

Was there really any doubt?

Showing more games =/= winning

Wow look at all those exclusives for the Xbox One (Let alone Xbox One X.)

>the absolute state of sonybros

>You forgot op also posted his shitty polls on mynintendonews

>Really though, who won E3?

no one everything sucked or was underwhelming
nothing even gave me a half chub


>You forgot op also posted his shitty polls on mynintendonews
>This is some trump tier autism
How do you explain the second poll made by the butthurt user?

idort here, ps4/switch/3ds/pc
imo switch games were more interesting, besides having less games


no one won, Nintendo was just the least trash

they win every year

How about I fart in your mouth, do I win?

u mad bro

>Retards actually thought Nintendo won last year
They did, Pokemon and Zelda here hype as fuck, and we got our first look at Mario

Sup Forums is Nintendo central, so even if they had 0 conference at all they'd still win.

As a Sony fan I was disappointed in their presentation. I'm kind of upset at how Sony pretends it's not a Japanese company. Years of Persona 5 development and they never featured it on stage. They did mention it this year, after it had sold successfully. Fuckers.

After seeing all 3 conferences, I thought Microsoft won and Nintendo was shit. But Nintendo actually announced more substantial games throughout the day and I think they won in the end. But I dunno what the fuck they were thinking announcing Rocket League car hats instead of actual games.

There's always next year. Just take the L for this one and move along.

everyone else: movies
nintendo: games

>But I dunno what the fuck they were thinking announcing Rocket League car hats instead of actual games.
Because people kept bitching about the lack of third party games? Not to mention the whole cross network play, which means Nintendo can into online now.

The biggest /thread I've ever given.

They literally only needed Zelda last year

>Microsoft won
>when they had 0 gameplay and 100% pre-rendered and/or fully scripted trailers and cutscenes, and wasted most of their presentation time with boring talking about nothing

>instead of actual games
But they did?

>why did Nintendo win
They have the best games coming soon (Splatoon, Mario Odyssey), the best games announced for later (Metroid, Pokemon) and a way better format in general (quickly announce everything and then have long demonstrations of the games afterward). Sony didn't announce much and Microsoft might as well quit the business at this point.

>instead of actual games
>cherrypicking this hard to where you have to throw out 98% of the rest of the presentation
It's ok user, we get it, you're an xbot and/or sonybro, now gtfo.

The Rocket League thing left a big impression on that user for some reason. So much so, the rest of the direct was wiped from his memory.

>It was the shortest event
And yet the same amount of actual content was shown, they just got through it without resorting to interviewing sports figures and hollywood actors for 2 hours.

Sup Forums will always say Nintendo won, for whatever reason.

Sup Forums also says Sony won
they also say Microsoft won

Why do people pretend to be new after every E3?

>tfw Nintendo has as much gameplay shown today as the total time of everyone elses entire conferences added together

Last year they showed literally 8 hours of their biggest game since Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

It's because we want to play video games. If you go to a community who is looking for movies they will say Sony won.

Yeah, nah. Most threads are either completely shitting on Microsoft and Sony regardless of how well either of them did, while simultaneously thanking Nintendo for simply existing.

And what about MS?

Personally for me Monster hunter makes me happy as fuck since the last time I played it was on psp.

>sony behind microsoft
what a time to be alive

I liked both Microsoft and NIntendo I just wish that Microsoft announced Halo 6, Halo1-4 for BC, and a Xbox One X enhanced Halo 5, and maybe Banjo Threeie.

>And what about MS

This year proved that having the most powerful console doesn't win you jack shit. I personally expected Sup Forums to go crazy over the XboneX. I switched tabs over to find absolutely no love for it after the years of console muscle flexing and threads resembling Digital Foundry comments sections.

Except Monster Hunter World is completely different from the actual MonHun formula, and the actual Monster Hunter games are on and going to be on 3DS and Switch.

Obvious bots are fucking obvious. Devolver won. End of discussion. These numbers prove it.

Check this multiple of Three!

>And what about MS?
They should have announced Halo 6, put Halo 1-4 on BC, enhanced Halo 5 and announced Banjo Threeie.

>I personally expected Sup Forums to go crazy over the XboneX.

Most fanboys on here are set in their ways. Sonyfags only cared that the PS4 was powerful because it was from Sony.

And Nintendofags don't give a shit about how powerful the console is.

Plus there's no Xbone fans here. They all left years ago.

It was the shortest, but it was jam packed with exclusive games. It didn't drone on about hardware or fling out Exclusiveâ„¢**** games like Microsoft did.

stop trying to ruin my day by shitposting user. I'm happy right now

Microsoft and Sony were just showing games that are better on PC. I don't own any of three consoles and likely never will.

>it keeps happening
Nintentoddlers BTFO.

Don't listen to him. Enjoy your game.
While I enjoy it on PC

>literally nothing
They won but that's not saying much

>Except Monster Hunter World is completely different from the actual MonHun formula
I thought so too and was pretty disappointed because it could have been cool, but this dude did a pretty good analysis video and I went from upset that the game was casual shit to hesitantly hyped

>tfw everyone but sony won


this desu
Nintendo got a ton of shit, and PC/Xbox got a ton of pretty good stuff, including shit at sony's show (MH).
The real winner here is idorts.

>Almost every single one of their main IPs got a new non-spinoff installment announced

Sony got a new Monster Hunter that MIGHT be good
Wait, no it's multiplat.

It was actually the longest event considering treehouse counts too and they announced 2 great new games there as well


Feels good, feels even better to be both a Halo and Metroid fan.

Then leave. I don't know why you fags stay here if it's truly a Nintendo board. You're like Jews trying to force yourself on western society. Go back, go fucking back. You can't covertly change this place.

>It was the shortest event
The Treehouse stream was 8 hours.
Live extended gameplay footage. With developer commentary. Including new announcements.

only thing that's bullcrap is Sony being that close to second.

I have a ps4 and no xbone. that said:

xbox>>>>>Sony press conference

They were both pretty meh and full of multiplats, but Xbox had more interesting exclusives

The treehouse format is simply the best coverage vs the main stage shows filled with cringe. The prerecorded video segment just does what the stage shows do with less filler (but certainly some cringe, and Japanese cringe at that), but it's the treehouse, relaxed, casual, focused and in detail that really works out for Nintendo, on top of having tournaments of their games. What BETTER way to show off how a game plays than to have a tournament of people playing it?

The change in formats has paid off since 2014 when the first Smash tournament happened. 2013 was the last year Nintendo decidedly and utterly lost E3, doing a live stage show featuring Nintendoland.

Ever since they've focused more on the treehouse and provided tournaments to show off gameplay, it's made their presentation better and they've at least done decently, never dead last.

Not to mention, with the exception of like rocket league or skyrim you know the obvious ports, and sports games, pretty much everything in the nintendo directs are EXCLUSIVE. Microsoft has NO exclusives, everything shown for Xbox One is also available for PC. It's hard to get excited for microsoft's xbox division when they seemingly purposefully give you reasons NOT to buy their hardware.

The only real competition for Nintendo at this point when it comes to E3, is Sony, and Sony throws too many "cinematic experiences" disguised as "video games" which detracts from their presentation.

Now mind you, Insomniac's Spiderman looks fucking great. It looks like a real video game and a lot of fun to play, God of War looks okay too, then some non exclusives like Cawadooty and Destiny 2, at least those are arguably video games.

But Uncharted, Days Gone, Detroit Become Human, those aren't video games.

Then a slew of VR games many of them being ports of games that already exist like Skyrim VR
>falling for the VR meme
It's just a retread of the 3D meme


exclusives are an anti-consumer meme, that Sup Forums all of a sudden decided was a good thing. I'm on pc and the fact that Microsoft is pushing for most of their games to be on both pc and Xbox is a godsend to me.

Also, dat backwards capability...I loved me some original xbox. I might get a Xbox one when it's super cheap.

Microsoft won.
But Sup Forums would never admit this in a million years since this board is like 80% Nintendo fags.

>exclusives are an anti-consumer meme, that Sup Forums all of a sudden decided was a good thing.
>all of the sudden
Exclusives have literally always been the main selling point for consoles. The thing is, exclusives are usually first party titles made by or entirely funded by the company that released the console. These days Sony or Microsoft just toss money at devs not to release them on other consoles which is a little scummier. Nintendo still does it the right way though and either makes their own games or hires devs to make games for them

Well... I don't understand why since the switch is poorly made and has no games on it until mario odyssey comes out... But whatever.
I guess just showing another mario game is all it takes to impress people these days.

>microsoft won with giving you 0 reason to buy their 3 consoles over a gaming PC.

>I only care about Nintendo franchises and they were the only one to show Nintendo franchises!!!
Nintendo fans have reached cult status

IRL, Microsoft.

On Sup Forums. Nintendo (Nothing wrong with that because I'm a Nintendo fan too.)


Nintendo wins by default; it had the fewest blacks.

Time to go home

build a 500$ peecee that can do 4k

protip u cant.

im a peecee gaymer btw

even my outdated build would come out over 500$ and its got a godddamn 380x and fx-8350

Bethesda and Ubisoft's conferences were better than Microsonytendo's.

They win every single year user. Zelda last year, a 5 second snippet of Metroid this year

Ubisoft was total shit.


Nintendogaf will stoop to any low to declare themselves le vicotrs of E3

The only good part about Ubi conference was a Nintendo game, everything else looks like their 10 years old rehashed shit.

No, streamlined service was the point of consoles. Anyone over the age of 25 would know this.

The point of consoles is pre packaged entertainment with some 1st party exclusives along the way as a bonus for picking that console.

Majority of 3rd parties going exclusive is a joke, and is bad for consumers and always has been

>mfw when my favorite company is finally exposed as nothing but crooks and scam artists

I just like my games to focus on being fun, I don't really care how cool a game looks if it doesn't look fun to play.
I'm hyped for Crackdown 3, Yakuza 0 and things like that, but most of the time its just a cinematic open world post apocalyptic zombie game or some shit

Just like last year, they were are shit but Nintendo had one good game while the rest had none so they "win".

>No, streamlined service was the point of consoles. Anyone over the age of 25 would know this.
Yeah, because exclusive games had absolutely no bearing in whether or not you got a Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis right?

Another Sonybro made a new one giving new options in hopes of making people vote for them instead of Nintendo, they put a captcha on it too and Nintendo still won. Comedy gold

and that Xbox won't be able to play PC exclusives, which if you enjoy MMO's, Strategy/RTS, or MOBA, you'll miss out on those. Not to mention WRPG's and FPS simply play better with mouse and keyboard, and PC will get some Jap games (and be able to use them with an Xbox one controller instead of the shitty dual shock) that Xbox won't get.

PC gets you about 80% of the worthwhile games each generation, while a nintendo platform will get you another 10% and Sony the last 10% roughly.

Xbox won't add shit to that. There's not a reason to own an Xbox as an Idort even.


Damn this thread is a salt mine!

>Nintendo wins E3 in 25 minutes

Sony and Microsoft should be taking notes

Why did Sony even bother to show up?

Did everyone else notice how quickly Layton ran off the stage after that awful E3 conference?

>show games
>the competition shows no games, only movies
>its a competition on games