Why are weeb games always so fucking slow?

Why are weeb games always so fucking slow?

I've been playing this bastard for like 6 hours and they're still doing tutorial shit. This is worse than final fabtasy, and with even more dialogue.

Jesus christ just get to it already instead of repeating the same angsty bullshit three different way.

Mate, didn't you read the loading screen?
It says: "Take your time".
The same goes for the game itself.

>why is there so much dialogue in my rgp/visual novel mash up?!
fuck off

6 hours of an 80 hour game

set it to hard and get to april 18, should take like 9 hours

Getting flashbacks of FFX. My favorite FF after VII, but damn, I found the entire section of the game before the Mi'hen Highroad agonizingly slow. Stick with it, OP. It's part of the JRPG charm.

>Hey guys, I have a short attention span

>6 hour tutorial for a 90 hour game
sounds about right. The game is trying to immerse you as well, if it just hoped right into the action you would miss the point of the Persona series

Why are American kids always so ADHD now?

I've been lurking this site for 12 years now, and people are becoming more and more annoying each year. It's worse than Gamefags.

Jesus christ just get chill pills already instead of shitposting the same angsty bullshit three different way.

Persona 5 isn't slow because it's a week game, it's slow because the shitty writers need to pad out an 8 hour story into an 80 hour game. It opens up a little after the initial mission, but you still have to waste hours of your time doing monotonous and boring activities and conversations before actual things happen again.

Only issue I had with p5 was the month of October, nothing happens at all and it played like a VN.

Yeah, this game in specific has a painfully slow start. Persona 3 threw you right into things right after letting explaining school and time pretty much, Persona 4 seemed like forever before you actually got to gameplay but compare that to Persona 5 it feels quick. Persona 5 sprinkles some gameplay in but it's not til the end of the first 10 hours that you really have freedom to spend time how you want.

More like why is there so much movie in my god damn game.

If only the store hadn't been out of Yakuza 0 I wouldn't be stuck with this snooze fest.

>angry over a 6 hour tutorial in a 100+ hour game

C'mon senpai...

then play a real shin megoomi tensay game

weebs live a life of lethargy and do not have good reactions or skill at games. the only thing they are willing to put energy into is fapping to a waifu

I think pic related is more your speed OP.


I am unfamiliar with this meme

To be fair it does feel like a final fantasy but one that takes place in a high school.

I think it's about how dumbed down of an rpg mystic quest is because it was targeted to the west.

Mystic Quest is a Final Fantasy game made for Western audiences. It's incredibly easy and causal. The reason being? Squaresoft believed FF wasn't taking off because Americans were too dumb.

Because Japanese people have an average attention span of more than 2.5 seconds you fidget spinner spinning faggot. Choke on a dick.

It's not about that it's about that story being boring as all fuck and the characters all being dumb and the dialogue choices being cringe as fuck and sometimes completely redundant and the fight system being boring

Anyone have that image of the Jap girl posing in front of a TV screen that is running Persona 5?

Because persona has to spend time setting up the scenario for the waifu sim. Play a real smt game faggot